Unexpected Gifts

When this field was first released, of course I tried. I tried it every day for several days
But, I had detox symptoms
You may wonder what detox symptoms I got…
Well, I think I was really afraid, had sort of guilty feeling about receiving gifts
So I discontinued this field

After about a year of break, I started using this again.
This time, I had a bit of detox symptoms, but I am doing better than before, and I am so excited with receiving gifts in my life.
And what I wanted to tell you all here is that I have noticed that our life itself is such an amazing gift. Me being here alive is a gift from the universe.

May everyone enjoy your own gift in your life!
Wishing you guys all the best


Stay blessed and stay free, your words are a gift to us all.


And here it is
The order was the number 222, and I signed the discharge of the pack at 2.22 Italian timezone, and in the day number 22.

Ain’t it funny? :heart_eyes:


It’s awesome! :slight_smile:


This one to loop conceptual conglomerate while playing Zelda will be so good🥰

Thank You


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I Got 120€ worth of wines for free yaaay

A neighbour was moving out and he didn’t wanted to take them with him to not occupy space jn the Van

Well, thank you mate!


Legend has it that if you listen to this consistently enough, the field adds the command “expect gifts” into your template.


With alcohol you always pay with your health though… :thinking:


Well, it is not that i am drinking 6 bottles a day, i’m not Gerard Depardieu :rofl:

Moderation is a quality


I’m of the opinion that alcohol is very useful and can be very powerful for personal growth if used consciously with proper intent and charging.

It’s a very distilled and refined aspect of vegetable consciousness that can be used constructively.

The destructive aspect comes with the abuse and purposeless use of it.

Exclusively used to induce alerted states of mind for specific purposes and rituals, it is amazing, and not so harmful as to induce anything beyond an astrally hormetic effect.

But who am I kidding? 99.99% of people don’t use it that way. Not for “kids”.

I guess having a toast to something productive, or to Dionysus, or any Patron God who favors drink asking for blessings can still be better than drinking just to get wasted.

Things are only as harmful as the practitioner is willing to make them, every act is a magical one, nothing is 100% harmful… a balance of good and bad is always present. Even something as the elephant’s foot exercises a positive effect on the collective consciousness of mankind.

The key is to always try to look for ways by which something can be used constructively. You should always have a say on that. Your power, is :infinity: .


I misread and thought you wrote “consitently” instead of “consiously” hahaha I was like, woah, gotta have a sip of wine every day :laughing:

Would be nice if we could use the power of chocolate for personal growth - consistently hehe

But back to the main topic, this audio even works on command for me. It’s one of the fields I use when people are sceptical. I tell them, let’s listen to this and manifest an unexpected gift today.
Did that various times and got a huge unexpected gift the same day and my friend’s minds were blown!


:chocolate_bar: → Serotonin → Feel :relaxed: → Manifest Positive Stuff

(as above mentioned by Alkul, this process for most people only works when done consciously)


I got so many small things using this field. This one works pretty fast too, it’s one of my faves


These things will be more Ayurvedic than anything. You can easily study them, I won’t rob of that opportunity.

why do I deserve this generosity


Regarding a delivery problem for an item ordered on the site (early last December), I received 2 great audios fields as gifts from the Sapiens Medicine team :star_struck::heartbeat:.

Thanks to the whole team :relieved::pray::orange_heart::sunny:


Got a good bottle of Brandy de Jerez


Ah i loveee that

Is it Tio Pepe?

Now i want

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Nope, it’s Fundador.

Haven’t tried Tio Pepe yet, my favourite it’s the Cardinal Mendoza

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