Upcoming Premiere - Sirian Energy Infusion Meditation

One interesting thing: they seemed curious about Dream’s tags and field items, and seemed to be investigating them. :smiley:


Welcome to the club brotha, I’m glad you and the sirians got along!

Maybe if I keep listening they’ll like me more lol but I had a much better time with pleiadians so idk… maybe I’ll just stick with them lol


I felt pain on my left side brain and saw golden rays ushering upon me. Don’t know what that means though.


Good luck on your quest :) I confess that I had a stereotype about you, based on your older posts, like “Philip probably enjoys the Sirian mind” lol. That engineering part indeed.

Lately, I became more perseverant too about Alien Intercession thanks to you guys. I do several looping sessions per day and reread you guys’ testimonies in the thread + Nabs101’s guidelines. Trying to “firmly hold the intention”, as he said.

Because you see, until recently, I wasn’t really attracted to Alien Intercession. I had given up after a few trials. I preferred the other intercessions (devas, angels) because with them, I didn’t need to make a specific request in order to receive “something”, you know. I was just letting it be.

But with Aliens, it seems that discipline is required, isn’t it lol. One needs to be much more specific, even meticulous while asking questions. They don’t like vagueness. At least that’s how it works for me with “my” galactic mates. Since I’m in this mindset, I started “benefitting” from the sessions.

Bonus: I have more vivid childhood memories since recently, thanks to them.


I accidentally slept on loop to this lol, don’t remember seeing anything unusual though


These are amazing journeys
we are literally travelling through the universe and meeting people, a group of us.
Almost like a starship crew
To boldly go where no one has gone before.


I meditated to it this morning again, everything is fine. Not sure what was the problem. I’m gonna keep spamming it all day long.


It’s all fun and games until the Tribbles.


Then it’s cute fluffy annoyance!



:rofl: :joy: :+1:


Nice meditation, we are having some primitive conversation, feelings and yes or no. I feel like I am absorbing some knowledge. I thought I saw a trident (but why would they be working with a trident right ?), some weird hands (close to human but more bloated, blue, black pointy nails).
I told them to help me in whatever way they wanted and felt my 3rd eye buzzing and saw a purple flame (why ? I don’t know).


I almost always see something like this during any meditation (that is, not necessarily with the latest galactic videos). Purple flame or firework. It generally precedes the moment when I “feel fully immersed” in the meditation.

But not like the purple spots seen after looking a source of light. No, something more different. So I don’t know if there’s an optical explanation here as well.

Probably not but your testimony has made me think of it.


I see this everytime I close my eyes but for like 8 years already, even when it’s dark .
I once asked a monk what that means and he said :" means you have a powerfull mind " :D


To be more specific the purple flame was on my third eye and was going up to my crown chakra, I don’t know if that changes anything.
I don’t think it was one of these hypnagogic hallucinations :man_shrugging:


I’m not sure about anything anymore either. Last certitudes have been vanished with these infusion meditations lol

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MInd blown everyday, I’ll end up like charlie and dig under a costco to get spanish gold




Yes ? Can I help you sir ?

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I was going to ask the same thing. So if the purple flame is there, it means… ?


I don’t know, I feel that there is someone in the other side of the ligne, they can answer yes or no to most questions. I get some feelings, I see some things.
But I have no idea what I’m doing or why they show me that. I just know it’s not some lazy hallucinations.

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