Ahem. You weren’t working with MY scalar tech. 
I’m still definitely an XM fan, but most “scalar” tech at that time meant high voltage and hand-wound coils (which aren’t necessarily bad things, at all).
Take one of these, play the pietersite audio through it, sit a pietersite crystal on top of it, and tell me it is not an awesome experience. The energy is simply being run through a bifilar coil instead of a speaker. It would take a lot of convincing for me to believe the field is somehow warped as a result.
I also have a $6 bluetooth speaker from Ollie’s I (poorly) wired a 2 inch MWO bifilar plate to the top of, in series with the speaker. The effects are tremendously positive, compared with using the Sapien audio alone.
Of course, the primary reason for doing this isn’t for local use. It’s for programming objects, non-local psionic-style field broadcasting, and tuning yourself into a field (this makes it exponentially stronger). I would be happy to demonstrate any of these uses to any of the OG members remotely, yourself included.
Yes, how you conceptualize it when you’re broadcasting locally or non-locally will make a real difference. If you’re trying to boost the output, this may or may not work out. If you’re trying to “tune in” your body to the field, or broadcast the field through a crystal/water… you got it.
Best broadcast ever: my speaker playing water programming through the bifilar plate with a Sapien mug on top.
Blind test coming up. Let it never be said about me that I am unwilling to demonstrate the truth of my claims, or change them in the face of contrary evidence.