A better life, first of all to not struggle with health issues, other than that, I want a better life for my family as well, besides that, I would say that I want financial stability and from there, I have no idea what comes next.
I always wanted to know “the truth”, well, I’m not sold on any truth anymore, all I want is to feel good, at peace/to have peace of mind, the rest are just foolish ideas, they come, they go, who knows what I’ll do or achieve in the future (if I’ll achieve my goals), yet again, I’m not that interested in any achievement nor do I think that it’s the end of the world if I evolve slowly, I’m not in a rush, for anything…
Depending on my mood, I might give you a (slightly?) different answer, right now I just catched a cold/virus (again!), survival and peace of mind is all I want…
Edit: after reading the other answers, I would say that freedom and to evolve are also my goals, since evolving/being evolved (spiritually, mentally, phisically, etc.) might (actually surely will) help me to struggle less, to find new ways, perhaps even enlightened states (as this forum’s web address), where there’s less and less suffering (I don’t wanna die, don’t get me wrong, I love life in this physical body - at least some aspects, I just don’t like to struggle …).