Victim of black magic /entity attachment

Nah man. I don’t want you or others to feel that way. ‘Big boss sammy is watching. Let me play nice.’ I’m a person just like you and the others. If you disagree with me, then disagree with me and let’s have a nice discussion about it. Treat me as an equal because that is how I tend to treat you guys as well :slight_smile:


Lol, no worries man. I know you’re not ass kissing and I’m certainly not mad.


I said big boss just for fun man, I get it that everybodys equal but from some you learn more and from some you dont learn so much, thats why I appreciate what you say and you in general


I mean yeah I should appreciate everybody and respect them, but just sayin


How did you realize you had a problem? How did you realize that you have it? How long have your issues been persisting?

you didnt quite answer this question

I get what ya mean :+1:


Hello Sammy I had problem like insomnia changes in weight types in childhood when I was 13 years then around 18 years I I saw white lights flush in my body when I closed my eyes then started depression m insomnia medications and situation getting worst day by day then I had dream like lucid dreams like daily in night when I go to sorcerer they all said same things o have past life curse of snakes with pitra dosh… my whole life is a curse like hell I tried many times suicide but got no success…god knows what lifes want from me now…

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Majin i have no enough money to buy 100dollar curse spell audio thts y m not gave u reply…thnks

is it sarpa dosha? then nullify planetry effects on dream seeds might be good , try once

The spinning clockwise and counterclockwise is subjective to the person. Most people spin clockwise but some females for example, tend to have their energy spin counterclockwise. Regardless, once someone’s energy spins a certain way for life, it attunes to that as if its the normal way for optimal functioning. Same thing in the end.

The different effects that people might get from spinning the other way is because they are spinning opposite to how their energy has been spinning their whole lives.


Damn that sounds tough. I would suggest nullify negative planetary effects from dreamseeds. Also, send an email to so we can talk about this more in private.


Don’t know brother its is sarp dosha or anything else a…all sorcerer said they linked to me from past…

Yes Sammy very tough to my life I m living like a hell from childhood. Will make mail sapien thanks to guide me…


I think you also need to note that a LOT of Indian astrologers make money scaring people. Kalasarpa Dosha is a big moneymaker! I am told that ancient astrology texts do not mention anything about this and it is more of a medieval thing (of course, I have not studied Indian Jyotisha, so I am just saying what I’ve heard).


I don’t know if it has to do anything with this but after having read your post, I started wondering if the “negative” side effects that I had while doing Tibetan rites was due to this…


Ohh that would make a lot of sense!

How fast would you spin though in the first rite?

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I’m completely confused, switching between the 2 forums ;)))

As you know, I haven’t tried nor watched yet the version on Dream Seeds. I had learned somewhere else. There, we used to spin in a quite slow pace (I can’t tell precisely how slow… slow but regular, you know), towards the right.

Edit: so maybe I should watch the one on Dream Seeds, in order to figure out if I miss something :)

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I dont see any one else commenting something in regards of gays except me.

Sorry @SammyG but first i didnt generalize, i said “a lot of them” and if i said it its because having lived around different latin countries, working a lot of times with some, having neighbors, friends victim of this by some of them, and ex roomate’s brother who owns a holistic/spiritual store and told us many times how the most questions he get daily are about black magic items from gays… i think I can kinda say its common, so I’m sorry i disappoint you but i will still think it lol

There were some harsh deleted messages I could still see at the time. It’s all good. No worries :slight_smile: