I had my first and only dragon on a Moldavite crystal, i would always keep it in my sock
It just decided to hop off and go about it’s way one day, over a year ago…
I had this one project with my dragon to create a miniature sized castle, i wanted him to design it, it was anchored on this like plastic cap thing (like a quarter in diameter)
His name was Drakeo, the castle was all his, it was Drakeos castle… I’d ask him to design it as he wished, i always Invisioned visiting it one day in the future when I’m more adept and abled to astral project, so i can visit the seemingly small castle, but i incisioned it to be the size of a palace once you zoomed in, so i imagined I’d get lost in that place one day
I still have the little plastic cap lol
He was head chief of all my servitors, after he left, my fae Prince Henry took over the position
Though he is gone, his castle still stands… i will visit it one day, perhaps meet my drakeo one day there, too
They are bound to their item, only dream can release them