Unpopular opinion on karma

Unpopular assumption:

"Gaia has been killing Billions of humans throughout history with its bacteria, viruses, diseases, insects, natural desasters and predator animals for Hundreds of Thousands of years.

Now that humanity has reached a level of no longer being completely at the mercy of Gaia, humanity as collective consciousness is UNCONSCIOUSLY, getting back at Gaia.

“An eye for an eye” type of thing. Gaia getting her collected karma back."



Nothing beats McDonald fry. They’re the best French fries🍟


Take that Gaia !

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Agree, McDonalds does the fries just right but BurgerKing makes better burgers overall I think



:ice_cream: :icecream: What about the mcflurry ice cream ? :icecream: :ice_cream:
Is it karma free?

I eat McDonald a lot my face free from blemish.

Believe me

Here in Germany, you only go to McDonalds, if you are broke Zoomer or if it is 3 AM in the morning and McDonalds is the only restaurant chain that is open at this time…

Or in other words: no one goes there voluntarily. Only out of desperation.

(Speaking for Germany only)


I really wanna know how.
Or perhaps I’m buying the wrong ones?

I think they’re too thin, overly salted and often not crispy enough.

Or are they made differently over there ?


Sorry, but if you live life micro managing your karma like that, everything will feel miserable. Just be happy and make the most of everyday


Lol yep.
Smoking weed and then going there
Good times :joy:


They just taste really good. I tried all fast food fries. But nothing beat McDonald. And I think lot of people agree on it lol.

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Or maybe in Indonesia, the other fry makers are even more greedy than McDonalds and so their fries are even worse than McDonalds’s ones?



I don’t like cooking my own fry. I’m too lazy. That’s why I like ordering foods especially McDonald fry

Yeah, in wealthier countries, it’s a low income thing.

Though they make some McDonalds more and more fancy, with wine, freshly baked baguettes and cakes etc.

I agree on these statements here.
Both things are super bad – killing animals AND stealing fields.
Killing is killing and stealing is stealing. Period.

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There you go. One of the 7 deadly sins… :laughing:

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I wonder if hell full of fat people cause I’m one