Prestige and Grandeur

Just purchased this and claimed this NFT, but I am having issues downloading the audio. The landing webpage indicated Hmmm… can’t reach this page. Tried it many times but still nothing.

Aside from this, I also purchased 3 NFTs this easter sale too, just few days ago, but never had issues downloading the audios of them and claiming the rest of 3 NFTs.

Only This 4th NFT (Prestige and Grandeur) has issue downloading the audio.

Anyone can help me out about the audio? :pray:

UPDATE: I got the audio. Seem there was a waiting time, a lag in processing, this time. Before it was instant download.


3 weeks with this field…

I noticed that im not exactly more motivated, but there is less resistance to working towards my goal.

Also the seeming of confidence is amazingly noticeable.


Does this NFT recognize and mentally read our goals, or does it all need to be set with an intention while looking at the image?
Is it possible for this NFT to act towards the primary objective (work) and for other secondary ones (relationships for example) at the same time?


Soooooo … I will see how it works its magic once July starts because my new job will start, too
Will make a review in August

But till then, anyone have any new testimonials to share? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I took it last Friday, still nothing to report, but I’ve been at home for most of these days and therefore it’s a bit difficult to measure its effects in the social sphere. For the rest, I have well-defined goals, but once again it’s too early to draw conclusions.


What can i say? I did get this field in on april 6th, now its august

I have this nft on my keychain, as my screen saver and a few days ago i started looping the audio on my way to work.

I adore my job. Best path in life guided me to pursue a career where i work with animals, and now its proving to be a job i find joy in. Especially on days where i use the audio, i notice an increase in capability. If i didnt focus on how the field manifests in my life, i probably wouldnt notice the difference - but once i focus on it, loop the audio and pay attention to my day - there is a difference. i get things done. i ask questions. i notice an increased desire to learn. to understand. i want to prove that i can be successful.

sometimes the audio reminds me of super mario when he uses the invincibility star and gets the temporary boost lol

I did complain to a coworker about an issue that caused me quite a struggle - the next day! boom! both my chef and my tuitor scrambled literally to resolve and fix the issue, apologizing for it several times - it was quite funny to see

On several occassions this took place. Let it be offers to help me with my studies, providing study material, etc
Also im quite an artsy person, i enjoy doodling and drawing stuff - my tutor asked me to help him paint something for our office, i agreed and while doing it he looked at me and said “i knew you were the right person to ask for this”

Im excited to see what this will bring once my studies start. im gonna use it with exp potion, manhattan method and blessed path.

Edit: this quote sums it up pretty well if you replace cash with results


Does this come with an audio???

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I’m assuming this NFT can detect your goals automatically and drive you towards them

Just got this masterpiece, can’t wait to work with it

Time for manifesting :muscle:t4:


I think I’m Going to get it in this sale, too. Let’s see how it works with us :sunglasses:


Anyone know if this can be shared with immediate family?

No NFT’s can be shared unless you transfer the actual NFT to them in there wallet

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Does that go for the audio as well?
If i make a keychain using the original NFT for my mom - would that be okay?


Review for August is coming …

I don’t have much time right now so I will edit it in the evening

The first two weeks back in school where something… I almost couldn’t recognize myself… I kept asking question, answering questions, actively participating in class - which I never did before!

Some of my classmates said that they have heard my name somewhere before :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

There’s an inner drive, a will to prove myself that I can reach my goals no matter what it takes

“Even what seems like rejection will turn out to be a lucky breakthrough”

Yes! I did get a scolding from my tutor because I truly forgot to do something crucial, that was such an uncomfortable moment and for a naive second I though “why is that happening when i have got p&g?” - turns out: the scolding made me aware of mistakes and lazy points that have started to integrate into my work without me noticing! It made me aware of a flaw that I can now override!
Also my tutor mentioned several times during the scolding “you’re not known for making such a mistake, this isn’t like you,” which shows me that I was able to prove myself to them as someone who is not a lazy or sloppy worker


I purchased it approximately three months ago, and the only aspect I’ve noticed so far is the determination to complete every single project I’ve decided to start. No more lingering tasks, no more procrastination. If I decide to do something, I push forward like a train, and if that thing isn’t going well, I don’t get demoralized and discouraged as I used to before. Instead, I have the impulse to do more to improve. I always have a burning desire to succeed in my endeavors.

Some might think this is something trivial or recent, but believe me, this mental switch can make a night-and-day difference.

As for the aspect of attraction and charm, I haven’t noticed anything different from usual. But this happens to me in all fields that, on paper, should give you a glamorous aura, but in my case, they don’t work.


I guess I’m currently experiencing that subfield. It’s uncomfortable, in a not so gentle way it shows me if the path i’m going to take is the right one to reach my goals.

My ego, the part of me that is immensely scared to leave it’s comfort zone, it suffers right now. Because I can keep the status quo like it is and probably will end up unhappy, or I just completely change direction, take a few detours, leap of faith whatever you want to call it…
Because I thought I was on the right path, in the right direction, but guess Prestige and Grandeur thinks there is something better in store for me, something grander, something I would never thought possible to really make it - and If I work towards it, with Solidifier, Probability Wave, Unbreakable and taking opportunities, pushing through it all, leaving doubts behind and … maybe I will end up at the top of my chosen career and setting


Hello community. I have just acquired this NFT after listening to the wealth attraction audio on YouTube for a while and getting some interesting results. I am interested in growing in the business world, what fields do you recommend for me to complement alongside prestige and grandeur?

Hi PeterC!

Welcome Rose as bodhi

Thank you, you updated your experience all the time since last year :100:

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For business world, Financial protector and Wealth Generation ++