Unexpected Gifts on Patreon Shop
Using the concepts and idea in the woven world series here we aim to create events, in the near future that are always a flow of unexpected gifts and abundance.
The woven worlds component in this field acts only to enhance and drive the underlying field itself, which is how all woven world series are designed. The goal is already auto-focused. But this is just the minor background to this. This provides an active energy which nudges the positive outcome via unresolved positive action potential… what could of happened, that never got to happen. The world beyond the doubtful pause?
Those moments you have been say passing by a homeless guy, and had that whatever helpful you wanted to help him, but were just to afraid to approach him for whatever reason. This helps guide that unresolved action towards completion. you being on the receiving end, might be blissfully unaware that people around you do care, but are locked in whatever obstacle that prevents them from ‘completing it’ consider it a random luck, more actualized than the abstract ‘luck’ concept.
Energetic Alchemy on Spotify and Apple