Vibration of Divine Love

Vibration of Divine Love

Delving into the realm of spiritual evolution, there exists a profound journey of raising one’s vibration. It’s akin to tuning into the symphony of the universe, orchestrating harmony within oneself. Through the sacred art of meditation, the delicate weaving of chakras, and the mastery of transformative practices, a crescendo of vibrational ascent awaits.

Yet, amidst this cosmic dance, there lies a barrier—laden with the weight of our burdens, our energies remain tethered to denseness rather than soaring freely. Herein lies the essence of this transcendent audio, a celestial conductor poised to disperse the shadows of our accumulated clutter, while simultaneously elevating our essence to unparalleled heights.

Imagine each cell within you pulsating with the resonance of divine love, an unconditional embrace of a frequency so refined, so ethereal. This celestial love permeates every fiber of your being, stirring the dormant energies, sweeping away the debris of negativity, and ushering forth a radiant transformation. It is the catalyst that unfurls the petals of your consciousness, transcending the boundaries of time and space, resonating across dimensions.

Envision this audio as a sacred elixir, infusing your chakras with the elated dance of evolution. It is a symphony of ascension, a crescendo of spiritual awakening, resonating with the souls who dare to tread the path of enlightenment. Yet, tread cautiously, for this offering is not for the faint-hearted; it beckons to those who have traversed the realms of energy, who stand ready to embrace the profound depths of their own divinity.

In the grand tapestry of spiritual evolution, this audio emerges as a luminescent gem, illuminating the path for seekers to traverse. It is a testament to the power of vibrational resonance, an ode to the eternal symphony of the cosmos, beckoning souls to embark upon a journey of transcendence.

You can use this along with its sister audio ‘Vibration of Creation’.

Sister Audio: Vibration of Creation

Some related, useful pointers by @SammyG


Oh boy :thinking: I just got the creation field, I’ll need to wait a few weeks before I go for another collection. From the name of it can replace my entire night stack :sweat_smile:.


Description is almost same as the last one, but divine love


Description seems mostly the same. May I know the difference between the creation and divine love?

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Wow Dream has been blessing us with his new release. I would love to hear everyone’s feedback especially in comparison with Vibration of Creation. I think I’m going to buy it too pretty soon


Yeah I noticed too Vibration of creation has more masculine energy and I love it how affect me

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This is the 2nd part to a 3 part series of higher vibrational energy. You don’t need all three parts. One would suffice. But having them all in your collection is nice as well. The vibration of creation audio elevates you with ‘om energy,’ which is the creative force of the universe. The vibration of divine love elevates you with higher vibrational unconditional love energy, which is the binding force of the universe. That which unifies. @O.O made a point as to how OM is masculine and Love is feminine. I wouldn’t give them such labels but in essence OM is active and Love is passive.

In the end, both would take you farther than most people have ever gone.


Just curious - what is the upcoming third in the series? :smile:


So there are three of them, nice.
I hope so you guys will also create one for manifesting skills or something for creating and fulfilling our wishes, thoughts, goals, some vibration for that also
Like Genie from Aladdin or something lol


You want to summon a Djinn?

Lol jk. But I think Willpower, Victory, and Hand of Glory might do that

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I read this a few years ago and since then, no Aladdin or Djinns for me please haha. Till then, the only Djinn I knew was Disney’s Genie lol


You understood me literally guys


Naaw, was just kidding :D


The clif hanger Sammy just left us with. :sob::sob::grimacing:


LOOOOOOL I did put “jk”

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LOL :joy: that book looks creepy


When I was a child I look at a more creepier picture than this from a book cover and was afraid and having nightmares 4 days straight… :joy::joy: .


Well, this is the thing with being in a higher vibrational state. It’s not really the kind of vibration where you are still ‘wishing’ for things. You will naturally manifest whatever you need in life and be heavily abundant already. You’ll have ‘everything’ so to speak. Negativity/darkness won’t really be able to touch in these higher states of being either.

But, manifesting a million dollars or boyfriends/girlfriends isn’t really the kind of thing that’ll cross your mind. That’s all ego. The higher you go, the less ego you have. So you aren’t left wanting anything because you feel you have everything.

So the more you listen to these audios, I’d just like you guys to keep that in mind. You can definitely grow yourself spiritually with these, clear negative energy and elevate your chakras of course but the more you listen, the more the audios will dissipate your ego. If you want women, money and all those material things, these audios will probably not supplement those desires (they won’t get in the way of them either). I’m not saying those things are bad by the way. Just not the end goal here.

Speaking of ego, your ego may get pretty angsty and fight back against these energies the more you listen. So if you start to get uncomfortable or your ego is just very overactive, know that its dissipating and fighting to regain control. Mines has definitely started getting this way with me lol.


Clear and concise explanation. This is like an ultimate field for ascension. I am just wondering how it competes with the ascension tag?

Also the 3rd field, what is it based on?


Nice, thanks for answering

Lol and I recently purchased vibration creation and all chakras fields in order to increase my manifestating skills lol but I am so far very satisfied with them… it’s seems like I already with them release some shameful emotions or whatever… feels good so far, we will see, but something is definitely happening, finally

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