Wealth Generation + +

I stopped using it temporarily but still wanted to report these:

Worked impressively well along with the Financial Protector. Got some cash extras by unexpectedly going back to my old job (the real one), after a 3-year break. Now doing my real job as a part-time/side job lol but still. The results were/are here.

Also, a relative living abroad paid me a visit a couple of weeks ago. He left a 100 USD banknote on my coffee table before leaving (I noticed it only after he left. When asking why, he said it was a sort of “house gift” since he couldn’t bring an “actual” one).

We don’t use USD as a currency in day-to-day life in our country. So it was somewhat surprising. Made me smile.


I agree completely. Such powerful work

Went to go drinking today for the first time in a long time after listening to this field for some times… and my friends just gave me money and bought me beers and shots throughout the whole night.

I probably got around 150 dollars in total for everything, didnt even ask for anything and actually wanted to not receive so much, but they insisted. Food, drinks and a ride home, paid for .


What is SLR? I don’t recognize that…just curious.

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Note to myself to update on this thread in the coming days…


Subconscious Limits (Removal) Ver 2.0 - Audios / Sapien Medicine - Sapien Medicine (enlightenedstates.com)


Received shares alloted in the last week of July. Was able to sell them at a profit of 148$ on Aug 3. Plus received 2 work opportunities on the same day of sale!

stack :
Wealth generation
Financial protector
Unexpected gifts


My job just gave me more hours on some interesting ongoing projects, and I’ll be bringing in hundreds more a month now! I am blown away. :star_struck:

My stack:
Financial protector
Wealth Generation ++
Woven Worlds Millions
Gratitude for Blessings.


This was my latest post here:

I haven’t been writing down everything recently unfortunately, but let me try to get it all together…:

February: >600
March: 1900
April: 708
May: 1050
June: 170
July: 1997
August: 1065

Aside from this, I would get the occasional free espresso at a supermarket, or another random invitation to the Indian restaurant, or another free month of amazon prime, another discount, homemade cookies, or some other costs would be covered for me, or someone would drop a coin in front of me, I want to give it back but they insist I should keep it, etc. Just an overall blessing of abundance.

As you can see, the month June has been the lowest, yet even that one surpassed the 100-mark :dizzy:


Another bonus at work!


Has anyone had opposite results with this and The Financial Protector (i.e. many large expenses instead of extra income)?


Did sapien made this field? Because he didnt post about it here?

Yes😂. It’s on patreon only. Premium tier($22)

I have it :slight_smile:

Is it powerful?

Dunno. Experience it yourself :slightly_smiling_face:

For me, it never failed the thersold of 100$ it attempts to provide


I got gifted 200€ Yesterday


As within, so without.

havent used this field in a while, but didnt have the subscription too

but now i got back patreon premium so its time to use this amazing field again


  • my old boss has to pay me my not used vacation days after firing me so im hopefully getting some money

I would add the financial Protector as well :))