Vibration of Divine Love

Just wanted to say thank you for the detailed posts you’ve made in this thread!

I really appreciate them and have learned a lot from reading about your experiences and thoughts. I always learn very much from your posts and I’m grateful for all your contributions to the discussions in our Sapien community. :pray:


as you said: “And again, not that there’s anything wrong with having goals and crushing obstacles. I’m on that same wavelength currently. But it’s just not what these audios are for.”

Then why don’t you suggest Dream to create one for gumroad for crushing obstacles and for successful achieving goals and for energy of creation/manifestation in one audio, even if it costs let say 200$ it will be worthy, I think he can do that one…
And I am sure many will have interest for that one…in fact, why didn’t anyone suggest this one ever I really wonder


Is it tho ? Or is the end goal harnessing the power of the soul to create a better world and speed up human evolution …?

I think giving up on the physical to become “one” is similar to christians and muslims who hate the world and want to go to “heaven”.

We all have the power to do something, and i’m pretty sure your soul is intelligent enough to not incarnate and give up the ego to become “enlightened”. It should be more advanced than that. You’re underrating your soul lol.

I think the ego should be controlled and reprogrammed trough the higher self, but that’s just my take on it.


I agree, life is all about achieving, and if there’s no achieving then it’s nothing of worthy, you will feel disappointed, bad, etc… first you should have all whatever you want and then you could achieve that feeling of enlightenment where you don’t need anything more cause you achieved all you already wanted… that’s how life works


Hmm, this is why i dislike the word ‘is.’ I don’t particularly believe in absolutes but the word ‘is’ insists on things being absolutes. It’s a problem of semantics and this is why I prefer to use words like ‘perhaps’ or maybe’ but that also confuses people lol.

Anyways, like I said, you define your purpose. Purpose is very subjective. And I was just suggesting some possible purpose in raising your vibration. The purpose you brought up is just as valid as well.

I guess to continue down your train of thought and for the sake of discussion, I’ll bite. You are saying that I am underrating the soul with my comments. When I think of my true self, I think universally. I don’t think of just the light of consciousness that I am that is expanding throughout each life. In essence, this light ( higher self) that I am is still a fragment of the all. It IS the all. And it exists to expand the all. So when I say I exist to expand(evolve) all that is around me, I really mean that I exist to expand all of me. ‘I’’ am a lot bigger than this body I’ve incarnated in.

So, I am not thinking on an individual level. Individuality is an illusion. A very useful and necessary one in this realm. I am not putting individualism down. All I am saying is that the higher you go, the more the kinds of things I am speaking of will become apparent. If you continue down this path of enlightenment, these are things you will come to realize on your own.

But you don’t have to go down this path. You can also go left hand path and work on expanding your ego (or in other words controlling it through the higher self…). If you do it successfully, you will see the ego as no more than a tool and use it as a means of progressing your spirit. But I’ve noticed a great majority of left hand pathists go the opposite and just end up getting stuck in their egos. It’s very hard to strike the balance. Especially since through the higher self, you will also see that you are not ‘individual’.


Also feel like I need to clear something up. Listening to these audios does not automatically mean that you will reach ‘enlightenment’ or that it is the sole purpose of the audios. A lot of us are in low vibration, with many negative thought patterns and traumas and whatnot, that keep us from progressing and realizing our full potential. These audios are of a way of overcoming the weight that is keeping us down. When we get rid of that weight and become lighter in the mind, we are able to think and act more freely. We can set out to accomplish our goals more easily.

Because yes, we all have goals. I’m currently more on the ‘higher self/ego’ path as @Samurai puts it because I have many things that I’m too accomplish now. Same with dream. I’ve been using these audios as a means of making my mind lighter so I can be in a more fluid mind state to do things. Also, they help to expand the chakras and energy system which is something I’ve already been doing for a long time.

That being said, I’ve only been listening for like 2 weeks or so. And it’s already very apparent to me and dream that these are pretty powerful and can get you up to the much higher states of being over time (especially if combined with ascension). All the stuff I’ve been describing throughout this thread is in regards to the very high states of being one can reach with the audios. So keep in mind, the more you listen over a long period of time, the more your ego will dissipate. And that’s where a lot of the stuff I’ve been talking about in this thread comes in.

Now, I know that’s not the main reason most people here have purchased these audios lol.

So yes, although the audios aren’t specifically programmed for helping you accomplish goals, they indirectly do by getting rid of the weight that gets in the way of your willpower/thought.


Thanks man. And thank you and all others who try to continually try to help each other out in this forum. It’s what we were hoping for when we created it :slight_smile:


The reason I don’t believe in absolutes is because of the nature of reality. Quantum physicists have found that at the subatomic level of reality, a photon can either be a wave or a particle, or neither one at all until it is observed. In quantum physics, there are only probable answers. There aren’t yes or no answers, only ‘most probable.’

So considering that observation is influencing the particle/wave probability, we are also creating reality with our consciousness. Shouldn’t this mean that reality would be more random and chaotic then? Well no. The reason we see ‘absolutes’ in our reality is because we live in a shared reality. So its the complex interaction of a mass of consciousness, observing and creating a common story. Although we do create reality on an individual level to a certain extent, we are truly creating the reality we live in on a collective level.

