Using powerful positive vibe energy with headphones to create and radiate positive energies within and around you?

do you think it would work similar to the vibration of creation etc. etc. those audios by vibrating your brain with positive energy thus vibrating everyone part of your body with the energy if used enough, and headphones will do the job?

It doesn’t matter if you use speakers or headphones. When you listen to it, it saturates your aura/energy body which then radiates to your environment.
The vibration series do raise your own vibrations but this is less intended to affect your environment and more on you and the extension of your beingness.


This audio continues to amaze me!

I was now on a work call with around 23 folks from 4 continents - its late in the US, early elsewhere, no one agrees on anything, people are cranky, I am running around (virtually) trying to calm people down, yell at them at times - it was like the red wedding from the GoT!

Suddenly I remembered the Positive Vibes audio! I turned it on at the lowest possible volume, I could barely hear the gentle water sounds - and within 10-min, people are still disagreeing but jokingly, there is a lot of laughter, no one’s taking things personally! At some point, a guy said, “What happened? Did everyone get drunk? Suddenly everyone’s happy!”.

Thanks @Dreamweaver!


-.- such a drama queen! :wink: :rofl:


Haha, 8-hour GoT re-run is clearly affecting me!!


Like 10 people literally died at our business meeting!
It was insane!
But then I ran Positive Vibes and the rest of us (the living) had a great time!

True story!


I sure need to use some tag to get over a morbid fascination with this Red Wedding episode!!! :rofl:


No, but seriously, I’ve gotten the same results.

I’d love to own a spa or business like @SirChiropractixalot and see how it affected business and the bottom line.