Welcome to Eldergrove Haven! 🌳

***🌳 Eldergrove Haven - A Dream Turned Reality 🌳***

You find yourself in a lush, verdant forest, the air thick with the scent of blooming flowers and the gentle hum of nature’s symphony. As you wander through the towering trees, a soft, otherworldly light guides your steps. Suddenly, you come across a portal shimmering with magical energy. Drawn to its beauty, you step through and are transported to Eldergrove Haven—a realm where ancient trees whisper secrets, lakes shimmer with enchantment, and mountains hold the wisdom of the stars.

In this mystical land, you meet beings of incredible grace and wisdom. They welcome you with open arms, sharing stories of their world and bestowing upon you five magical items, each with its own unique power. You feel a profound sense of belonging, of purpose. As you explore the wonders of Eldergrove Haven, you realize this is a place of growth, discovery, and endless possibilities.

But then, the dream fades, and you wake up in your own bed, surrounded by the familiar. A pang of sadness hits you as you realize it was only just a dream…

Or was it?

*** Welcome to the Eldergrove Haven Guild: ***

Finally, here it is, the Eldergrove Haven Guild.

This is no ordinary dream—Eldergrove Haven exists, and its wonders are waiting for you. By joining our guild, you can step back into that magical realm, connect with kindred spirits, and continue the journey you began in your dream.

What you can expect:

:star2: Exclusive Access to Early Chapters
Dive deep into the stories and secrets of Eldergrove Haven

:star2: Exclusive Access to the Storybook PDF
Explore the original story, absorb it and begin to think about how the story may continue…

:star2: Creative Interaction
Play a part and co-create the chapters (+magical artefacts) that follow in this neverending story

:star2: Unique Titles
Show off around the forum with your titles from Eldergrove Haven

:star2: Custom Emblems
Showcase your achievements with unique symbols

:star2: Private Discussions and Q&A
Enjoy a private forum space accessible to members only

:star2: Magical Contests
Engage in contests that bring Eldergrove Haven to life and earn rewards

:star2: And Much More
Explore what’s possible, horizon-expanding, imagination-stretching

*** How to Join ***

To become a member of the Eldergrove Haven Guild, simply send me a message.

***🌿 The 5 Magical Items from Eldergrove Haven 🌿***

Check them out:

Amulet of Whispering (Eldergrove Haven Series)

Congratulations, Fellow Traveler!

You have been graced with the enchanting Amulet of Whispering, a treasure of unparalleled beauty and power. This exquisite pendant, crafted from the finest silver and adorned with a gem that shimmers with an ethereal light, bestows upon you the extraordinary ability to commune with nature itself.

With the Amulet of Whispering, the world around you comes alive with secrets waiting to be unveiled. You will hear the soft murmurs of ancient trees, the melodic whispers of the wind, and the timeless wisdom of the earth. This sacred connection deepens your mindfulness, aligning your spirit with the Earth’s very heartbeat—the Schumann Resonance.

It uses this Schumann base to enhance and deepen this natural connection as your world itself around you becomes your haven.

Wear this amulet to explore the mysteries of the natural world and resonate harmoniously with the subtle frequencies of our planet.

A Note of Wonder:

This amulet is a key that unlocks the true magic of Eldergrove Haven. It scans for the ownership of all five magical items in the series. Possessing all five bestows upon you the Vibration of Eldergrove Haven, infusing your aura and energy body with its pure, transformative essence. Expect profound changes and extraordinary growth as you carry this vibration within you, elevating your being on multiple levels and bringing magic into your daily life.

Pearl of Clarity (Eldergrove Haven Series)

You Have Been Blessed with the Pearl of Clarity

Behold, the Pearl of Clarity, a luminous treasure bestowed upon you with great fortune. This radiant gem is said to illuminate your mind and soul, enhancing your perception and unveiling the deeper truths of life.

