Unlimited listen on Crystal Kingdom and Sacred places

hi all.

@ _om. , @ulal, @moushan.

Question 1

Can a person listen as much as possible he wants for below and maybe looping… as well

  1. Crystal Kingdoms
  2. Sacred Places
  3. Other portals

Question 2

Whats the best way to bring or transfer the anergy of these to us…

Appreciate everyone comments on this…

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@_OM , @uial , @Maoshan_Wanderer


The tagged gentlemen would probably have extra recommendations to give but perso:

Question 1

  1. I have looped several times Herkimer Diamond (Quartz), Amethyst and Selenite without having any problem. The actual Selenite makes me dizzy, but not the audio. However, some grounding work afterwards may be a good idea.

  2. I’m currently doing a marathon with Sacred Places, looping each of the tracks for “research” purposes. They have an intercession aspect, so it’s better to be prepared for some surprising encounters. That aside, no problem either.

  3. Depends which ones (for me). No problem so far with the ones like Majestic Pine Forest.

Question 2

Too vast. Seems to depend on each person’s preferred “methodology” or practice. As an example, here’s one article posted by Maoshan Wanderer which can help (while doing some “chakra work”, for ex.):

Earth’s Ley Lines


What @Bronyraur wrote, sounds good. :+1:

First and easiest and free-est option is Sapien’s Energy Storage Mandala.

Kinda what it’s specifically created for.


Thanks Bronyraur for ur detail explanation… its awsome.


Is this correct…

  1. i print the store emergy mandala.

  2. then i loop say… example sedona portal

  3. while holding the card i say STORE…

  4. Once im done say abt 30min … all the energy of sedona will be stored in the card…

  5. When ever i want the energy… i jold the card amd say release.

Is this correct…

But say if i m liatening to all the sacred audio… can the card store all the energy in one go…

Can i relese the energy say after few days…

thank u om


Hi Bronyraur.

Appreciate if u gv more detail explanations on thos statement. A sample would be great

They have an intercession aspect, so it’s better to be prepared for some surprising encounters.


Yes to all of that. :slight_smile:


Hi Mystic,

Theoretically and not-only-theoretically, a few well-known examples: Giza has some connections with Orion, Sirius, Enoch, etc., Es Vedrà with Atlantis, Mount Shasta with Lemuria, etc. So I use these tracks when I have related questions to ask.

But I think it’s better to keep in mind that in many realms, constellations, dimensions and whatever, there are often various beings/creatures/energies which cohabitate or coexist… and not necessarily those that one expects to pop up before doing the meditations or looping the tracks.

Basically, the tracks make me travel to some places in which I sense and hear (and rarely “see”) some beings helping me and/or showing me alternate realities. One great option to broaden one’s perspective, as Dreamweaver often states in his fields’ descriptions.


So I’ve used @_OM‘s tip about the Energy Storage card for the Giza track. It has worked, of course.

Also, I have cut my flat’s gas for current security reasons. The city’s temperature is naturally colder in this period of the year. Fields like Kanpu Masatsu and Far Infrared do the trick, but instead, I decided to test the servitor last night.

Since she’s currently studying geography, I told her to go to Uluru (aka Solar Plexus of Earth, according to the reposted document yesterday and others) and bring back its temperature + energy.

Something has definitely happened, but I’m not sure if it’s because she performed that task or simply worked on my Solar Plexus (picking up this “concept”) with her already built-in skill.