But the main reason that it still isn’t absolute is because it all also doesn’t exist at the same time. Just like your thoughts are illusion, all of this is but a thought… derived from nothingness. If everything comes from nothing, then everything is essentially nothing. Quantum physics (here’s an interesting article on this ) has been implicating that everything exists and doesn’t exist at the same time. And this is ancient knowledge learned by the mystics throughout time that would say ‘the world is maya.’ I’ve experienced reality being an illusion once during meditation and it was one of the scariest yet liberating experiences I’ve ever had.

Now when I say that am not thinking on an individual level, I meant I am not thinking on an egoic level. Thinking for Sam and all his desires. (This isn’t true right now, I’m more attuned to my ego right now. I am speaking of higher vibrational state) Of course, you will always technically be thinking on an individual level cause otherwise you’ll be thinking as everything else at once. But when you become selfless, you become an extension of the all in an individual level. You are the universe focused in on the point of awareness that is your body.

Right now, we are all the universe focused in the body but unaware that it is the universe, in the personalities we’ve developed in our lives that make us believe this is who we really are. And here’s something interesting…

Considering the universe is expanding infinitely, your spirit is also on the path of becoming its own universe and creating an infinite amount of universes as well. This thing, whatever this is so massive and never ending, that it hurts my brain just to think on it. Some of the things dream has shared with me has made my mind spin like a merry go round.

All this being said, these are all just my perspectives. I would prefer not to influence you guys with my way of seeing things as I think you should all come to your own conclusions through your personal experiences.


Yes this is the correct way to pronounce it. I am from India of Tamil Origin (the oldest one) and the panaya mantra is pronounced as AUM and not OM. When you pronounce A U M it will start from the bottom chakra and when you finish it will go to the top. Try doing it slowly.

Like Aa voo mmm (just combine and pronounce … in Tamil it’s ஆவும்)


Holy smokes, when I read that, it reminded me of a very spiritual experience I had more than a decade ago. I remember having a fight with my mom over something I can’t even recall, and me climbing in my car and driving off, crying the whole time and super upset. I was driving for about 20 minutes, all the while repeating in my head that I didn’t want to feel this pain anymore, that I was so sick of feeling hurt all the time. I drove past a long grove of trees that grew over the road like a sort of tunnel and all of a sudden it’s as if a veil was lifted and I could sense absolute unconditional love all around me. Like I knew the thing that held the fabric of the whole universe together, the very thing ensuring molecules and atoms maintain their form, was unconditional love. It is what infused every particle of each leaf of each tree I was looking at.


This is true yes. But reasons/realizations for these kinds of things will always be different for everyone.


“New Release - Vibration of Divine Love” Really, great divine vibrations in this thread. lol

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Anyway, Please can be possible in new channel to put descriptions for some new fields?

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Hmm… I think Sam should create a new thread for Energetic Alchemy and should add all video description of that channel there. what say?


Oh that’s coming soon. Been swamped but have made this priority.


Last night I decided to have 1 drink (I don’t drink AT ALL) I’ve been looping both Divine Love along with Creational vibration for the past few days. And today I woke up with an urge to throw up; I didn’t have a headache(like most common hangovers) but what’s crazy was my ENTIRE body was vibrating. Never felt like this in my life, I want to say the creation field fought the alcohol within my system? It’s only been almost a week and this audio is showing intense results.


Ok we’re u hear Urs from I heard mine from meditating steps he was talking about static and sentient foods

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This audio is no joke…some may not be ready for it. Some may not be willing to change and give up life long entrenched beliefs and opinions they’ve carried for so long. Dogmas that they’ve served under that begin to crumble…do you serenely and calmly walk away and notice the toppling from afar? Or do you decide to stay in your old ways and watch the roof cave in beneath you?

I’m finding that out for myself, but I will push through. At one point I couldn’t believe it, I almost began to cry.

“Galvanized, we rise, unrestrained, soaring with elan towards our goals, on paths we blaze by our own hands-EVER FORWARD!”


What made you want to still achieve your goals, even after attaining such peace?


I think folks here are associating peace with laziness, giving up, total complacency and not having goals? Like a totally blissed out or zoned out state?

At a higher vibration, there still are goals - there still are things one strives to achieve - just the nature and quality of these goals, and the attitude towards how we achieve them are vastly different.

For example, my teacher explained how his earlier goals were concentrated around money, health etc. But with his practice achieving fruition, abundance was inherent and effortless and he did not need to “try” or “work” for those any more. He still strived selflessly to teach, help those in need, further his spiritual progress etc., but not from a place of lack or desperation, but a whole different plane of knowing, peace and content, and with a total control over his body, mind, spirit and destiny.

We have a saying in Tantra - unlike dualistic and monastic systems, a practitioner of Tantra gives up nothing - neither the joys of the material nor the bliss of the spirit - both are accomplished effortlessly and without being contradictory to each other, because material and spirit are just two aspects of the same. As Atisha said a long time ago, Samsara is Nirvana and Nirvana is Samsara. The two seemingly contradictory stereotypes of “Alpha male, prosperous, wealthy, muscled, aggressive” and “peaceful, spiritually accomplished, blissful, soft-spoken, perceived Beta” are pretty much just that - cliched stereotypes, which are not meaningful once the vibration is no longer basal and centered only around survival.