About 7 weeks ago I’ve fractured 2 vertebrae from a fall, L5 and C6 (cervical), the C6 fracture is the worse and I’ve to be very careful with my recovery.
Between weeks 3 to 5 in my recovery I’ve been playing videogames because I was really boring and I got very competitive (as I usually do with videogames), which stressed me a lot, which caused tons of stress in my cervical area and made the C6 and C7 condition worse than it was.
After that a 1 specialist on spine and 1 neurosurgeon from the same team and hospital recommended surgery for my cervical area to avoid nerve damage because the area is “unstable”, meanwhile another 2 separated doctors specilists on spine I went to see said that I do not need surgery but more time to recover.
Now I’m 100% focused on avoiding all kinds of stress and hyper aware of my cervical area to avoid any damage because I want to avoid surgery at all costs (it’s a really dangerous zone and I’m afraid of surgery).
Which audios would you recommend for this situation?
I’ve been listening HGH audio, Fat to Stem Cells, Spinal Tapper and Fa Jin Gong for healing.
And I’m noticing each day that the pain in my arms caused by the herniated disks that push the spine in my neck is reducing each day.
By the way, I’m also fasting 23hs daily to increase HGH, autophagy and steam cell regeneration levels, while consuming all sorts of vitamines that I need like calcium & d3, also protein, etc.