What are the first paid fields that a beginner should buy?

I’m venturing beyond the free basics like SLR, Ego diss, torsion, cord cutting, etc.

I wanted to get a pulse on what everybody thinks are the most important beginner paid fields.

Not looking for specific advice, more so just looking to gather opinions and foster open discussion.

Probably Soul Restoration Series or Your Energetic Being

Then I would get the Ascension-Naut

Wouldn’t Ascension-naut be somewhat of an acquired taste? Being that it seems to have the ability to change life path drastically.

Why do you like it so much?

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First off,

what are your main goals?

Is it spiritual progress?

My goals are oriented more to perfect functioning in the 3D rather than anything spiritual.

My goals are:

  • Peak physical health
  • Peak mental health/mental strength
  • Wealth/Success/Status

In all honesty, the desire for spiritual exploration has never struck me. It may though, as I continue further down this path.

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Ok, then u might consider these:

Plasma Flaunt, Max Heal NFT or Eternal NFT

Project Mental Health NFT

Prestige of Grandeur NFT, Woven worlds - Millions, or Alchemical Revision of Wealth.

Go according to your priorities, check the fields, see how u feel about them, check the testimonials and see if it/they resonate with you.


From quite a materialistic perspective i like it very much aswell.

An higher vibration make you part away from low vibrational variables which do not serve you, making them out of coherence and therefore less likely to happen within your reality bubble.

It’s a bit though, you can get quite some resistance in the beginning but then it is smooth


Well, it’s quite energy heavy. I wouldn’t recommend that to ppl who pretty much just started and aren’t that interested in spirituality. That may be a rather steep learning curve.

I would rather suggest him the free ‘Raise Your Vibration’ field and let him see if he wants more and next-level.


Good suggestions to work with, thanks.

Are NFTs considered several orders of magnitude more powerful than the Gumroad fields?

Regarding energy work, the only field I’ve purchased so far is Auric Repair, and once I get the cash, I’m planning on using that + the Soul Restoration series to build up a great energy system as base. Does RYV field compare to those?

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No, they are not. It’s rather a different mechanism of connecting and working with fields. And mainly the community ones are more ‘custom-like’ while public nfts (which I recommended), gumroad stuff and well every except for community nfts are more like for wider public.

I wouldn’t measure fields by powerful/not powerful, they are all just different. It may be rather the complexity, intelligence of fields + also how hard they were to make, etc. These stuff are reflected in the prices.

Seems like a solid basis.

But comparing those, it’s like comparing an apple and meat. They just do very different stuff.

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That different? I though that building up energy system thereby raises your vibration. I’ll test out the Raise Vibration field as well then.

What are the best fields for chakras?

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I appreciate the suggestion. I never thought of it as something that could benefit you materially as well. Interesting that you had that experience. I’ll need to re-evaluate it down the line.

A bit yes, there are always many secondary and tertiary effects. Just it isn’t direct and focused on it, yk what I mean.

It’s like push ups and crunches. Crunches is for abs, while push ups isn’t, but also trains them a little bit.

Mandelbrot Symphony

I was looking for something like this!

Good analogy. I understand you.

Is there any other ‘base stats’ to be working on other than:

  • Aura
  • Soul Dan Tiens
  • Chakras

By ‘base stats’ I mean tangible parts of your energetic self that can to be improved/cleaned up to put you in a better overall state.

Oh, it will my friend.
You will find out spiritual development is pivotal in crushing your “materialistic” goals.

I strongly suggest manly man, conceptual conglomerate and malleable ego. These are the only three out of four paid fields I own (the fourth is kinetic quasi crystal which I also suggest) and they’re incredibly important.
You should also check out blueprint of life, Point of no return, new perspectives, pure magnetic hearth coherence… but really, to get a better idea, read all the threads on the forum and make your own list! It’s the only way to not overwhelm yourself with so many creations to choose.

Mana circuits+vibration raising (energy body)

More importantly, removing subconscious limits and beliefs, reprogramming the ego, healing trauma and increasing self love. This is crucial.
Check out JaaJ self love stack.

Point of No Return

All round will help with any goal and especially getting better results with other fields
Take it slow only needs 1-2x a day

Kinetic Quasi Crystal

This will also ‘boost’ results with fields and is inexpensive compared to most fields

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I would recommend Blueprint of Life first and then Mythic.

Those I acquired early on as soon as I had the budget, they were so mind blowing to me and they continue to help me now years later

I remember I was curled up in a ball in pain, and I had a fever. I purchased Blueprint and I could feel my body just unfurling and relief washing over me.

Detoxed plasmatron life is still my favorite detox field it’s gentle enough but if you loop it it packs a punch

Divine Will really lends its support.

Full body Negentropic coherence I’m surprised isnt talked about more it is like the Swiss Army knife of fields for me it helps me in EMF situations, it helps with integration, overall I notice it helps me with my
Nervous system most of all.

You get a bundle of fields with Mythic which is really great.


I’d consider subscribing to the premium Patreon tier first, if you haven’t already.

Then, Smart Stem Cells, which comes with Plasma Brain of Youth, White Matter and Tonic No. 31.

Also, Self-Respect is inexpensive and really worth it.


Unique suggestions I haven’t seen before, love it.

What is BOL, exactly? I read the description and skimmed the thread and still couldn’t get my mind around it.

Is it like a manifestation field?

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Blueprint of life in my opinion is not that describable but I believe in my experience it does its best to “put things the way they’re supposed to be” spiritually and physically