Unexpected Gifts

Alright, this, I have to mention.

I enjoy the song so I kept it on a loop for quite some time while reading a book not thinking much of it. After I was done and have meditated on the book’s contents, I invoked a transcendent entity that I have been enjoying the guidance of for quite some time having made initial contact with it under divine intuitive guidance about 3 years ago.

Long story short, it gifted it me something… “potent”. This, has never happened before, neither with this entity, nor another.

Is it the field? A chance happening? I cannot say. Interpret it as you will. If it did play a role however, well, that would be quite something… quite something indeed :smiling_imp:


It gifted = gift

Has never happened before = unexpected


Yes, but, I suppose that’s the beauty of it all isn’t it? You can never tell for sure, which is what keeps it entertaining and fun.

A lull with no results, and the field is stated not to work… sudden extremely overwhelming results, and it’s hard to decisively determine the cause. Lady Balance is such a tease.

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Saw this late but… sounds like a gift to me. I’d recommend waiting a few months and then selling it. It’s an unexpected gift indeed but it’s all yours friend. In my opinion of course.


@SammyG Please see PM regarding an issue in ES Marketplace. Thank you.

I really REALLY wouldn’t ask for this, but I got catering paid for next few months :stuck_out_tongue:
I was kinda relucutant to accept this but meh gotta take responsibility for the fields I listent too am I right?
But for serious, how am I supposed to pay back to someone, who pays back again every time I pay back? :D :D It feels like very positive karmic loop of benefting each other, but Im afraid that desire to pay back will tie me to earthly realm again


care to split or share lol but wait what’s on the menu??!!


I was doing keto diet past months and I told closest relatives about that. They helped me in the past so I helped them later as much as I could and yesterday I was told Im getting keto catering free paid upfront lol. I was trying to oppose that but they were like “let us show our love to you somehow mleirbag, you also helped us.” me helping them was just me trying to pay them back for previous help lol but ok I accept their gift and I will overcome myself to pay them back even more which will result in them paying back again probably
gratitude loop
man I suffered quite a lot but Im so happy that such wonderfull people got to be my relatives must be a good karma :grin:
perhaps I misundestood You lol but my initial response still stays :stuck_out_tongue: find someone with whom You can enter gratitude feedback loop and you will multiply happiness for the rest of Your live :grin::grin::grin:
another edit lol :stuck_out_tongue: Im not saying that because I think I did great in past life Im saying that because I dont know what I did to desreve such wonderful people


nice to hear man enjoy!


So, recently, our TV cable provider made some changes and added various channels, including both new ones and a few old ones, for us. It was quite unexpected to see so many old shows that I grew up watching available again. What a pleasant gift! :relaxed: This may seem like nothing, lol, but it meant a lot to me as I have been reminiscing about my childhood for a few weeks now. Watching old shows gave me a nice trip down memory lane.


I got two almond croissants gifted when I was in a Café. That made me sooo happy!!! The value for two croissants here in Sydney ist around 16$!


Is Unexpected Gifts available on Spotify and Patreon?

If not, @Dreamweaver could you please make it available on these platforms.
Thank you :orange_heart:

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Just listened to this on the way to the airport.
Got pulled out at security control with another guy. The guy had fresh organic mangoes with him. We cracker some jokes with the security control officer and suddenly I was gifted a mango :heart_eyes: it’s my favorite fruit! Feeling lucky today!!

Edit: I also listened to coincidence and synchronicity and the first person liking my comment was @Bali . And I’m flying to Bali :laughing:


Haha thats amazing!
Enjoy your trip :smiley:


I went to Panera today and got an extra piece of baguette! Which is pretty exciting because they usually mess up my orders and forget to give all of the sides that come with the order, so getting an extra side is kind of a big deal!
It also works well when I play my silly phone game that has a gacha element to it to get the good characters!


I’ve been really down the last few months and nothing that l really wanted to happen in my life was, l’ve been really losing hope for the millionth time in my life so far. That’s all l’ll say about that.

Last night before bed l played Unexpected Gifts, truly desiring something l really want to happen. Well today, l got an ‘‘unexpected’’ gift, something which l don’t know where my life is taking me’

I got a call today offering me a chance to move to a city 8 hours drive away [and it’s the city l went to university]. l told the lady l wasn’t sure and l need time to think, so she said she had a few others on her list to call today, and she’d call me again next week if the opportunity was still there. About 3 hours later, she called me back saying it’s mine if l want it. So now l only have a few days to decide.

One side l’m even more down cause this wasn’t what l wanted, but on the other hand, what if this will lead me to happiness? l don’t know


Sometimes what you like may not be suitable. Maybe you can try and see the hard-won opportunities. Of course, the choice is yours.

Maybe you can try different choices. Different choices will lead to different experiences.


Start playing the Guided Path while connecting to the Best Path mandala from Patreon.

Surrender and go with the flow



Maybe the “unexpected gift” is the realization of how quickly your prayer was answered. And if it can be that easy you can get more specific until you get the outcome you desire. :slight_smile:

Maybe that seems like it’s no longer “unexpected” but I still think that somehow it was the magic that happened that was the gift.


I got gifted a Nintendo Switch, now I’m not very much of a gamer but you know, not gonna sell it.

Another media station for looping fields​:partying_face::partying_face: