Using Energy/Scalar Tech with Morphic Fields

I think it would be convenient if we had a way of playing fields silently, which got me wondering about using scalar tech - and I wonder if this could maybe even increase the effectiveness of the fields themselves. Has anybody tried “broadcasting” Sapien tracks or other morphic fields through scalar tech? Here’s some examples of the kind of tech I’m referring to:

Scalar imprinting/broadcasting plate:
(this uses a copper bifilar coil with an audio input jack)

“Zinger scalar” antenna:
(inside of this is apparently a coil wrapped quartz crystal)


It won’t increase the effectiveness, instead it will muddy it. At this point, the fields most definitely don’t need to be boosted.

They are easily another 10x stronger than when I wrote this

They do work at very low volumes tho, especially the environmental ones.


hmm okay I’ll give that a read. thank you!


Search the forum for posts regarding the Digital Magnetron Broadcaster (a software radionics app created by a forum member) and you should be able to find the results of various experiments with this idea.


I regularly use my bifilar PCBs as audio output. Not only do I not find it muddies the energy, it works particularly well for non-local broadcasting.

It also increases the speed of the field integration by an order of magnitude to use a non-local broadcaster while playing the audio. It should not be thought of as force, but simply opening yourself to it in another way, or at another level.

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Sigh… gonna have to outright disagree with the two of you.

You forget we were working with the scalar tech all the way back in XM days when they were all the rage…

Since I have intimate knowledge of Sapien’s new fields…
I can not stress enough how much any other device is going to DECREASE the effectiveness of it.

Feel free to disagree but I stand strongly on this issue…


I’m familiar with the Digital Magnetron Broadcaster but that’s not really the same thing. I was asking specifically about scalar antennas that are designed for audio input.


Ahem. You weren’t working with MY scalar tech. :smiley:

I’m still definitely an XM fan, but most “scalar” tech at that time meant high voltage and hand-wound coils (which aren’t necessarily bad things, at all).

Take one of these, play the pietersite audio through it, sit a pietersite crystal on top of it, and tell me it is not an awesome experience. The energy is simply being run through a bifilar coil instead of a speaker. It would take a lot of convincing for me to believe the field is somehow warped as a result.

I also have a $6 bluetooth speaker from Ollie’s I (poorly) wired a 2 inch MWO bifilar plate to the top of, in series with the speaker. The effects are tremendously positive, compared with using the Sapien audio alone.

Of course, the primary reason for doing this isn’t for local use. It’s for programming objects, non-local psionic-style field broadcasting, and tuning yourself into a field (this makes it exponentially stronger). I would be happy to demonstrate any of these uses to any of the OG members remotely, yourself included.

Yes, how you conceptualize it when you’re broadcasting locally or non-locally will make a real difference. If you’re trying to boost the output, this may or may not work out. If you’re trying to “tune in” your body to the field, or broadcast the field through a crystal/water… you got it.

Best broadcast ever: my speaker playing water programming through the bifilar plate with a Sapien mug on top.

Blind test coming up. Let it never be said about me that I am unwilling to demonstrate the truth of my claims, or change them in the face of contrary evidence.


The Digital Magnetron Broadcaster is fantastic for augmenting fields, especially if you are playing the field on the computer. Consider it a way of telling your aura to integrate the field(s). Of course there is more. The magnetron is an egregore of manifestation based on ancient sacred geometry. Check out an overhead view of the Vatican. I about shit when I realized the similarity.

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Could you explain how you would use it with fields? I’m assuming you use a photo of yourself in the center, but what do you use in the other circles?

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Anything to represent the field you are broadcasting - the magnetron is intelligent enough to grab the essence of the field.

Note that yes (at least without further augmentation), an officially fielded image will be more powerful. But the default sales image or even a screenshot will give you some of the energy of the device (on a deeper, fine level), and you can absolutely use a picture of an object…

Hint: You can also ask your servitors to program images or use the Intention Repeater and then use those images. With servitors, the DMB, IR, and hardware radionics, the sky is absolutely not even a limit - only your imagination is.

And NEVER let anyone tell you there’s anything you can’t do. Sapien’s servitors have access to his abilities, and can be instructed to learn anything they don’t already know… and teach you. Sometimes it requires patience, but with daily servitor practice you can learn to do ANYTHING. You can also use the Attunement card with servitors and connect them to the Metatron Neural Net (my own co-creation).

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You still plan to ugrade magnetron with your servitors and all other stuff you planned? That would be awesome

I have some working versions that are not yet publicly available. It is almost ready for prime time. I believe the last of the four points may be tying it to the ley lines via sacred spots. Then there’s the process of hosting the app, which will have some new features of its own. Incidentally, an Elite subscription will get you access to some added tech, including real fielded planetary seals for gambling, protection, databases of fields, using YouTube videos and media files as direct witnesses, and more.


How long do you recommend running the magnetron? I’m going to try using it with some morphic field mandalas. Should we let it run indefinitely, or run it for a fixed amount of time and then stop it and forget about it?


This seems to be very individual, but no one has yet reported any side effects. I would say use as much/as long as you want. I find 23 minutes to be ample for most broadcasts, but there are other times you want the energy pouring into you the entire time.


I run it with some sigils and seals of mine for 2 hours daily sometimes more and expect i sometimes feel tired there is no damage.


You can always put in power/boost symbols to keep the energy up.

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