Upcoming interview today. Need advice

And how do women see you? Do you attract them with the audio?

Yes it helps

Update - I didn’t get the job. :sob: :sob: :sob:

I don’t understand why all these audios and tags weren’t able to help.

Too many audios and tags. :innocent:

Really? Why do you say that? they should have been building on each other.


Dont remember this…?

I do and I was only wearing 2 tags at the time of the interviews. I listened to a few audios that were recommended beforehand. I even held the Intercession tag and asked for help. :disappointed_relieved:


Oh, thought u were wearing 6 tags. Nvm!
But now you can really focus only On best path tag.
Use Ego dissolution and meditate while holding the tag, I think left hand is better. And if you use only few audios, i think you will break the barrier and the best path should work…
Dont know what to say really. Focus on urself…? Do u really wanted this job?


Thanks @anon17734191. Right now I’m wearing 4 tags - BPIL, Abundance & Prosperity, Intercession and Voice of Charisma. Should I remove all of them and just keep BPIL ?

I would wear BPIL only. But A&P also seems ok. But if you want faster results, only BPIL it is.
The rest, really depends on the situation. :innocent:


Owl hit a key point here, BPIL sometimes results in outcomes that may be good in the long term, but may seem terrible in the immediate context. Could that be the case here? For some reason, this is one tag I don’t feel any affinity towards (currently).


True. You might not have gotten the job but that could be for the better. Perhaps a new opportunity arises that is better than this one. You never know :innocent:


How many tags are you wearing? :thinking:

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What about BPIL and Intercession 2.0 only for now? Shouldn’t wearing the Intercession 2.0 tag be helping me daily?

And, Voice of Charisma during interviews etc ?

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If that IS the case, then it really sucks. I feel gutted right now. I really thought I did a good job.

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Thanks @lol . I’m having a hard time seeing the positive right now. I hope that is the case.

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BPIL really should cover anything. The description seems pretty OP.
I think Intercessions are more made for workplace etc.
And ofc., voice of charisma during interview and some time before interview.


I know what it is like. During My sophomore year of high school, I had a terrible time and wanted to kill myself so badly. I was searching the internet for some sort of thing to help me in life and I found subliminals. From there on out I did more research and found about Sapien and now I am glad for everything that has led me up to this point. Looking at it from hindsight, it was a good thing that my time in school was terrible, this way I was led to Sapien Medicine which can change the course of my life for the positive. :innocent: :innocent:


Can you please explain this? I don’t understand the significance.

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Thanks for the advice @anon17734191!