Vibration of Divine Love

I started to experiment…on one app is playing alchemy of love album and on another app is playing VoDL in same time, and feeling is very nice, it even vanished from me sadness or feeling of some nostalgia for past which I felt before playing them…so it’s good I must say as combination.
I feel as completed… satisfaction


How many time you listen to it daily?


I stopped because of the energy awakening course.


does this one can transmute sexual energy overload ?


It might or might not have a bit of a transmutation effect, depending upon the person and how their energy system is affected by the field at the time, but Transmutation and Microcosmic and Transmutation of Lower and Basal Energy work best for that.


Thanks for your answer and great spirit! Your are wonderful participant of this forum!!! A big role model for everyone :heart:


This has been the most powerful field I’ve used.

I’ve used VoC previously, but VoDL really hit home.

For a lot of my life, even in my spiritual pursuits, I’ve always held onto a sense of abandonment and loneliness, I only felt true and real love once and it burned away as quickly as it came. Everything since then has felt a lot more grey.

VoDL reminded me that the perfect love exists, that I am loved, and that I am enough.

I didn’t realize that I had such a closed off heart to the world due to my insecurities and pain, but this made me accept that and open my heart again. I was on the verge of tears when I heard the track.

I compounded this track with VoC and I immediately felt the power of VoC. I think this track really broke a lot of my blockages down and now I wish to get the Vibration of Transcendence to truly complete it all.


good to hear This especially I felt like you for years :heart:


quick realization i’d like to share.

this helped me realize how scared i was to trust in the universe because i grew up experiencing a lot of embarrassing situations.

listening to this reminds me that i’ve gone way way past those situations.

it also ties in to me worrying too much about others and realizing that the ones that matter think the best of me and i can trust they always have the best intentions and we will connect when things align.

time alone is my opportunity to clean and organize my emotions.


This idea just came into mind, anyone here tried pairing this field with Karezza or while making love? Anyone have thoughts about it?


I think there was a post about fields during sex - I hope it’s not deleted, I couldn’t find it now.
Sammy wrote there also regarding this field, so if you go through his posts maybe you’ll find it ;)


Thanks @MonkeyOwl ! I’ll try looking for it. Do you remember it leaning towards yes or no?

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I think it was yes could be a beauty experience but you should be careful when you do it (or other audios related to love) because it could result in a strong connection or something similar…
Take away for me was only when it’s a serious relationship for these audios


That’s exactly what i’m looking for, Thanks! I’ll try it out soon :)

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(Discussion on masturbation (Kinky stuff)) Found it!


@SammyG This also replaces the Deep Aura Cleansing on Dream Seeds channel right?

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The vibration of Divine Love is free of any bonding… anything added is from the ego

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The way I look at this is that certain audios, like Vibration of Divine Love, focus on multiple things at once. And its main purpose to is raise your vibration and of course in the process, it dissolves energetic clutter in your energy system and may inadvertently clear negative energies in your aura in the process but that isn’t its main focus.

Aura cleansing’s focus is directly working to cleanse the aura. So it will be more efficient in cleansing your aura than vibration of divine love would be.

That being said, aura cleanse generally doesn’t have to be listened to more than 1-2 times a week. It’s clearing all the energies you pick up and build up over time.

If you listen to it, it would be like taking a full and thorough aura bath. Then throughout the week, sticking to vibration of divine love would be like taking short baths for the aura.


Thanks for the elaborate answer :blush:


I’ve been playing this on loop for the past few hours cuz the music is so relaxing(in addition to love embedded make it even more so… I’ve slept through it(and I feel so damn rested) not sure when I’ll stop playing yet :joy: