Vertebrae fractures

About 7 weeks ago I’ve fractured 2 vertebrae from a fall, L5 and C6 (cervical), the C6 fracture is the worse and I’ve to be very careful with my recovery.

Between weeks 3 to 5 in my recovery I’ve been playing videogames because I was really boring and I got very competitive (as I usually do with videogames), which stressed me a lot, which caused tons of stress in my cervical area and made the C6 and C7 condition worse than it was.

After that a 1 specialist on spine and 1 neurosurgeon from the same team and hospital recommended surgery for my cervical area to avoid nerve damage because the area is “unstable”, meanwhile another 2 separated doctors specilists on spine I went to see said that I do not need surgery but more time to recover.

Now I’m 100% focused on avoiding all kinds of stress and hyper aware of my cervical area to avoid any damage because I want to avoid surgery at all costs (it’s a really dangerous zone and I’m afraid of surgery).

Which audios would you recommend for this situation?

I’ve been listening HGH audio, Fat to Stem Cells, Spinal Tapper and Fa Jin Gong for healing.

And I’m noticing each day that the pain in my arms caused by the herniated disks that push the spine in my neck is reducing each day.

By the way, I’m also fasting 23hs daily to increase HGH, autophagy and steam cell regeneration levels, while consuming all sorts of vitamines that I need like calcium & d3, also protein, etc.


Hi @heidegger So sorry about the pain you must be in!

A couple of months ago while on a long school break I spent a lot of time sitting crossed legged on my bed watching videos and logging onto the forum. At the time I thought it would be much more comfortable to sit for hours on end on my nice soft comfy bed rather than spend hours sitting on my not so comfortable lounge chair. I think it was about a week or two later that I started to have immense lower back pains that seemed to progressively get worse the more I sat on my bed. After a while I got really worried and thought that maybe I may have hurt my spine by picking up something heavy? It was my doctor who pointed out to me that because my bed was so comfy it was causing my spine to curve thereby putting more pressure on my discs. Once I changed where I sat the pain started abating. I mention this because I think because of your injuries you might have chosen a nice comfy chair to sit on while playing video games and this could be the reason why you may now have more stress in your cervical area. I could be completely wrong but when I read your post it reminded me of the back pain I experienced. Try and find a firm seat that won’t allow your bottom or spine to curve and if you are spending a lot of time lying on your back try bending your knees and bring your heels near your backside, this will push your lower back down and straighten out your spine.

I would also recommend you listen to Platelet Rich Plasma2 Bath

(Platelet Rich Plasma with plasma light) This induces platelet creation and buildup, mainly in bones, muscle, tendons, joint and mildly around the rest of the body and organs. There are a host of benefits to this as it helps release growth factors that stimulate and increase the number of reparative cells your body produces and super charge any recovery.

2-3 times per listen, with these i think the results are a lot faster so, be wary of that.

I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you start feeling a lot better soon!


@heidegger, are you using the newest fat to stem? I think it*s the one which also heals scars; DNA Repair, Pain Control Field(s), idk if fields like spine tapper or any fields for bones would be recommended, given your situation; Cosmo Volt and Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach (use this for like 5 minutes before other fields, to boost them); perhaps Reiki Massage and Angelic Intercession (and other intercession fields) might help…
I wish you a speedy recovery and may you receive all the health you need. :pray:
Perhaps it is best if you talk with Sammy or with Captain.


:point_up: Great recommendations! I forgot about these two. However I would recommend you play the Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach longer than 5 minutes. It really is an excellent audio and will help you in many ways both with healing and with life.


*Bone Strengthener- just X1-2/day
*Cellular Regeneration
*Symmetrical Body: description
This works using the slow movement of change in a body as it repairs and renews as per its normal functions, (not including the face, we have a specific one for that here Each side will match each other, its true symmetry, not the left matching the right or vice versa. Regardless, this is an ambitious endeavor to provide a means by which symmetry can be achieved. Some people may have a longer arm, or whatever body parts. This works towards that balancing change. Use as much as needed.


Thanks a lot y’all for your suggestions, I’m already applying those audios to my list.


Hey! How are you now? Blessings


I’m still dealing with pain, numb sensations in both of my arms and sometimes my right leg.

This stuff seems to take a lot of time to get fixed, mainly because there are so few blood vessels in that zone.

I’ve been water fasting 3 days once a week and listening to many audios (body symmetry/fat to stem cells) but I still have the same chronic issues. I’ll get more news in 2 weeks, then the doctor is going to tell me if I will have to go through surgery or not.


It’s bone so I imagine it does take a while but I’m glad you’re doing better and that you’re so brave and before you know it,you’ll be running and dancing again. Bless you!:heartpulse:

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