Urgent help needed - Get rid of amphetamine smell (and more)

Could this be better than plasma flaunt? Not many purchasers on it though, but it seems to really nuke the environment, lol

plasma flaunt is for your health

lighting in a bottle, wouldnt call it for health like plasma, rather get plasma flaunt man

and lighting in a bottle is better not be palyed near you

Yeah i definitely need health, in particular inner health, my organs are probably 60 years old now, while i’m 36. Dentist said she’d never seen someone at this age develop such a severe case of paradontitis. Plus my liver is fucked in various ways, not cirrhosis but fatty liver, prostate fucked from porn addiction and long streaks of edgings etc. High blood pressure, list goes on. I have faith though

Once i get through this i will most likely have developed an inner confidence and strength enough to be able to teach and lead young people away from destructive paths.

Plasma flaunt it is. Thank you once again. At this point i’m just grateful that i’m alive

Im sure youll be 20 years younger if you stay on this path :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Is it allowed to share Plasma flaunt with family? My stepdad is very ill and old, overweight etc. I don’t care if he believes in it or not, i will almost force the audio on him.

And should i also get plasma brain of youth?

Im not sure, youll have to look in the theahrd responsible for plasma flaunt

somewheres there lies your answers I guess

so I cant tell you for sure, if anything ask there


So i have plasma flaunt, aura and body repair, soul restoration core. I can buy one more semi expensive/expensive, which would you recommend in my case?

Negentropic jing sounds decent?

yeah life force should be good, just make sure to make use of excessive jing and look up qi gong I guess

I know how to transmute sexual energy, i’ve had 1 year long celibacy periods so that’s not an issue, rather the opposite now, i can’t get erect at all basically due to porn withdrawal.

Is life force same as negentropic jing?

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What is Jing used for?

The Jing tonics have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to help restore life force energy for over 5000 years. They are revered for their qualities of promoting longevity, virility, fertility, strengthening the reproductive functions, and improving the sexual energy in both men and women


Aye, thank you. I just thought they were different fields as you used a different name (even though they mean the same, never know with sapien… :)

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One last question, i was reading about Plasma flower - wouldn’t that, in combo with Negative ions, be the absolute perfect for my home environment? Plus long term as well, for work environment and more.

im sure man, im no expert really, try it out and see for yourself

Nothing beats turning off the heat (if its on) opening the windows and airing out the place.
I had to do this when my mother was suffering from an active C. Diff. infection (massive amounts of very putrid smelling diarrhea), this was before there was a treatment for it. (it is one of the worst odors). It was all over the floor, couch, commode, etc.

Cleaning things with baking soda and a little water. I dont know if the smell is also in your clothes but u can add things to your wash too similar to baking soda which really gets the odor out, not by covering it up. (let me know if u want to know what to add) Great for B.O. trapped in clothes too, treated my oldest brothers undershirts during the summer, when he used to visit.

IDk specifically about the drug odor part of it.

Meth is water soluble.

Thanks, luckily im very cold resistant due to daily cold shower, its minus degrees outside on nights here but i am still able to sleep near the open balcony (i live in a small appartment)

So far these items i’m hoping will help my situation:

Negentropic Jing
Auric and body repair
Soul restoration core
Plasma flaunt
Plasma flower

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Quite frankly, I saw other people giving u recommendations for fields, but no real recommended action u can take in a “3D practical way” to treat the odors.
Thats why I posted my suggestions.

Yes, im not going to sit still and think these fields are going to magically perform everything for me, i’m going to take action (unbreakable will surely assist with that too) and do a clean sweep on every inch of my appartment

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So basically baking soda and water, hmm. Feels like i also need something heavier to nuke the whole place.

They add baking soda to cat litter to cut the urine odor.

For the cleaning part: Well I mean u have to clean it first if there are layers, and then use this to the final cleaning and to deodorize.