Wealth Generation + +

Yes. And I feel much more chilled about my abundance/wealth playlist.

But also inspired action, painting more, finishing my paintings, fixed up all my website SEO, Google page indexing. Just general biz follow through, without doubting. Could also be the other revision fields too.


I know everybody is different, but try this:

Listen to this stack as usual, and when each field is playing, tune into it. The goal is a bit like solving a sudoku, eliminating redundant number candidates one by one, or in this case field by field.

When you do this, you eventually reach a core of fields in your wealth stack aka the most important ones in your stack.

Then the idea is to only play the core fields of the wealth stack and only add more if they feel right for the day( for instance, perhaps you felt uneasy today and you notice yourself not being very grateful. In that case you add back in the gratefulness fields, if they weren’t of your core fields).

A lot of blablabla.
For me, for example, my current core wealth stack (meaning I try to play this stack at least once each per day) is:

Emblem of Change
Probability Wave
The Unexpected
Wealth Generator++
Woven Worlds Millions
Financial Protector

That’s my current core.
Emphasis on my. This can be different for everyone.

Also, on top of that, obviously I have a range of wealth NFTs in my pocket. I don’t interact too much with them overall, but I’m sure they also have an effect. (And the abundance tag too)

Overall the field journey is a personal one, so while we can ask for advice or give advice, in the end we must determine ourselves what’s good for us.

I hope this helps


My main stack for months.
Only recently when I added old wealth and luck fields, things started to move from not moving at all.


here’s a simple stack that i think creates a good energetic foundation for wealth:

A life of magical abundance
Probability alteration and luck
Powerful good luck energy
Attract wealth prosperity and abundance
Unexpected gifts
Wealth generation ++
Financial protector
Million dollar empire mindset
Gratitude for blessings

For some reason I have trouble staying consistent with the last two though😕


Very solid stack. You can loop million dollar mindset at night, while ego is at rest and not interfering. I do that every night now. Then print out gratitude for blessing mandala and bring with you, if you usually forget to play it.

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When I lacked self-love and listened a lot to fields that increase self-love, I still continuously found myself trying to identify whether the fields were working or not. I basically kept focusing on my lack of self-love.

Then, when I started to focus on doing things that fill my heart with joy, while still listening to the self-love stack, I suddenly felt so much more light and free.

I notice something similar about increasing financial abundance. Instead of actively questioning myself frequently if I received any “extra cash”, I stopped paying attention to my cash flow. I barely check my account.
Instead, I listen to the field once in a while when I remember it and just trust it will bring financial benefits I to my life. Then I turn my attention to activities and people that make me happy.
Now, for the sake of this thread and sharing our experience with this field, I did check my account. An entire month has gone by and my spendings are ridiculously low. Keep in mind that I have zero I come right now and currently live in a quite expensive country (Australia). Somehow this month I was blessed with so many invitations and treated to many activities, lunch/dinner, trips, and even free products - I strongly believe this field is helping with this!
I rarely listen to any other wealth related fields.

@JAAJ I’d suggest, believe in the field, let go, do things that make you happy and stop counting the extra cash in the end of the month. Because that keeps your focus on the lack of such additional money. Maybe try that approach and see later on if it changed anything for you.


Wealth Alchemical Review would be missing

Was going through the thread and this cleared up some of my doubts. Yay :D


Since February I’ve been playing this 2-3x a day, on a stack with a few abundance/luck fields, my intuition is telling me I can attribute generating money from this field.

Probability and Luck
A Life of Magical Abundance
Probability Wave
Wealth Generation++
The Unexpected
Financial Protector

The pure occurrence of money each month is truly astounding as it comes effortlessly from others:

:dollar: Each month someone would send me $100, either my mum/someone else.
:dollar: My phone bill is happily sorted by my aunt, $50 a month (it’s her business)
:dollar: I was treated for an overnight stay at a posh resort, all expense paid (transport, food, drinks and room)
:dollar: My other account got resurrected and received $5000.
:dollar: Storage fees paid $700

Thankful when I read them, but kept unattached to outcomes.

A clairvoyant friend has shared a couple of things, and just be surprised until these predictions happen right before my eyes (of course with the help of fields).

-News will arrive that will ease your financial burden and make things easier for you. (When this field was released)
-An unexpected windfall will lift your spirits and you will spend some on entertaining. (Buying new fields lol)
-Financially, you will be more secure than before.
-Money, or a small gift or token, will be received.
-You will be touched by the generosity of someone in the family, and money may arrive in an envelope.

Captain, thank you truly. Owing to this, I continuously get to pay Patreon and have provision each month. :pray:t4::red_gift_envelope:


I got an extra $60 in usd this weekend for fixing a hotmail account. I had no intention to charge.

I haven’t been listening either. I have the wealth++ mp3 in a folder with the bypass image from doctor Magus.


Another 200€ in gifts.


Yeah… most of the time unhealed trauma is the main cause … Divine Love and Become Whole are both excellent for all purpose blockages.


Interestingly enough, I’ve been led to Alchemy of Love recently after long hiatus. Music is simply too awesome to not to loop whole album.

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Thank you bro, didnt know that particular field will aid in helping with shame and guilt towards other things and this makes sense.

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That makes total sense to me, I’ve realized that healing from sexual trauma does a lot of things that seem completely unrelated, it allows you to be you without having any shame


I stopped using it temporarily but still wanted to report these:

Worked impressively well along with the Financial Protector. Got some cash extras by unexpectedly going back to my old job (the real one), after a 3-year break. Now doing my real job as a part-time/side job lol but still. The results were/are here.

Also, a relative living abroad paid me a visit a couple of weeks ago. He left a 100 USD banknote on my coffee table before leaving (I noticed it only after he left. When asking why, he said it was a sort of “house gift” since he couldn’t bring an “actual” one).

We don’t use USD as a currency in day-to-day life in our country. So it was somewhat surprising. Made me smile.


I agree completely. Such powerful work

Went to go drinking today for the first time in a long time after listening to this field for some times… and my friends just gave me money and bought me beers and shots throughout the whole night.

I probably got around 150 dollars in total for everything, didnt even ask for anything and actually wanted to not receive so much, but they insisted. Food, drinks and a ride home, paid for .


What is SLR? I don’t recognize that…just curious.

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Note to myself to update on this thread in the coming days…