Vaccination MegaThread

Hello everyone,

I am researching about what is mRNA vaccine.

MRNA vaccines teach our cells how to make a viral protein that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. Our immune system reacts to the proteins and builds up immunity to the disease.

Just curious, has anyone done research on why we think mRNA will be harmful to you rather than helping you? Vaccine exists for awhile, like small pox, etc, but what makes this covid mRNA stand out? Is it simply because it has a short research period and that’s why people don’t trust it?

And for some conspiracy theories, some said you would be infertility, microchip into the body, the vaccine is the virus…

I don’t like chemcials in any vaccine, so I want to avoid it, until it becomes mandatory.

Has anyone had deeper understanding about how mRNA affect or harm us? I have trouble to find this info online and I don’t understand why people are so firm about the negativity of the vaccine. This topic is info exchange, not to start commenting or arguing each other point of view. Thanks.


Please check guys

When it comes to my body and what I put into it I rely heavily on my instinct.
Every since I was a small child I fought against vaccines going into my body. I was further traumatized by being held down by my mother, doctors and nurses and forced to take it. I fought like hell.
In all the medical ethics courses I ever took they all said that consent was most important. In my work if no matter what the age of the person I am working with if the communicate to me that they do not want the treatment I offer I stop immediately.

My concern about this new series of vaccines is that people may not be properly informed of potential risk because it is experimental and have no idea of the long term effects. Are people being given a consent form to sign stating that the vaccine is still in trial stage? IDK because I am not going to take it.
My own mother died in my arms in less than one minute after having a flu shot. This was a very traumatic event for me. So I am even more hesitant than before to take anything at all that is offered by the medical industrial complex because they don’t even follow their own rules.


Thank you!

Thank you for your reply and I am sorry to hear your experience with your mother with flu shoot. I skipped all the flu shoot even though it was advertised to do it each year. When I was a kid, I disliked these flu shots because they always made me have fever the following days.

Right now, my job may start to get people from “work from home” back to downtown highrises if the covid patients started to decreawe. I have to make a choice soon. Diigtal vaccine is good, but what I want to understand is why everyone thinks covid vaccine is harmful. So up to present, I think it is the fear of unknown and insufficient data that scared people away. There are many conspiracy theories, but up to present, I cannot find out what support them to think/say this way.

Thanks again

Apparently vaccinated individuals are shedding spike proteins through the air from breath, sweat, or from skin contact which is making unvaccinated people around them experience vaccine side effects. Tens of thousands of people are reporting that being in contact with family members/spouses that are living with them who have been vaccinated is causing an onset of symptoms such as suddenly getting never ending/irregular periods. Women in their 70s are also experiencing it despite not having periods for DECADES. Men are experiencing testicle pain/swelling as well as other symptoms and the MSM are atttempting damage control trying to cover it up. People are mentioning it can possibly lead to inferility even in those that have not taken the vaccine.

Some of those that have taken the vaccine are noticing a surge of constant anxiety even months after their shot. If you look through r/covidvaccinated you can see thousands of testimonies. Apparently the vaccine affects ACE2 cells which exist in the brain, placenta, uterus, testicles as well as other parts of the body which is why people are having miscarriages, constant anxiety, irregular periods and testicular pain.

There was a study that indicated the pfizer vaccine can cause neurodegenerative diseases.

Is it possible to make a field to deactivate/destroy the spike proteins being shed by the vaccinated? Even though the majority of your audience seem for the most part antivax you would still get some criticism considering its youtube and i completely understand. Can it be uploaded to gumroad? My family has gotten the vaccine today and i live in the same house but trying to limit exposure as much as i can.

Ive already talked to dozens of people who have experienced irregular periods and testicular pain/swelling after being in contact with the vaccinated. Very worrisome. Making an experimental mrna vaccine without testing for longterm side effects was a massive mistake. You are literally our only hope. I hope you can set some time aside from your schedule and make this. Thank you.


Will Sapien bring out a multivitamin series do you think? He already has vitamin C and D… why not Zinc and many of the others?

Simply because some of the vitamins cant be produced by the body.

Same as essential amino acid

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Well, I’ve got a headache, I’m fatigued, and I’m thirsty - either I was wrong about not having side effects from the second Pfizer shot, or I’m listening to too many fields.

Still no response from Pfizer

Camp 1 and 2 aren’t the only options. I thought we were all trying to rise above duality.

Sorry but I’m going to say it, this kind of comment that shows the inability to see that other people’s lives and decisions are nuanced and depend on so many other factors, it reeks of privilege. To think everyone falls under only one or the other is demeaning to those who don’t identify or can’t relate with those stated circumstances.

Let people make their own choice in their own lives, even if it doesn’t agree with yours.


If you allow politicians to break the law during an emergency, they will create an emergency in order to break the law.

To denigrate something as a “conspiracy theory” without having fully investigated the data is an act of cowardice. You cause an affront to those who offer the possiblity that harm is being done to innocent people, just to avoid confrontation with your own fears of it being true.

It’s cute how many people base their intelligence off a broken school system.
Intelligence should be derived from the ability to understand complex concepts and to be able to critically think, but it seems covid not only killed the flu, cancer, heart disease, economy, the working class, millions of jobs, businesses, humans connection, love and compassion, but it also killed logic & common sense.

Who am I to tell you what you should and should not think. After all, its your right to be as ignorant as you want and its not my right to stop you from doing so.

But if by chance you happen to be a critical thinker and you like easy verifiable facts, then you might find this website a good starting point.


What are our freedom fighters gonna do:

Educate themselves create an alternative solution or help people in some ways ? No
Organize and seize power to restore justice ? No
Confront the power and rebel ? No
Get outside and invest their time and energy to mobilize the masses ? No

Btch on the internet ? Yes
Spread infos out of context to make their case ? Yes
Patronize everyone ? You bet
Have a shtty summer locked in their bedrooms ? Duh

They just can’t help but swing the pendulum to the other extreme and do the exact same thing under the guise of anti-xxxx. Leave the ride and continue on foot from now on, it’s just you…
Don’t they use the fields ? Don’t they improve ? Next year, they’ll still be talking the same chat.



The problem with the West nowadays is that it’s becoming too collectivized, controlled, industries are over regulated and centralized. We need libertarianism/individualism and classic capitalism in order to see more growth (economically especially) and progression. All this government intervention within everything is causing too many problems and eventually is going to lead to totalitarianism or a dictatorship.

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bad politicians have managed to obstruct those who refuse the vaccine, so that even within families there are reasons for pressure, fights and quarrels, but you are right


I took it because I didn’t have a choice, my university is requiring I take it or I won’t be allowed back next term (and also my family was threatening to boot me out unless I got it). But I spammed fields to deal with it to hell and back. @anon76664106


I’m assuming you’re from America right? What’s the constitutional rights/laws in your country for enforce medication?

Yes, I live in Oregon. I haven’t really looked into the laws, but the big universities in my state are requiring it (there’s probably some loophole they’re taking advantage of). I know there will be lawsuits, but I doubt anything will come of them.

Yeah but the government can enforce businesses, institutions and organizations to follow these rules. If that’s not the case then it’s just that university and some others but it wont be, as it sounds more like government coercion.

I am so sorry to hear that you’ve had you’re personal liberties taken from you. Maybe Dream or Sapien can help you on here?

It is, but people are just letting it happen out of fear. It’s awful, but in the words of Ennis del Mar, “If you can’t fix it you’ve got to stand it.”

I’m not sure which fields would help with personal liberties but I’m sure Dream has something. And thank you.

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