What do you seek?

To live a life filled with magic and fantasy, to transcend humanity and it’s limitations. Although reality hit hard and I no longer have as much hope of living a life like that in books and shows as when I was younger, I grasp for whatever little is possible, that’s why I am here now. For this is as close as I have come.


I would suggest going all the way with the light and vibrational guidance audio then. The pure landers will help you get to the state of being necessary to get to the pure land after this life. It’s a ticket out of reincarnating in the earth realm again and instead be in a place that can fully facilitate your spiritual growth to fully ascend.


I want to time-travel and also want to have my own plane one day, but to be economic I don’t want to stop for fuel a lot of times. Also I want to have a lot of kids like 20-25 and I also want to know how to do chemistry myself practicaly. And lastly I want to be like the doom guy from the game and kill demons, always wanted to but without the schizophrenia, that I don’t want. And I want also to try to fly with a jetpack like the GTA : San andreas one.


More awareness of being


Just better social skills with people in general, I wanna also stop being a push over


Thanks, @SammyG I will look forward to this field


I don’t want to reincarnate here again here. So obviously, my goal is to transcend the human game. But there’s this attachment in me that keeps me latched here. I’m attached to the human story. I want to see humans transcend this game as a collective. Grow to their full potential. I want to see humanity thrive in ways we have all dreamed of. So that leaves me conflicted and makes me wonder if I’ll probably return here. At the end of the day, eternity is forever. Lives here are nothing.

I have this innate draw to helping humanity in some way. I know I may help however I can through sapienmed. I know I may help however I can with an insightful post here and there. But I speak of helping as a whole. Watching humanitys trends throughout the world and the internet sort of make me rather hopeless at times. The divisions happening worldwide, how easily we’re controlled, how ignorant we can be to one another. And it’s not that I’m tuning into the news. I barely watch it. It’s more so seeing how people behave. How people think.

I have my ideas on the little I can do. But I can do quite little. I am but one person. There is so much that needs to be done as a collective to grow out of the rut we’re in. I know there’s progress in some ways such as the youth growing up with more information than ever before. That will actually make them much more open minded. The internet connecting humanity globally is probably subconsciously binding the collective consciousness together on a much more physical level. I think the new generation may grow to be more empathetic and nicer to the planet.

But would it be too late? Global warming, capitalist greed,the worldwide divisions signaling conflict and the astronomical level of control that tptb has over people through the internet is troubling. Makes me think that this whole thing might need to fully collpase in order to be rebuilt.

Ah lol, excuse my rant. Went off track. I was just wondering what I want for myself and truly I don’t want much for me. I essentially seek to contribute to humanity’s growth in some way but it seems to be a harsh desire to have considering humanitys’s trend downwards.

But obviously at base level, I seek to reach my highest potential and even moreso, to provide my family with love, abundance and peace.


i remember capt mentioning before that there are ‘countless universes’

do you think we can possibly reincarnate in those universes with potentially drastically different laws, possibly magic, instead of this one?


Hey man, in my opinion… All it takes is one person to change the world forever… Everything you need is already within you bro, you have my support and countless others

:heart: :pray:


Hmmm… I really don’t know but I actually don’t think so. Maybe if done intentionally. Like if you had a route to do so or had the ability… but typically, doesn’t seem to be the case. We’ve lived so many lives in this universe. Our development is for this one. We haven’t fully grown here for us to just escape to a ‘cooler’ universe.

But that being said, I do think it’s possible for someone with the ability to do so. It just doesn’t make sense from a development standpoint. We want these things now but our higher selves tend to nudge toward other things in the bigger picture.

All that being said, there’s definitely many extremely interesting worlds and realms in this universe.


A lil bit of a bummer haha but thanks for the insightful answer !


I’ve seen this happen so many times in the past decade. Lot of the spiritual ‘influencers’ online fall into that hole. Sad to me cause they get such a big following and have the ears of so many people they can nudge in a positive direction. But even if their messages are good, they are still essentially giving them that egoic energy.

And it carries on. The thing with spirituality is that people end up creating all these rules and beliefs. And it just becomes another belief system. It becomes something that divides that person from others. I’ve seen spiritual people act like they’re above others because they’re more positive or more clean. It’s strange to me.

And the teachers have people listen to them and validate their opinions and beliefs constantly. It just gets them into a place where they always believe they are in the right. Once they get to that place, they disregard opinions that don’t fall in line with their beliefs. Or disregard criticism. I can go on. It annoys me quite a bit.


Yes, this seems to be a big one. It’s hard to me to find spiritual or new age western thinker that take Ego seriously.

Eastern thinkers that were not “contaminated” by western ontology and metaphysics do not struggle this much with Ego, because to us (westerners), scientificism and objectification led us to create very shaped and dense forms of egos in a way that eastern traditional thinkers were not influenced.

As far as my understanding goes, Lacan & Derrida are one of the very few western thinkers that solve these kind of Ego paradoxes by understanding how the paradox works and proposing that there’s no pre-discursive reality (discurse for them is equal to “bond”). Therefore, the unconscious and Ego is always parasited to differences & otherness (alterity) to create reality, as a precondition for its emergence and existence.