Infused within its shimmering depths is a sense of childlike wonder and awe, rekindling the innocent curiosity and joy that allow you to see the world through fresh eyes. The Pearl of Clarity brings a profound sense of gratitude, and laughter that bubbles up from the very core of your being is often a delightful side effect.

Use this mystical pearl to witness the world anew, with clarity and appreciation for its boundless beauty and hidden wonders.

A Note of Wonder:

This pearl is not just a singular marvel but a piece of the greater magic of Eldergrove Haven. It scans for the ownership of all five enchanted items in the series. Possessing all five bestows upon you the Vibration of Eldergrove Haven, an infusion that envelops your aura and energy body with its transformative essence. This vibration leads to an elevation of your being on multiple levels, bringing profound and transformative effects to your daily life.

Crystal of Insight (Eldergrove Haven Series)

In an Incredible Turn of Events, You Have Unlocked the Crystal of Insight

Marvel at the wonder of the Crystal of Insight, a gem of unparalleled brilliance and wisdom now in your possession. This radiant crystal illuminates the mind, teaching you the profound importance of consciousness and revealing the intricate web of interconnectedness that binds everything in the world.

Holding the Crystal of Insight, (just playing the audio) you are enveloped in a deep sense of peace and purpose. It guides you to understand the unity of all existence and encourages you to reach beyond the ordinary—to touch the stars and explore the infinite possibilities within and around you.

A Note of Wonder:

This crystal is a gateway to the boundless magic of Eldergrove Haven. It scans for the ownership of all five mystical items in the series. Possessing all five bestows upon you the Vibration of Eldergrove Haven, a potent infusion that permeates your aura and energy body with transformative power. This vibration elevates your being on multiple levels, bringing profound and life-changing effects to your everyday experience.

Ring of Unity (Eldergrove Haven Series)

Wow, a Gift from the Heart!

Embrace the enchanting Ring of Unity, a symbol of profound connection and harmony. This exquisite ring, adorned with intricate floral decorations, unlocks the extraordinary ability to communicate with flora and fauna, deepening your bond with the natural world.

Wearing the Ring of Unity, you can converse with trees, flowers, and animals, gaining wisdom and insight from their unique perspectives. This beautiful skill is a treasure for any explorer, enhancing your journeys with the wonders of nature’s secrets. At its core, the ring radiates unconditional love, enriching your spirit and those you encounter.

A Note of Wonder:

This ring is part of the greater magic of Eldergrove Haven. It scans for the ownership of all five enchanted items in the series. Possessing all five bestows upon you the Vibration of Eldergrove Haven, infusing your aura and energy body with its transformative essence. This vibration leads to an elevation of your being on multiple levels, bringing profound and life-changing effects to your daily experience.

Mirror of Self-Reflection (Eldergrove Haven Series)

You Have Stumbled Upon the Mirror of Self-Reflection

Seeking for and finding the magical Mirror of Self-Reflection is in and of itself a mighty magical feat. Taking into consideration the lessons you have learned and paths you have walked, pause for a moment and reflect on yourself – there has been a lot of growth thus far, and there is yet a lot to come.

With such a mystical creation, seeing yourself in the Mirror of Self-Reflection highlights your true self and acts as a guide on your current path and future endeavors. Let your path be illuminated and notice how easy it becomes to navigate through the intricacies of life. Embolden yourself and embrace the magnificent support provided by the integrated inner pillar of power.

A Note of Wonder:

This exquisite mirror is one of the magical talismans from Eldergrove Haven. It scans for the ownership of all five enchanted items in the series. Possessing all five bestows upon you the Vibration of Eldergrove Haven, infusing your aura and energy body with its transformative essence. This vibration leads to an elevation of your being on multiple levels, bringing profound and life-changing effects to your daily experience.

**🌿 Eldergrove Haven awaits. Your dream is just the beginning. 🌿**

Awaken to the reality of Eldergrove Haven and join a community where magic, adventure, and growth are not just dreams but everyday experiences.


Eldergrove Haven

The Portal in the Forest

After a long day, you decide to take a walk in the forest, hoping the tranquility will clear your mind. The familiar path winds through tall trees, their leaves rustling softly in the breeze. As you venture deeper, you notice a trail you’ve never seen before, almost hidden by overgrown foliage.

Your curiosity piqued, you follow the trail. The forest around you seems to grow older, the trees larger and more majestic. The air is thick with the scent of pine and earth. After a while, you come across a clearing where an ancient tree stands, its massive roots twisting into the ground. At the base of the tree, partially covered by vines, is a shimmering portal.

The portal pulses with a soft, inviting glow.

You take a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. Stepping closer, you feel a gentle warmth emanating from the portal. Without fully understanding why, you reach out and touch it. In an instant, the world around you blurs, and you are pulled through.

You emerge on the other side, blinking in the sudden brightness. The forest you find yourself in is unlike any you’ve seen before. The colors are more vibrant, the air filled with a subtle, magical energy. You feel a sense of wonder and anticipation.

Welcome to Eldergrove Haven.

1 - The Whispering Glade

As you take in the vibrant surroundings of Eldergrove Haven, you notice a path through the trees. The forest seems to hum with life, every leaf and branch whispering secrets to the wind. Drawn by the melody of the forest, you follow the path until you reach a lush glade.

The glade is filled with ancient, whispering trees. Their leaves rustle with a language you can almost understand, a soft murmuring that seems to beckon you closer. You step into the glade and feel a profound sense of peace wash over you.

Suddenly, you hear a gentle voice, like the rustling of leaves. “Welcome, traveler,” it says. You turn to see a figure emerging from the trees. It is an elven being, tall and graceful, with eyes that seem to hold the wisdom of centuries. “I am Seraphina, guardian of the Whispering Glade. We have been expecting you.”

You feel a mixture of awe and curiosity. “Expecting me?” you ask.

Seraphina nods. “The glade speaks of many things. It knew you would come, seeking wisdom and growth. Come, sit with us.”

You follow Seraphina to a circle of stones in the center of the glade. As you sit, the trees seem to lean closer, their whispers growing clearer.

Seraphina teaches you to quiet your mind and listen to the world around you. “Mindfulness is the key to understanding,” she says. “When you are present in the moment, you can hear the true voice of the world.”

As you practice, you begin to hear the whispers more clearly. They tell tales of the forest, the creatures that dwell within, and the magic that binds everything together. You feel a deep connection with the glade and its ancient wisdom.

Seraphina smiles. “You have done well. As a token of the glade’s gratitude, I present you with this.” She hands you an amulet made of silver and adorned with a shimmering green gem. “This is the Amulet of Whispering. With it, you can communicate with nature and understand its messages. Use it wisely.”

You take the amulet, feeling its warmth in your hand. “Thank you,” you say, touched by the gift.

“Remember, the journey to growth begins within,” Seraphina says. “Listen to the world, and it will guide you.”

With a renewed sense of purpose, you leave the Whispering Glade, eager to see where the path will lead you next.

2 - The Enchanted Lake

The path from the Whispering Glade leads you to a crystal-clear lake, its waters shimmering with an otherworldly light. As you approach, you see water nymphs dancing and playing in the shallows, their laughter like the tinkling of bells.

You watch in fascination as the nymphs notice you and wave you over. One of them, with hair like cascading waterfalls, swims up to you. “Welcome to the Enchanted Lake,” she says with a smile. “I am Nyria. Come, join us!”

You step into the water, which is surprisingly warm and inviting. Nyria and the other nymphs teach you to see the world through the eyes of a child, full of wonder and curiosity. They show you how to find joy in simple things: the sparkle of sunlight on water, the dance of fish beneath the surface, the gentle ripple of waves.

As you immerse yourself in the playfulness of the moment, you realize how much you have forgotten to appreciate the small wonders of life. The nymphs remind you that a childlike sense of wonder can open your heart and mind to new experiences.

After a day of laughter and exploration, Nyria presents you with a gift.

