Unexpected Gifts

@rigel - Gratz, by the way! giphy-1421565841

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I too thank people who advised me well, like Teo.

Congratulations, I wish you still more gifts or happy experiences, you deserve them fully!

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Just read the description and played this video x3 so I haven’t experienced anything yet but based off description alone I need this in mp3 form. I will literally pay for this one. Hoping for a great outcome tomorrow.


You can get it here for $1.11.

:four_leaf_clover: :+1:


Has anyone used Unexpected Gifts, in the stack along with this one below?

Unexpectedly, the bass teacher told me that if I wanted, I could go to the nearest venue, about half way from where I live, from the main venue. Today I received the message that if I want I can already start this week in the nearest office.
This is really an unexpected gift for me, maybe it may not seem like much, but from my point of view it is really comfortable, especially because in the last few weeks the road traffic has been really intense and has contributed to arriving late for lessons.


Congratulations :tada:


That is awesome :ok_hand:

Completely forgot about this one, I’m going to start spamming it to get some NFTs I want. Just clarifying: does “ The goal is already auto-focused.” mean that I don’t have to consciously think about what I want?

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I’m wondering. If, as you seem to be saying here, you’re using it to deliberately get what you want, is that an “unexpected” gift?


Well, yes if we pretend to :D




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I’m calling it that because it’s coming from an unexpected source

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I changed my ringtone on my phone to “Unxpected Gift”, and then later added the NFT as wallpaper too.I am seeing how not all expected gifts always have monetary values, sometimes when I’m hoping a meeting gets cancelled, it happens, or if I am behind on work deadlines, folks I need to deliver to, can’t make the meeting and reschedule later which gives me more time to finish :smiley:. Interesting field to keep experimenting with…


I listened to this field for 3 days. I did this in conjunction with abundance mindset, spiritual growth states of being and a variation of Neville Goddard’s “isn’t it wonderful”. I was already listening to capital governance, which helped with money management among others. However, I credit a lot of what happened the last 3 days to this field:

-In general, there is a noticeable smooth problem free flow and synchronicity all day.

Day 1:
-A lost package is surprisingly delivered by my neighbour, without having to do anything.
-A screening for a new job was taking way too long. In addition, the referent that I had specified wasn’t likely to be accepted, as she didn’t work in the same organisation anymore. However, after listening to this field, it was resolved in the same morning and I got the job.

Day 2:
-The therapist that I just started visiting proposed the exact same treatment plan that I wanted, without me having to say anything. Pure gratitude.
-One of my favorite female friends from another country suggests to visit me at the exact times that work for me, proposing to do the exact things that I wanted to do.
-My best friend visits me and starts talking about doing the same practices (involving the conscious and unconscious) that I’ve been doing and wanted to talk about with him. This was quite unlikely, as he wasn’t into these kinds of practices and used to have a materialist worldview. Later it turned out that this is shifting towards an idealist worldview, which was also quite unlikely and great, as we have even more to share now.

Day 3:
-Another good friend calls me and gives me valuable career advice.
-My ex from 19 years ago calls me telling me how she likes her resolution to call me once in 10 years :rofl: and offers me to help with a business I want to start. Highly unexpected.

It seems that the unresolved positive action potential being resolved (and the other fields and my Nevllle Goddard practice) result in a world unexpectedly opening up in a way I like. People simply say or do something I like, without any effort. I only have to say yes! Haha.

Thanks again captain!


Some Unexpected Cash received today: $200


I was skeptical if I should post it or not but I heard unexpected gifts and someone gifted me the point of no return audio from gumroad. Can I use it? Is it “legal”?

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I think it’s best you privately discuss the particulars of your gift with Sammy and the Cap’n. They could tell you how “legal” it may be.

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One question, did you have this monetary goal in mind?


I was not thinking of money or anything really
It just happened!!

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