Valhalla Vial (Artemis Series)

If you don’t own Opus, it might make more sense to replace it.
But if you already own Opus, it has a lot of extra goodies besides Dihexa.

Whatever you perform, piano, poetry, cooking, daydreaming, showering or driving, it will wire and help you improve. It boosts your potential for cellular learning.

I can’t just package all the same old stuff into every new releases. The older stuff already are full fields, if we want to make new fields with new stuff, we have to remove some of the older stuff.

Brain Key, Synapses, Opus are a nice circular system and Advantageous Brain Plan will re-sensitize the pathways involved by these fields. If you keep using them with the Artemis series you will get some more lift.

You have a whole system that’s already there and working from the first wave of Brainmania

The goal here with the Artemis series is to take only the very best elements and learn from past lessons to re-work the rest, maybe just one elements from the older boosters will be kept or none at all. We can’t expect everyone to buy all the boosters or use them all everyday.

We’re making more efficient, longer lasting, more potent designs. As a whole, all components considered the new stuff will be much stronger. We will approach some targets in different ways, using different pathways, different combinations of methods.

Using everything is always best despite the overlap, but the Artemis series is approached as a standalone.

Many older generations of technologies have a few advantages over newer stuff. But the newer stuff as a whole is ridiculously more powerful. I think of this as generations, Playstation 1 vs Playstation 2-3. iPhone 3gs vs iPhone 4s. Maybe some people prefer the playstation 2 or Gameboy advance over the Switch or Playstation 4.

When superhuman genius came out, people reported headaches and side effects, people were discovering the first side effects and overgrowth. Blurry visions. Now we have many times more potent boosters that feel gentler, with more protections. It’s gentler on your brain.

Brain Key was huge when it came out.
It mixed a whole brain stack of 7 fields in a more potent way with new exclusive features and way less side effects. It mixed stronger boosting with the healing and protections. It was easier to use, more convenient, all in one with no overgrowth and damage. All the autism talk was all of a sudden remote history. Press play and you got your pump, no worrying about looping and pruning. No worrying about the fact that some fields lasted only a bit some lasted hours. You had to DJ that stuff for hours and then you had to stop and use repair and autism field.

It was complicated enough that we had to explain to people how to reach the pump, how to boost their wiring fields with many other fields. Now it was press play and enjoy.

Now we have learned and we have higher expectations.
We want it to work faster, we want it to last longer. Not having to use it every 1-2 hours. Package more power into a shorter simpler listening time.

The more time passes, the more we expect.
We didn’t have that many wiring fields. It was all fresh and amazing, the first taste of abundance, people were learning about wiring fields and boosters.

Now we have many even more potent wiring fields that have been dropping non-stop. We have to integrate more and more faster.

With the Artemis series we have more knowledge and experience, we can anticipate a whole series so that as a whole they complement each other like never before. The level of cooperation between all the chemicals and sub-fields is also next level. The planning is next level.

People who are all-in on the brain path will feel the benefits the most, every day of wiring matters to them. They can’t just extend their days to listen more. We aim for efficiency.

The goal is to wire better and faster without having to tweak, worry, think too much about it.


let’s say in 2 year we are much smarter and have more understanding about the brain, we have 2 more years of reading research papers and then we look back at this release and we see how we can make it stronger, but also since we’ve been abusing this bad boy for that long, we know about it’s new side effects.

The next level booster would be stronger, faster, last longer and will have new protections based on the side-effects we discovered (only the ones who abuse it will discover them). There are many tweaks and tiny improvements that make it feel gentler.

As usual though, we keep introducing new techniques all the time, from combinations, new areas like snapping synapses, new types of genes, pathways, locations, maybe more astrocytes, maybe more in the nucleus. Artemis is also experimental, but experimentation based on prior experience, prior experimentations., not random experimentation.


Ahh Nothing like Epic Brain Fields that put a smile on my Face when it drops, Epic combos this one @Dr_Manhattan .

So if I have Brain Key, Snapping Synapses and Opus, this is like a Booster for the Boosters?

Will there be any new emotional intelligence-related fields in the new series, like social bonder or emotional dampener? do you have any ideas, complete or otherwise?

In a way, yes.

Well, the Self-Mastery guild has a somewhat similar release coming up, we’ll see what they do so that we don’t create redundancies.

But there are plans for another release in the Path of efficiency (Koritsudo) series that will touch on impulses, self control etc. I don’t want to announce too much too early, that way we can stay flexible.


hey Dr_manhattan can i have your help too please?
i can’t decide whether i should get ABP as a booster mostly because it also works on genes too and would be a 2 in 1 for someone like me(money wise lol) but now i checked out this and your reply about the whole ideas and experiences behind the artemis series and i’m not sure that at the end of day which one can bring more and faster results (it’s only 5 months left to exam day🥲)

i just keep struggling because every field out there is so promising thanks to Captain and you :))

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I’ve seen all your posts, I will sit down and write a detailed answer

Give me the day :slight_smile:


thank you so much :slight_smile: no rush and no intention for spamming i’m sorry i’m just overthinking and wanting to re-write them before you check them out(but now i’m a clown you saw them all i’m disappearing asap)


You’re not a clown, truth be told, you’re doing good by reminding me a bit. Your odds go up lol


hehe this made me smile, thank you :D

@Dr_Manhattan , would this field help someone with Parkinson’s, specifically to tackle movement related symptoms like frozen feet, dyskinesia (side effect of rising and falling dopamine in the body from medication) and reduction in cognitive abilities and memory?


The Valhalla Vial is crazy. I love it.

Every wiring field feels so much… wider? now. It’s given such a fresh life on things it feels kind-of weird to think that it hasn’t been with us all along. That’s weird to say, but there really feels to be something ‘non-temporal’ about it.

I am absolutely an order or magnitude more fried as a result. I don’t even feel like I’m ‘abusing’ it, but it’s pushing things hard and in unexpected directions.




Lmao 🫡😂


how does it feel to be like this Captain?

I would wonder about it too.

Let’s say Eternal works exactly as may be expected. Thus no aging after even a thousand of years. Let’s say someone keeps spamming all the brain fields for 1k years. Will he still have lots of potential to grow? Aren’t there any fundamental physiological and biological limits? After all, it’s only a finite space in… (unless we integrate it to something outside :) )

It’s believed that human brain wouldn’t be capable of functioning with more than 400 years of memories.


well morphic resonance posits that memory is not stored in the brain, so that wouldn’t be a problem

it could be that the neurocircuits (or whatever is supposed to store memory) actually just holds or facilitates the memories that are transmitted to the brain from the outside and so growth is akin to getting a better cpu or ram or something, it increases it’s capacity to facilitate large amounts of memory at once without overwhelm


I think that reaching such milestone will pose answers to this question naturally, also some quick search yields already interesting results Extending lifespan has mixed effects on learning and memory

Worms with extended lifespan were able to form new long-term memories all their life, but they forgot faster.

Of course these aren’t humans.

Thinking about brain as more of a memory interface (stored not only inside it) is interesting direction too.

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@Dr_Manhattan could this help with Epilepsy?

How has looping this been for ya’ll?
how many loops before overwhelm