Undoing damage from subliminals

Friends… ive over done it on some subliminals by a well known sub maker who is allegedly a doctor in training.
My mind feels very stressed and buzzing away at the crown… my brain, when it needs to be logical is almost instantly scrambled…
Im really concerned… is there anything i can do with these fields or otherwise? Im afraid ive caused permanent damage… i cant go into work as im an engineer and my brain cant handle anything of the sort. Im seriously concerned.

I believe your subconscious mind has gotten overloaded by affirmations

these three will help you

You can also try

brain regeneration

and nerve growth factor after them


Oh thankyou so much

So you think ive over done it basically? As opposed.to caused oermanent damage?

Thankyou friend x

Update…i used angelic intercession + and it kicked the damage into touch

Absolutely unbelievable


Also don’t forget the: