Upcoming Premiere - Sirian Energy Infusion Meditation

That said, my episodes of hearing “someone” shouting or whispering during the intercessions/infusions are quite rare. And those seem more like hypno-phenomena, even though the content is always related to planets, etc. (actual and/or fictional).

Otherwise, my experiences are more like those Philip has reported.


:joy: I didn’t know that this word had other meanings like that. I’ll use it in a sentence soon.


I did not mean the above was channeled by a scrub btw, @_OM

Genuinely asking if you know of a site that can be trusted,

Or @anyone tbh.

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I don’t know if this one was shared already, nor if it’s “reliable” (bibliography given in the end). It’s a kind of slideshare funny to read though.

Galactic Human Journey :)


Keep trying bro ya never know


Okay try this, I loved the pleiadian one but felt very uncomfortable with the sirians. I read Captain Nemo’s post about us being the first to meet theses extraterrestrial and it motivated me to act as an ambassador.

This morning, I started listening, I introduced myself, apologize for my first introduction that was rude, explained that I was from Earth, why I had came, that it was an honor to meet them, I am excited to learn about and from them. That it was a two way street and they can study me and have Complete access to me as long as it’s not detrimental.

And the energy became much nicer, very nice. I started to have visuals and get messages.


Awesome idea. :smiley: :+1:


:heart_eyes: (actually the whole post)


I agree with Uial! I’m going to try this out in my own words, I felt bad as I was typing “I like pleiadians more” on the live chat while I was listening lol need to apologize for that

Going to give it another shot tonight, thanks bro!


Race baiting take a whole new meaning now :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Philip, I quickly checked for the meaning and had a good laugh on their translations:

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Quoi ? Ce sont pas les bonnes déf…
“Incitation à la haine raciale”, les anglais aiment utiliser ce mot pour les gens qui joue au victime, surfe sur la ligne raciale.

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Complètement ! Ils ont dû écrire ça sous acide ou un truc du genre

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Lol, les wumao de urban-dictionary c’est pire

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I saw something like a purplish leaf at the arcturian meditation yesterday but it was for a short time. It felt like they were working on me to better facilitate them. But i felt a chill vibe from them


The first time listening to this was amazing.
I was in a blueish purple cloud inside my 3rd eye. At some point I snapped out of it and my whole body was full of energy. I felt so connected and I was vibrating feeling so alive. It kind of felt like a long search has ended.
Def will keep meditating to this one and see what happens


So my nightly routine for some time has been either I loop subconscious limit removal all night, or I put on this audio and fall asleep to it (feel nice and makes me fall asleep right away, every time within 1 minute) listening once only.
Yesterday was the first time I wasn’t knocked out so quickly and I was awake for about the first 10 minutes.
It felt amazing, very intense.

It started with crown and 3rd eye chakras - 3rd eye was so intensely stimulates that I felt the pressure / stimulation radiating in my entire head. I had to fight the urge to rub the area :D
After a few minutes, i felt my entire energy body stimulated and tense up, then a minute passed and there was a super loud sound, I think coming from my stomach (lol), and suddenly the tension was lifter and I felt super light.
Then I felt the stimulation going to my throat chakra and then I was out again after about 10 seconds.


I love this field, I’m going to keep spamming my experiences when there is something new :smiley:

Yesterday night about 10 minutes in i “heard” (not physically) sort of in my left ear /left side of my head only one sentence - paraphrased, as it came to me in my native language:
“You’re always only just building (in the “construction” sense) onto the horizontal, MonkeyOwl”

The tone suggested I should not, but I have 0 idea what this means lol


This reminds me of Jodorowsky’s Holy Mountain lol

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Yes maybe this is what they were trying to direct me to :rofl:

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