Vaccination MegaThread

one more project in the pipeline maybe

Oh man…are you from Canada? I live in toronto. My office at downtown is considering to reopen at September…

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I cannot tell how accurate is this information, but never hurt to know.

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Just got my 2nd dose, at what point will my soul leave my body ?


Approximately 20 minutes. You better hurry up and get the jar before it all spills out!


Looks like fun stuff

not so easy but who knows
but why would the solution be presented before

why are they pushing so much with force, coercion
And then these ppl host strange rallies
And now that i look, that event201 smells fishy

And which idiot would host political rallies , sports tournament during a my god pandemic of the century

looting, destabilizing countries and oh my my, they now want to save everyone

give me a break
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You may know about The Protocol of Toronto 6.6.6. PDF The Toronto Protocols - State of the Nation

I am from Québec here. There are vaccines for hot dogs for a specific age range. It is not a joke. Congratulations to the police who stood up against tyranny in your province. I heard that Quebec would not be a province but a corporation aka Quebec Inc.

forgive me, english is not my native language, what would it be?

Many thanks

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my office made a vax policy,
not vaxxed until july , then every week undergo rt-pcr test while working from home and report to hr
until vaxxed

That’s a bit silly, I would understand the test if you’re working from the office (though still an overkill), at home shouldn’t matter :sweat_smile:

Where do you live?

india… well they cant force, so scheming up all kinds of coercive techniques

i mailed: neither interested in getting vaxxed nor undergoing any tests. Rest is up to you


Haha clever.
But it is difficult for me to do because of end to end tracking.

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yes, it’s all coming to light


Wow. That’s what the world should follow. Wonder If we could mass meditate with this intention…or… we could create a field for this shift in perspective that antibody proof is what you need to stay away from the vaccine! And then we all play … Immunity…just dreaming insanely…Thanks to Dream…

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Where? Any link?

@_OM sorry, some questions:

  1. Who has been vaccinated, should you repeat the cycle or is it better to switch to Blueprint?
  2. Other recommended or optional fields, to be added?



Hello @Fender_Cad :beers:
Im Not @_OM :ok_hand:

but hope this be helpful to you :

Someone told me :mage: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: about the vaccine : Not too bad so far .

Staying calm its also a good option while taking some preventive tweaks would do the job .


I guess it integrates very well with BoL
Thanks for suggestion!