What AUDIOS can give me the SAME RESULT as “Essence of Beauty tag”?

A question.

What audios from Gumroad, Teespring, Patreon can give me the SAME RESULT as “Essence of Beauty tag”?

THANKS :smile::+1:


Plasma beach and Inner Beauty.


A good starting point for you would be to look at the sub-fields (and their descriptions) of the pendant:

  • Inner Beauty & Outer Beauty
  • Confidence & Self Love
  • Attractiveness & Charisma

to give you a hint of what you want to accomplish with your audios.

From there, you can build upon @Goliath28’s great suggestions and you might want to consider:

  • Radiate Positivity
  • Extreme Self Confidence-Self Esteem Boost (Energetically Programmed Audio)
  • Self Healing and Acceptance
  • Self Love and Acceptance
  • Become Whole-Self Acceptance-Dissolve Insecurities
  • The Unbreakable You
  • Charisma and Glamor
  • Attract Love
  • Attract More Love Into Your Life (Energetically Programmed Audio)

Beyond the description, I might add:

    *The Ojas (Refined and Defined)
  • Ashta Lakshmi Maha Yagna

Hi, pardon my ignorance but why would you suggest adding this audio to this stack? I thought A.L.M.Y. was to be used in association with financial matters. Thank you!

When you read the thread, you’ll discover there’s more to Lakshmi than some powerful Auntie-in-the-Sky to ask for a few shekels. :wink:


Lakshmi signifies beauty. There are two forms of the Goddess - ethereal or transcendental beauty represented by Lalita, and material/worldly beauty by Lakshmi. In India, it is a common practice to refer to beautiful women as “Lakshmi” (e.g., the bride was so beautiful, she looked like Lakshmi).

A longer list of 28 (or 36 or 108) forms of Lakshmi lists a form named Saundarya-Lakshmi, the Goddess of Beauty and Charisma.

Also, Lakshmi is the creator of Cupid (Kamadeva in Hindu lore), the deity of male beauty. It is said that only Lakshmi could create a being beautiful enough to bewitch everyone else. Beauty, sex, love, procreation - all those themes thrive well for those who Lakshmi smiles upon.

So, Lakshmi is associated with Beauty and Charisma in many ways.


Yes, I had already gone through that thread already and noticed a few mentions related to beauty and fertility but felt the content had more emphasis on the material abundance and such blessings, that’s why I wanted to clarify. Thanks.


Wow! I’m humbled by your beautiful and thorough input. Thanks a million :sparkles::sparkling_heart::sparkles::sparkling_heart::sparkles: