Vibration of Creation

Can this audio have potential to take someone who is listening since a long time to enlightenment. Please someone answer.

Yes it can.
The further you increase your vibration, the more likely you will be more enlightened. This can take years…


As long as you put in the work needed for enlightenment, and over many lifetimes, then you “might”. However, it is not guaranteed.

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Can this open chakras. Like muladhar chakra, swadisthan chakra etc.



Thank you so much… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



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I keep coming back to read this because it is so profound and reassuring at the same time! :white_heart:

Although I have so many tools by now, this amazing series is still in my daily stack


This field/ series is so crucial I can’t believe I havent used it in so long. This isn’t the same as the NFT vibrational raisers at all. Must have if you use a lot of fields, no wonder ive felt stuck for a bit


Still wondering which vibration audio to get or even if I need one since I have ascensionaut. But I’m very interested and it looks amazing.


I think this one yes (for you based on your reviews ;) )


Thank you Luna I’m gonna get this one then.


There’s also Light and Vibrational Guidance that you can get from the Sapien Shop, if you weren’t aware of it. Just another option, if it resonates with you.

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Lol toooo many options. I have to read the threads. Thank you for the suggestion.


Yes it does. Every desire of ours which has happened for us is a manifestation.

it’s a powerful series. Changed a lot for me in 2020. I would favor this one first, then vibration of transcendence second.


AI generated based on the description:



Nice! Third a fourth one look really cool. :+1:

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Summary of Intermediate Review:

Key: The primary goal is to elevate the individual’s vibrational frequency. This is often associated with spiritual growth and an enhanced state of consciousness. The audio is designed to clear dense and negative energy accumulated in the body, including organs, chakras, and the overall energy system. The vibrations extend down to the cellular level, reaching even the mitochondria. Mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouse of cells, and their activation may contribute to increased energy and vitality. The field is intended to facilitate spiritual evolution by providing a higher vibrational energy for the growth and evolution of chakras and other aspects of consciousness.

Reported intermediate benefits/reviews:

  1. Individualized Effects: The varied experiences among users suggest that the audio may work differently for each individual, possibly targeting specific areas of energetic imbalance or spiritual development based on their unique life experiences.
  2. Physical and Energetic Healing: Some users report physical sensations, including cold or numbness, which might indicate a process of energetic or physical healing.
  3. Physical discomfort: Some users mention experiencing pain, cold sensations, or extreme thirst after using the audio.
  4. Detox Effects and Healing: Users report detox effects, such as sweating, intense heat, and physical discomfort. However, these effects are often followed by a sense of mental clarity, happiness, and lightness. The audio is also associated with a sense of healing and renewal.
  5. Emotional purging: Users note periods of emotional release and challenging dreams, suggesting a purging process. Users describe emotional experiences, such as crying during meditation or going through a purging process. This suggests that the audio may help release stored emotions and energetic blockages.
  6. Dream Experiences: Dreams are mentioned in several reviews, with vivid and emotionally charged dream content.
  7. Manifestation Support: There are mentions of improved manifestations and creative abilities after using the audio, indicating a potential connection between the elevated vibration and the manifestation process.
  8. Out-of-body experience: There are users mentioning an OBE when using this audio during meditation or rest.
  9. Intensity: Some users find the Vibration of Creation audio intense and advise using it less frequently.
  10. Depression and fatigue: Users express concerns about feeling tired and seeks advice on whether to continue using the audio. Feeling tired and having rich dreams but lacking energy and motivation after using the audio, especially in the context of a previous struggle with depression.
  11. Variability in Responses: Users report mixed experiences, with some finding relief from depression, while others experience fatigue or other challenging emotions.
  12. Combination with other audios (tips):
  • Combining with Mstate Elements: One user recommends combining the “Vibration of Creation” with specific mstate elements like iron, copper, and gold, followed by Cosmo-Volt. This combination is suggested to address traumas and energetic imbalances.
  • Post-Vibration of Creation Sessions: Another user suggests using Crucible 3x after sessions with the “Vibration of Creation” to assist with emotional release.
  • Combining with Vibraytion of Divine Love: Users mention combining the audio with other fields like the “Vibration of Divine Love” for different effects. Each audio seems to have unique qualities and may resonate differently with individuals.
  • Combining the field with “Ego Dissolution”: which will make the mind more open to higher vibrations.
  • Combining the field with “Alien Intercession”: One user connects strange dream experiences to the combination of the “Vibration of Creation” with other fields, such as “Alien Intercession.”
  1. Caution with Looping: Some users caution against looping the audio excessively, recommending its use once or twice a week due to its perceived intensity.
  2. Increased Sensitivity: Several users note an increase in energy sensitivity, both during meditation and in daily life. This heightened sensitivity is sometimes described as feeling more connected to spiritual energies.
  3. Changes in Perception and Awareness: Users mention shifts in perception and awareness, such as feeling more peaceful, focused on breath awareness, and experiencing a new state of peace. Some also report expanded awareness and a feeling of being outside their body.
  4. Challenges and Ego Dissolution: Challenges and ego dissolution are noted in some reviews, with users describing the audio as a “tough love” experience that brings up personal weaknesses. Overcoming resistance is seen as a crucial step in experiencing the full effects of the field.
  5. Increased Vibrations during Meditation: Many users report feeling intense vibrations throughout their body, especially during meditation.
  6. Impact on Physical Activity: Some users report increased physical energy and a desire for physical activities referring Vibration of Creation to be infused with ‘life force’.
  7. Patience Required: The transformative nature of the audios may require patience, as challenging experiences can evolve into positive, long-term changes.
  8. Replacement for other fields: The field can replace ‘Clear Negative Energy’ and ‘Energy Blockage Removal’.

Note: In conclusion, the Vibration of Creation appears to be a powerful tool for personal and spiritual development, with users experiencing a wide range of positive effects, along with some initial challenges. The transformative nature of the audio suggests that individual experiences may vary, and patience is crucial for navigating the process.


Probably the most gruesome dream I had last night. I was cutting myself open where I had things wrong with me physically in my body. Weird part is, it wasn’t painful.

Was also dreaming about me feeling left out and not wanted in any group setting.

I used ego dissolution as I was falling asleep and then VOC 4x. No I don’t get tired anymore from VOC physically.