Unexpected Gifts

what site did you buy it from?

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What file format should I download MP3, ALAC, WAV?

always WAV :)

I donā€™t even know why I saw this thread yesterday and after seeing so many reviews I decided to loop 3X in the morning. When I come back in the afternoon my parents told me that our family businessā€™s biggest private creditor decided to work for us as company cooker (to cook for workers and sometimes my family). Several days ago our non grateful not so skillful mechanic who regressed into this state due to addicted to tiktok rage quit and so his wife the former cooker has left as well. After getting rid of this negative energy generator without having to pay severance and hurt our conscious (we never lay off anyone unless somebody serious breaks company rule) we try to find a new cooker but there is no prospect. The said creditor somehow heard about this news and volunteered to work for us despite the fact that she lives 1.5 hours driving away! Apparently she just wants to enjoy working and her area which specialize in dried jackfruit processing is in a deep recession due to Chinese economy slump, there is no fun working in workshops with nobody and she does not have good relationship with her children, so somehow she decided to move into her relativeā€™s house near my company and work here. We save 400~500USD per month on salaries and she is not interested in money so she let us purchase all the materials so we save additional money by controlling all related expenses. Plus she cooks super good~ (I had tasted her food on several occations before). The only thing is that we think she will move back to her area after jackfruit industry recovers later, but now my mom says we are all going to get fat. (Except me, I refuse, and I got my 20e pepper ready). Unexpected gifts in near future indeed! Oh and she starts working the day after tomorrow.


I feel that the energy in this audio stays in oneā€™s cells for weeks. Why do I say this? Prior to coming back from Bangladesh I listened to this audio maybe 1 time 2 weeks before coming back.

So on my way back I had a stopover to Doha, Qatar. So I was going to the Al Maha lounge, the people at the gate were like ā€œwe are full, please go to Al Mourjan Business Class Lounge.ā€

I was like ā€œwhat?? Even with an economy ticket I can get into business class?ā€

This happened almost 2 months ago. Not sure why I didnā€™t post this. This was the big one.

Small one which happened last night was when I was at work, I saw one of my coworkers buying like 2 packets of crackers and I was like ā€œoh I see that youā€™re buying one for meā€ (jokingly of course)

He ended up giving one of his packets :laughing::laughing:

If I keep up with this audio, who knows what the future holds for me


Is this on any of the Spotify albums or only Youtube?

You can also buy it on The Sound Weave Store


I found 170grams gold in a dirty old bag near my homeā€¦

@Dreamweaver @SammyG

Canā€™t able to sleep and eat now :sob:


And why the ā€œsobbing faceā€?

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Scared alotā€¦

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Well you got 11k USD with those 170gs


You worried someone gonna come looking for it? Sounds like the beginning of an action thriller story.


Did the ā€œold bagā€ have I.D. in it?


A leperchan is coming we all know what happens next

Nothing only gold

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I can correlate this emoji :moneybag::moneybag::moneybag:

Iā€™m ready to give as charity to anyone needed


But isnĀ“t that a great result for you? Would you accept it, if it would be a smaller amount?

Is it the anxiety of the owner coming looking for it?

Or is it the feeling of being underserving of such a value?

Accepting gifts is just as important as attracting them :slight_smile:

Not telling you what to do, just adding some thoughts.