Upcoming Premiere - Essassani Energy Infusion Meditation

‘Part-grey’ but hey ask them.

Here is something cool…
they have artificial moons that they know are artificial
where as…………


@Samurai is too horny and desperate for lucid dreaming… :laughing: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy:

Gotcha ;D

Mind = blown


I used a watered down military version for something else


Draining that Qi energy there ;)

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:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :wink:

Dude its literally the opposite for me

I want to invoke beings, meet my ancestors and actually be free from this materialistic and sex driven world at least once a day.

Sex is the easiest thing to get in the world you scrub, why would I waste a dream on it

Releaaase it :pleading_face::pleading_face:


Or you mean youre using it for an upcoming field?

On that note Samurai, I’m afraid I’ll drain my ojas shakti in some eventual wet dream. Any way to prevent one?

Yeah, your physical needs and “face glow” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :wink:

Yes, for real life smartass.

Dont need it in a limitless and free world -_-

Transmutation and microcosmic

Or do the 6th tibetan rite 3 times before bed

Okay, smartass. :wink:

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Are these dream seeds videos?

Energetic alchemy,


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3X in night works great!

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What is the microcosmic orbit btw?

Nevermind. Just googled it

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I think this happens because of one think only, Not knowing what and why it happens the sleep paralysis, normally we people compare it into something demonic etc but there is a scientific explanation why it happens, gosh I so wish to know it when I was a Kid, years of trauma would not happen with this kind of knowledge