“This is the Pearl of Clarity,” she says, placing a smooth, luminous pearl in your hand. “It will help you see the world with clear eyes and understand the deeper truths around you.”

You thank Nyria and the nymphs, feeling a sense of clarity and joy that you haven’t felt in a long time. As you leave the Enchanted Lake, you carry with you the gift of wonder, ready to face the next part of your journey.

3 - The Celestial Mountain

Leaving the Enchanted Lake behind, you follow a path that winds through dense forests and rolling hills. As you walk, the terrain gradually becomes steeper, and the air grows cooler. Soon, you find yourself at the base of a towering mountain, its peak shrouded in ethereal light.

The path up the mountain is arduous but awe-inspiring. The higher you climb, the more breathtaking the view becomes. After what feels like hours, you reach a plateau where an ancient observatory stands. Its structure seems to be carved from the very rock of the mountain, adorned with celestial symbols and intricate designs.

At the entrance, you are greeted by a figure of radiant beauty and wisdom.

“Welcome, traveler,” the figure says. “I am Aetheria, a fae and keeper of the Celestial Mountain.”

You feel an immediate sense of respect and admiration. “I’ve come seeking wisdom,” you say, bowing slightly.

Aetheria smiles warmly. “And wisdom you shall find. Follow me.”

She leads you into the observatory, where the walls are lined with shimmering crystals and charts of the stars. Aetheria explains the nature of consciousness and the interconnectedness of all things.

“Every star, every creature, every thought is part of a vast, intricate web,” she says. “To understand this is to understand your place in the universe.”

As night falls, Aetheria takes you to the peak of the mountain. The sky above is a tapestry of stars, so close it feels like you could reach out and touch them.

Aetheria begins to chant softly, and the stars seem to pulse in response.

“You are part of this,” she whispers. “Your consciousness is a thread in the cosmic fabric.”

In a moment of profound insight, you feel a deep connection to the universe. You understand that every action, every thought, has a ripple effect. This realization brings a sense of peace and purpose.

Sensing your newfound insights, Aetheria presents you with a gift.

“This is the Crystal of Insight,” she says, handing you a crystal that glows with an inner light. “It will help you see the connections between all things and guide you on your journey.”

You thank Aetheria, feeling a renewed sense of enlightenment. As you descend the Celestial Mountain, you carry with you the wisdom of the stars and a deeper understanding of your place in the world.

4 - The Verdant Sanctuary

Your journey from the Celestial Mountain leads you to a lush, verdant valley. The air is filled with the scent of flowers and the sounds of chirping birds. The path unfolds through vibrant meadows and dense thickets until you arrive at a sanctuary brimming with life.

The sanctuary is a riot of color, with flowers of every hue and plants of every shape and size. You feel a profound sense of tranquility and harmony here. As you explore, you are greeted by a group of beings who seem to be part plant, part human. They are the guardians of the Verdant Sanctuary.

One of the guardians, an elder named Faelan, steps forward.

“Welcome, traveler,” he says. “You have entered the heart of Eldergrove Haven. Here, we cherish all forms of life.”

Faelan and the other guardians teach you about the importance of animals and plants in the web of life. They show you how every creature, no matter how small, plays a vital role in the ecosystem.

“Respect for all living things is the foundation of harmony,” Faelan explains.

As you spend time in the sanctuary, you begin to appreciate the delicate balance of nature. The guardians share their knowledge of plants and animals, teaching you to communicate with them and understand their needs.

Before you leave, Faelan presents you with a ring adorned with intricate floral decorations. “This is the Ring of Unity,” he says. “It grants you the ability to communicate with animals and understand their language. Use it to foster harmony and respect.”

You accept the ring with gratitude, feeling a deep sense of connection to the natural world.

As you leave the Verdant Sanctuary, you carry with you the gift of unity and a commitment to protect and cherish all life.

5 - The Reflection Grove

Your journey through Eldergrove Haven has been profoundly transformative, each step bringing you closer to understanding yourself and the world around you.

