Weight loss audios aren't working

I haven’t noticed many results from the youtube fields in the last 1.5 years and I am starting to have doubts.

I have been using the weight loss and workout fields consistently and I feel them working then I check the scale a few days later and I realise that I have gained weight. I eat a normal diet and I recently worked for 7 hours a day while eating the same amount of calories and I have gained weight. Before that I was taking walks everyday to school and back.

I started to suspect that it may be a hormonal issue so I did a lot of research and learned that the thyroid may cause weight gain and the pancreas which controls hormones. I made a hormone stack including the thyroid field, pancreas, endocrine, liver, and detox fields and still haven’t noticed any changes. I then went back to weight loss fields but included the fat and sugar metaboliser audio (in case of insulin resistance). I have also been using the cleanse aura audio as well as the ego dissolution audio in the morning before other fields and the subconscious limits removal on loop occasionally when I think I need it.

I have previously used audios to raise vibration and overall cleanse my energy and still, I don’t seem to see results from audios. I have also tried fasting for many hours and limiting calorie intake more.

I have read many posts on this forum and done a lot of research online and I seem to be doing everything right.

I am thinking of just taking a month long break from audios due to the lack of results. I am afraid that I have been wasting my time and not benefitting from it.

I also don’t have access to paid fields

What should I do ??

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Try priming the body systems first:

Ego x 1
Subconscious x 2
Plasma Beach x 1
The Spleen x 2
Lympathic System x 2 (drink wanter 15 mins before listeing to this one)
Pancreas x 1
Diabetes x 2
Un Menopause (even if you are not close) x 2
Auto immune x 2
Senescence cells removal x 2

Then the working out ones (including the ones to lose weight just 2 or 3 times)
Last one should be the automated cardio x 2 (yep not at the beginning, you lose more when you do cardio after working out)

Play some loops of the Enhanced fat metabolism and Glycolysis with UCP half hour after every meal

Consider an intermittent fasting diet.

My Mom hardly lost any weight no matter what until she started fasting.

She is doing like only eats from 10am until 6p, she takes a big glass of water as she wakes up

She plays all the audios from 5:30pm

Or check this advice


Sorry, but you also already wrote that your physical efforts aren’t more effective than fields, this is one big sign of the root cause. You need to count all your calories first and this is what trivially isn’t present in this or past posts of yours.

But the above point while primary will get a pushback I suppose - mind you - I am not going to go into discussion on it at all, this plain bullet point, period.

Now to be more “constructive”, all “weight loss” audios are just metabolic modifiers, except few workouts with actual fat cell apoptosis. Whatever you get from them isn’t doing much if you are somehow already in a state of significantly different metabolic processing. And second - take subliminal like approach as a reference - you aim for process, this is absolute showstopper. Aim for existence of already present radically lower body fat level not relate it to your food intake, work or actions or I mean weight too - AT ALL - radical absolute change.

Can’t recommend much here, but certainly - daily autoworkouts, 3-4x each legs and upper body as you aren’t shaken by fields use too much per your past posts. Or double that if you are really into using them daily for years. Don’t skip days, don’t change it for months, make them at any convenience, while eating food is absolutely fine, trust me, you already said that you feel them, but has no tiring effects - correct? Stop metabolic audios as they don’t add substantial improvement for you but only take time. Same for hormonal, but you can have 3-4x HGH at least once daily.

I can recommend more, but only from other creators, so not appropriate to put here in this thread.

What I like to use is the Diabetes and the fat to stems cells (or any of the stem cell series). Also Muscles Hungry for Fat.

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@ldr I second the fasting Luna :crescent_moon: mentions, 16/8 split. Just remember, the female form isn’t meant to keep fasting. Take days with good amounts of healthy fats 1 day a week & a week every 6-8 weeks. Once you train your body (& mind) to fast, you can just add the higher fat days when you need them.

I am also going to share what I do, as far as free fields go. do your research, decide for yourself - sarms fields 3x daily, Stenabolic and Irisin. Use the new release 3 purifiers with these if you do, just to keep everything clear and pure

Good luck! its a mind game. Keep executing. Every day. Then it just happens overnight :wink: I promise


This approach works well for me too. Also with the glycolysis audio.

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Hello, I will share a few non-Sapien things for you to reflect on-

Sleep - What is your sleep like? Sleep is VITAL for fat loss, weight loss and healthy bodyfat composition.

Hormones- It is not simply thyroid hormones. Is your liver getting the appropriate levels of glycogen to create your thyroid hormones?
Have you checked your cortisol through the day and DHEA? Can tell us about adrenals,
What is your circadian rhythm like - Do you wake refreshed and sleep at a good time (10pm)?
Do you exercise in the morning on empty stomach (this causes extra cortisol secretion, not good). Cortisol & circadian rhythm is very important for fat / weightloss

Xenoestrogens (non natural estrogens from plastics, toxins) can cause weight gain, needs to be detoxed.

Toxic load - what cosmetics do you use, house cleaning products, shampoo, laundry products?
These all contain ingredients that can increase toxic load on the body.
If you have a high Toxic load , your body will increase fat cell size to store toxins (it is a protection mechanism by the body trying to help)

Muscle mass - What is yoir muscle mass like? Are you increasing it? It is one aspect that increases metabolism

Metabolic, nutrient dense food - what is your nutritional intake like?

Beliefs - what are your beliefs about yourself? About food (this food is bad, this food makes me fat)? About what it means to eat food X or food Y (eg. i am bad for eating pizza, I am a failure for eating xyz)

Identity - What is yoir identity in yoir body, in yoir health?
Eg. I am a woman who is always overweight/ I am a woman who is never my ideal weight/ I am a woman who is always chubby / I am a woman who never loses the weight she wants / I am a woman who never is her ideal size
??? What is yoir identity?

Fasting - is best done when the other issues have been addressed first.
Long term fasting is really not ideal for female physiology.

Finally, it is not (and never has been) calorie in, calorie out.

The body does not count calories. It is a trillion Cell electro-magnetic vessel, it is not counting calories.

I could write much more on this as I used to be a Physiologist helping women with this amongst other female health aspects.

You can DM me if you’d like :rose:

The long post is not to cause stress or overwhelm. These things can begin to shift very quickly when you know what to do :)


Also, often people (especially women) retain bodyfat (weight) for protection.

  • protection from unwanted attention
  • protection from being seen as a sexualised being
  • a self-mutilation program - I don’t deserve to be beautiful

I’d also include:

Exorcism (for 2 weeks)
Cutting cords (for 2 weeks)
JAAJ’s Self Love stack
Revision of Trauma
Revision of Childhood
Revision of Self Love