Vibration of Divine Love

Ascension tag definitely works too. I can’t compare how long either one takes. I think these might feel more pleasant though and could work a little faster due to the energies raising your vibration on many different levels. That being said, ascension is more forceful in getting you up there.

I reached a very high level of vibration years ago with ascension but had to come back down a bit so I stopped wearing it. There’s a threshold you reach where you’re at peace with everything. Now this would be awesome if I had already accomplished all my goals lol. I had to come down a bit to regain my drive to get things done or else I’d just chill out and live in peace. So I’m saving that for the future :slight_smile:


Third one, we have an idea of what it is but are still ironing out the details. So not at liberty to say yet.


Seems valid. From the description of ascension tag it seems it forces to do so. From your clear description i feel vibration of divine love seems a good option for a peaceful ascension. Never wonder why these fields are priced so.

I had an Idea to buy ascension tag but as it was costly to my budget, This audio field is a right choice. Thank you for explaining in details. We either wait for the final audio in the series (if it releases soon) or buy one of the Vibration audio.

Also your experience with the ascension tag might help other people who are willing to buy them. Thank you for sharing it as well.


Talking from experience he just said the ultimate truth of higher states. :+1: The higher you go, the less you care about silly things.

Once you get to the higher state you will never need anything to fill you. You will be fulfilled without anything.


“The higher you go, the less ego you have. So you aren’t left wanting anything because you feel you have everything.”

I felt like this once. Genuinely down to the core. I had it all and yet had “nothing”. Then I lost the feeling and was left with truly nothing. I’m only grateful I still have my family. Although we could be a better family. But your right it would be nice to have accomplished some selfish goals in case your good vibes run out and you have nothing to fall back on for some happiness and fulfillment.


That’s probably why I don’t care about wealth and success as much as I used to.


It should only be three, 3, 6 and 9 hold the secrets of the universe. At least, so I have heard :wink:


WTF is this… lol :joy: :rofl:


Okay, Dream uncle. :alien: :grin:

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lmao… :joy: :rofl:

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Haha, a crazy book that was

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I’m a bit confused here as I’m new to the subject, maybe someone can help me out…

Lowering your ego and getting rid of negativity doesn’t mean that you’ll let go of the contradictory/negative thoughts which make it hard to manifest?
Also if you’re not feeling “needy” about things (which works quite on the opposite of what you want), but feeling like you have everything already, won’t the universe follow by attracting more of what you want?

That’s not how the whole “Law of Attraction” works? Believing that you already have what you want and being in a mind state of abundance?

Now, I’m not saying you will feel the need for money in order to be happy/successful, but in my case for instance, I’m currently setting up an online business… wouldn’t being in a higher vibrational state (while not its focus) help me attract opportunities/deals?

Since these fields are not as forced as the Ascension tag maybe it is easier to control this “threshold” that sammy mentioned?

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Yup, like how Nikola Tesla once said


I’m not sure I understand correctly, what is the purpose of having a very high vibration like never before, of having a very big consciousness and being very spiritually evolved?

Is it to no longer have needs (to feel the need to fulfill them), to master and control your own desires, to be free from all negative / dark energies in all these forms?

So by using the assenscion article and the audio series of higher vibrations, the end that awaits us in this world is the ultimate divine unconditional love and peace that supersedes all intelligence? (I am not against it, on the contrary. And I do not ask as a reward the riches and possessions of this world, But I suspect that there may be something else, and I may be wrong) .


Since you’re not at liberty to discuss you probably won’t respond to what the 3rd part is but I’ll guess anyway.

Last year I discovered and began utilizing a particular mantra which were 3 mantras combined into one. Can’t recall what that mantra was unfortunately but it was comprised of Om (creation), a 2nd mantra which supported sustainment of creation, and a 3rd mantra that was the frequency of destruction.

This was not destruction in general, it was the destruction of obstacles and negativity that stood in the way of one’s ascension or goals. Being that these audios clear blockages and negativity I find it hard to imagine that’s what it is, but if it is…I understand why y’all are having a tough time with figuring out how to approach the creation of the audio.


So, how you described it must be much more priced, and most powerful one, I mean with 3 mantras like 3 fields in one audio
Anyway very interesting your opinion
And yes Sapien mentioned 3,6,9 like secret of universe so we can guess

Was it Om Namah Shivayah?

I have an idea… Can it be based off of the So’Ham mantra, or the Vibration of the Self/Atma? (These are the same)

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Whether it is or not, that’s a beautiful mantra. :smile:

Are you familiar with it?

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