Unexpected Gifts

Well that was quick. I just got the NFT I wanted most on very reasonable terms


Mini review: prices are skyrocketing, employment situation tricky. I needed train tickets for Christmas and it was looking like I would end up paying over 120€ (there + back). Today I found out there’s a special offer price available for my route. So… the cost of visiting my family is now about 50 euros instead of 120+ euros.


Thank you Captain!


:tada: :beers: great gift


It really is! There was a very real possibility of not being able to afford the tickets so this is amazing. Very grateful!


I used this before and found a job very quickly
Manifest amazing


I have a similar story I felt like playing this on loop today so I went ahead and did that

I was going to home goods to pick up some chocolate and cute little stuffs for Christmas stockings for the family and I found Le creuset baking dishes that were so discounted they were practically giving them away

I was so surprised because they usually don’t mark them down that much in home goods and furthermore, I don’t usually see baking dishes like that at all it’s like a dutch oven here or there and maybe those little cocotte things you put soup in

Anyway. That was really exciting for me especially now because I’m going to be making a lot of casserole/dip type things coming up

So many thanks for this field once again


Intrigued by your report, I went to see the website of this French company that I didn’t know, where the designer was a man who lived a few km from where I live. These are products of a certain level with not exactly affordable costs of the order of a few hundred euros, I am referring to those in cast iron; then this field has worked tremendously for you.
Did you listen to it on loop for how long, approximately?


I was receiving the last subsidy when my job was closed. Today, the customer service staff told me that there is a 2.0 subsidy plan, and I can still apply for the subsidy. :pray:


I didn’t see your post until now I’m sorry!

I listened to it at least 6 times. And yeah it was amazing!


Luck gets better as you use the captain’s realm over time

Recently it was Chinese New Year in Taiwan, playing dice with my family, I won $24.39 :game_die::moneybag:


Bought this and added to my abundance stack on Jan 29 and started listening 3x daily and till to date, I have won:

  1. NFTs through The New Nautilus game at the third attempt
  2. NFTs through Cards and Roses game at the second attempt
  3. A NFT from a kind member here (giveaway)

This is really a magical field, never underestimate the power of pixie dust!

Thanks DW! :smiley:


it’s not on Spotify and Apple

Energetic Alchemy On Apple

Energetic Alchemy On Spotify

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Don’t know about Spotify but not on Apple Music, buy it, $1.11 is insignificant by a large magnitude compared to the gifts it will bring you through out the life.

it’s not there. What’s the point of sending this? where is the track?

it’s not on Apple Music

That is what I mean it is not there on Apple Music as I only have that.

It Says Energetic Alchemy On Spotify
Not about this field as it was part of the description being provided.

However you can get access to it here

why should I buy when it’s not there

You don’t have to buy, it is free on YouTube but I prefer either through Apple Music or uploaded to my account so that I don’t waste time between stacks switching from one to another.

I suggested because it is a worthwhile investment but you can always listen to YT and still get the same benefits.

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