Using 2, 3 or More Fields at Once - Your Experiences

This Thread is for Anyone Who wants to Share about their experiences with Listening to at least 2 fields at once, from different or not.

How many fields did/do you use at once?
Whats your limit?

What was/is Your Experience?

What/Which Fields do you/did you use Simultaneously?

What Results You Got?

Whenever You Are Finding New Best Combos, Please Tell Us.

This Thread was in my head for a while.


OK. I’ll start with a nice tip.

Whenever you feel somethings not right or you just want to Clear/Help Yourself or Your Space, I Recommend You to Try

Angelic Intercession
Clear all Negative Energy and Entity Removal (Patreon)

Also, add Goddess Shielding, the one shared by Maoshan (It’s Amazing).

Edit: Usually, I find One Field to Be BETTER than 2 or more, usually, but I found that one physical field plus one for environment Or for your energy work quite well together.

Also, adding a card, a sigil or any other energy work (besides at least 2 fields) is not a problem, at least from my experience.


The truth is that I can read thoughts or better said, they come through my head, but I have no idea from where…
The idea for this Thread resurfaced in my head today indeed. :thinking:

Also, it’s spontaneous, I don’t control it and it usually doesn’t happen.
I think it’s not something unique to certain individuals, all of us receive thoughts, or at least can receive them.

Now, this idea, of using more than 2 fields, I mean, speaking/asking about it, i did mentioned it months ago, in other threads though.


Might be cool to learn/practice where thoughts are coming from


Yeah, but I’m afraid it might take a decade of still mind, meditation, etc. To master it.

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Or a few powerful fields.
And less time.

Would you be brave if you could learn within a year or less?

Sorry, don’t mean to derail the thread



I’m not in a rush.

Also, I got health issues.

Spiritual powers, they are secondary.

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Plus many Yogis who got them.
It’s not unique.

Also, in Romania, quite a few Priests, Monks mostly, but not too many, have Spiritual gifts.

Check this out:


Playing 2 or more fields at once -

Environmental + another can be a neat combo. Like the mana accumulating one from Dreamseeds or pranic swirls + plus a physical one like on Sapien Med.

Or can do a sacred place one like Sedona or a volcano, and do a Dreamseeds contemplation one there.


I like to play Soul Core Restoration together with Black Martian Jing, one works to restore the lower dantian and the other fills it


Where can we find this?


Just a minute…


Im thinking of looping soul core with plasma brain all night to stop my pron addiction

any1 got any experiences with this ?

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