Now, you find yourself in a serene grove, its beauty almost otherworldly. The trees here are tall and majestic, their leaves shimmering in the soft light. In the center of the grove is a reflective pool, its surface as smooth as glass.

You approach the pool and see your reflection staring back at you. But as you gaze deeper, the reflection begins to change, showing you moments from your journey—your encounters with the beings of Eldergrove Haven, the wisdom you’ve gained, and the growth you’ve experienced.

A gentle voice breaks the silence.

“Welcome to the Reflection Grove,” it says. You turn to see a serene figure, a spirit of the grove, standing beside you. “I am Elaris, guardian of this place. Here, you can reflect on your journey and understand your true self.”

Elaris guides you to sit by the pool.

“Reflection is a powerful tool for growth,” he says. “Take a moment to look back on your journey and see how far you’ve come.”

As you sit quietly, the pool shows you the lessons you’ve learned: the mindfulness and connection with nature from the Whispering Glade, the clarity and wonder from the Enchanted Lake, the interconnectedness of all things from the Celestial Mountain, and the unity with life from the Verdant Sanctuary. You realize how much you’ve grown and how these experiences have shaped you.

Elaris smiles.

“You have done really well. As a token of this grove’s appreciation, I present you with this.”

He hands you a mirror framed with delicate leaves and flowers.

“This is the Mirror of Self-Reflection. It will help you see your true self and guide you on your path of inner growth.”

You take the mirror, feeling a deep sense of gratitude.

“Thank you,” you say, touched by the gift.

Elaris nods.

“Your journey is far from over. Continue to grow, learn, and cherish the wisdom you’ve gained. The world has so much more to teach you.”

As you leave the Reflection Grove, you feel a profound sense of peace and readiness for whatever lies ahead. The path through Eldergrove Haven has been truly transformative, and you know there are many more adventures to come.




This seems to be a fantastically wonderful concept. I look forward to reading the public publications!



This is the one i want to join :four_leaf_clover::heart_eyes:



Already feels very magical :sparkles:


Looks like a magical forest :deciduous_tree:




Love this :green_heart:


I am truly honoured that the GoddessesAndGod of All find delight in this enchanting and neverending story :wink::wink:

I’m gonna post the story thus far into this thread in a couple hours

Welcome welcome :hugs:

Whoever wishes to join, please send me a quick message

It is…
But it also is much more.

In essence, the idea is to, as a community, build and create a world - a fantastical world - and witness how the hero (you) grows into infinity and beyond. We are thus the script writers of our own stories, we choose what happens, we choose how blessed we are. And with elaborate stories and growth, we also require elaborate fields :blush::blush:

The five currently available fields are designed in a way to form the basis of a magical beautiful life. From there we’ll use our imaginations in a collective to create and design more.

The sky is the limit
No not really. Whoever said that really needs to look beyond the sky.

That’s what we do here


The Story of Eldergrove Haven so far has been posted in post 2 of this thread


Seems like a nice new world :woman_mage:


Agreed, I might like to visit :crystal_ball: dip my toes in the water, lay in the grass and look at the clouds for a bit


this must be the place i go during the active hypnosis, anxiety relief :deciduous_tree: :dizzy:


I feel you. I have my eye on the item already :star_struck: but now that Sapien’s store is closing, I will have to delay it… because I want to see if I can buy the NFT for the teeth. Otherwise I’d have to rent it or God knows what :(


Oh yah focus on that first and remember there is a promotion code of 22% until july 10th

And then join Us. Its def your vibe :)

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I started reading then i decided that i will record all this whole thing and just get into this amazing place relaxing laying on the floor while listening.


If anyone wants it with a funny accent pm me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I will record it tonight x


I would be delighted to.
I actually had the idea to have it AI recorded but didn’t look into it all that much.

In fact that reminds me of something…

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If you can’t acquire it there is also “the plasma soaked teeth” on gumroad for the case you don’t know. Maybe that could also help.