Rehan's Mom Is in Urgent Need of Healing - - - Urgent Help Thread - Emergency Thread

I’m sorry to hear that.
To be honest, I didn’t send anyone Healing energy, the last few days…

Do you see results from fields, in general?
I suggest you to clear and strengthen your aura, Chakras, the subconscious, so that way you’ll receive results (faster).


Im sorry about your issue.

Can you please tell me what is the diagnose?

Or if you havent gotten a diagnosis, tell me what the symptoms are etc so i can suggest you fields :)

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I don’t know the diagnosis, but this is what Silver. Sky posted:

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Yes i saw that but skin issues can vary specially the culprits so i want a more detailed explanation :)

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Dr… Any fields u suggest for bipolar + mania + psychosis for a dear member?
Anyone else if u have suggestions pls do so…


With caution, resillience is a great field to use.

And lots of grounding. To me, it feels like mania is a lot of energy going into the head. So, grounding and micro-cosmic, the all anxiety cure, and anything that is relaxing or calming (from the cannabinoids album, to angelic intercession…anything that brings peace).

The permanent brain enhancement can create mania on it’s own (if you have BPD)…so you see, any sort of brain stimulation can go wrong.

Nervous system and brain antioxidant formula, and alzheimer’s experimental cure. The brain refresher seems to have a more neutral effect, not stimulating like other brain fields. But…they are gonna need to use grounding right after always.

There’s often a relation between thyroid problems and and mental disorders, so some people use the thyroid healing field for different mental issues.

Emotional release, aura clearing, and related fields would help too.
DMT can be oddly relaxing too.

Half an hour of emotional release followed by however long of autmated grounding and you’ll notice a much more balanced person. Or if you don’t, they may still thank you because they definitely will feel it.


You are bang on. Thanks for the recommendations.

Do you think if outlook retrainer or magnetic stimulation helps for maniac ?


Although I used the outlook retrainer for a long time, I can’t point to its effects vs the other fields.

Magnetic stimulation I was just thinking of giving it a try, since I never used it. But I randomly listened the other day and I thought it would do good to my brain. I can’t say though.

I would focus more on healing fields at the beginning (alzheimer’s, antioxidants, brain regen, etc).

One brain field that I do like is basal ganglia massage.


Can somebody do an energy scan on me, something feels off
Thanks in advance if anyone is willing to help


My mom is on the way to the hospital, due to high blood pressure, it was 230+ by the time the ambulance arrived; Idk the current value.

They are going to keep her there for at least 2 hours, possibly more.

I tried fields, including 2 for blood pressure (1 time the 12 minutes one and 3 times the newer one, 4+ minutes, she also took some medication, after we saw that the fields didn’t help, then she took medication and even that didn’t lower her blood pressure… In fact it got from around 170 to 204, then, the ambulance guys, they took her blood pressure and it was 230+, when they arrived).

Now, it’s at least one and a half hour since she tried fields, and an hour (aprox.) (maybe less) since she took her pill.

If anyone can help her, please do so.
Thank You.
I’ll try be the healer.
Idk what else…

Edit: she easily gets stressed from any thing, she is not happy with her life, with our current life - since we have all sorts of problems, including hers, she also is worried for my future…
She needs some fields for her mind and emotions, long term, maybe depression be gone, resilience, something to help her (I’m not asking from anyone for this - to help her long term, just to help her now - due to her current situation, if you can and if you are willing to).

Edit 2: Gonna Update.


She is alright(ish) atm, she is home right now.
If anyone helped her, Thank You.

Have a Good Night, Everyone.


Glad to hear and thanks for updating us.

Have a good night of sleep!


I play flow album around my parents.
And Hope and happines.
Also laughing Field . I forgat the name .
The one from YouTube

I noticed a change of mood.

Ive been there.

They were worried while i didnt.

Are You worried about Your future?

Im asking cause i was on similar situation and have some tips. But don’t want to go off topic. I’ll pm You if its ok


Thank You, Star! :pray:
Well, I wish you too a Good Day (or night).

Thank You, Kate! :pray:
These are some good choices.

My mom said that she felt a little bit better (mentally speaking) after a Playlist with all sorts of fields, including self love Infusion, hope, happiness, memories of joy, resilience and quite a few others.

Slightly or little, almost no worries, since I am (at least) 100% Sure :slightly_smiling_face: that I will Achieve My Dreams!

It’s just a matter of time, effort, perseverance and improvement, and I can achieve everything that I want (and more) (of course, no one else believes in me, not even my own mom, but it doesn’t matter, I WILL Succeed).


Whoever can and is willing (only benevolent), PLEASE CHECK ON ME periodically psychically, until I say I’m in the clear.
Telepathically there might be confusion.
If anyone can help, I need calmness, strength, and some encouragement, while also staying grounded.
In the meantime, I’m shielding and doing the work. Can’t do way too much due to various limitations.
Thank you.


Just play the negative removal fields. I can feel that your root chakra is very low.


Thank you!


You shouldn’t really using something that trigger your psychic ability to grow without the root chakra is not being strengthen. Just remember this. Because all these stuff basically always around you. The good and the bad. Try to focus on growing your root chakra. Then goes up with other part of the chakra.


Thank you very much. ‘Problem’ is, my psychic abilities ‘appeared’ long before Psychic Mastery, almost immediately after starting with most basic ‘meditations’ (I’ve them since I was a child, I just couldn’t explain it, and put those experiences in a box). Normally, I jumped at the chance of also getting some guidance navigating this. I had no idea of what was hiding within, but I started meditating to find out, seemed like the only way, and the only thing I was able to do at the time. I think I’m getting closer. I don’t know what I would have done without the knowledge you’re all imparting.

Edit: The good thing is, PM does seem to be guiding me – helping to reveal not just what I would have perceived any way, but how to go about it, and what it actually is, where it’s coming from, helping me understand the language of my ‘subconscious’. It’s been taking me quite a while to understand though partly because I didn’t use PM extensively in order to avoid ‘too much’.


Just don’t pay attention to it when it happens to you zea.

If you can see my surroundings right now. You could see lot of spirits around me. They’re wandering souls. How can I avoid them? I just ignore it. They do can annoy you. But when you don’t pay attention to it. They will leave you.

Hearing or seeing. It’s all the same. The only way for you to do it is to ignore. That’s it. If you keep paying attention to it. It will get stronger.

If you not use to these stuff. Of course it can be scary. But since you already have it even before uismg fields. Still you need to learn. To ignore it.