This solves many issues like trying to put ourselves on top of the matter by coming up with concepts like meta-linguistics (because we need language and semantics to explain meta-language, which makes “meta-language” a paradox).

The same goes for Spirituality, by trying to create a rigid set of belief systems and rules you fall into the same paradox, in other words, once you thought you escaped your Ego, you entered to it from the back door.


Maybe it’s just the idea of the current Yuga cycle or cycle of global consciousness we’re in. It’ll get better, based on that analogy.


I want to become completely deconditioned, and I want to experience complete union with the divine. Of course, I have to consider if buying fields is another one of my “I am not ready or there yet” patterns of behavior. I used to say that I no longer want to incarnate here anymore, but now I think what I desire is not to escape or to leave, but to return to my true nature, which is a state of bliss. To be in a state of Grace, wherever I am, thoughtless, without personal will, in perfect love. So that I am no longer “doing” anything. Just being done. Surrender/fearlessness. If divine will puts me on earth, then it is in perfect love that I exist here. For it to not matter which bubble in the infinite bubble bath of the universe, because I am in love.

My personality is that of one who is hungry for truth and understanding, never satisfied, always doubting. This same hunger was a wound of the heart, seeking something to fill a painful void. Wanting to heal, fear of pain, fear of scarcity, etc. At the core is an illusive seed which creates that wound. That something is not ok. That I am not ok. How to have compassion and love without resisting pain, judging something. Obviously my desire to be a healer comes from needing to be healed. I’d like to give up this notion that healing is needed. I don’t feel like I am explaining it very well, but I’ll put it out there anyway.


It’s true, we are controlled but not from the intelligence of some governments or people (while true they pull the strings) they are also being controlled… See, somewhere along the way, humans have lost touch with the essence from which they spring (Love, creative force/spirit), The consciousness which creates everything in all existence throughout all time… All the deities we love praying to, all the people we look up to, all the nature around us, animals, all life on every planet, in every universe.

It’s an intelligence that is not perfect, but it’s constantly working to self-correct itself. It made you, and you are it. It exists within all beings no matter how ‘corrupt’ may be… The love of Creation is everywhere, because without it nothing at all would be able to exist. The individual should therefore be aware that he exists only through the love of Creation and that he carries this love also within himself. Creation created everything in love and logic and put the same love in all its creatures, so that life itself is love. Even if living in this world often seems to consist only of conflict and drudgery, this fact does not change.

Humans have been disconnected from this knowledge and rather have been misled and manipulated to ensure this knowledge doesn’t reach the masses. Hence why there’s so much insanity in this world? Why do you think animals run away from you? They don’t need to know your name, your history, what you think your intentions are. They see it as a disease… as something that scares them. They see how disconnected you are from the creative spirit that it’s the only option is to see you as insane as you are the animal in a way.

See, most people walk up to an animal and they have this hope, “Come here I won’t hurt you, come on.” They just hope that the animal will come, so they’re trying to pursue that hope. But the hope in a binary polarized mind would have to be offset by a belief that it will not come otherwise, what are you hoping for? And that duality, that insanity, is being broadcast at the animal simultaneously, your belief that it won’t come is gonna be more solid because the hope is transient. It’s in that situation that’s being created from a belief that was in your mind before you saw the animal or came into its contact with it.

It’s like people that complain that they can’t find a boyfriend or a girlfriend. They want one so bad, they hope they’re gonna meet somebody, so of course, they have a belief that they will not. Otherwise, what are they hoping for? So they’ll buy a certain type of perfume or maybe go shopping to get better outfits… All these procedures are built upon the ‘hope’ that maybe they’ll run into somebody that’s magnetically opposite to them and their charge. It never works on, right?.. forcing it that way… But then you’ll hear people say
“Well, I met the perfect person when I least expected it”. “I was busy, I was doing something else I wasn’t thinking about it, and bang! there they were.”

Welcome to life. Why did that happen?

You weren’t acting upon a hope that you’ll meet somebody. Therefore the belief that you will not
was not active and resonating. You allowed it to happen. This is the truth of your existence.

This is what is meant to be abundant, you are connected to the consciousness of the creative spirit, the spirit that’s creating everything. You are it, and you created yourself to perceive yourself and all life. Again it doesn’t matter who you are, where you’re from, or what you’ve done YOU GOT THIS INSIDE YOU.

Some believe a group of aliens are running the planet apart from a certain group of humans… sure but it doesn’t matter as they are disconnected from the creative spirit (not to be confused, that they don’t have it…) So it doesn’t matter if their IQ is 1500, or if they have the equivalent of 5 of your brains, if it can have 40 conversations at once, it’s still memory, recall, processing, storage…And insane. It wouldn’t matter if what they said would appear to be correct. They’ll never be as intuitive as a butterfly or anyone that’s connected to the creative spirit and its intuition… It will always make quicker and better decisions than any demon, alien, or anything disconnected from the creator.

I say most of humanity is disconnected from this spirit cause if they weren’t, you would NOT see what’s occurring in today’s world. You see, they’ll attack you via ‘it’ (the other consciousness which acts like cancer) as soon as they can get you. Take control of your mind and put thoughts and images inducing fear, shame, guilt, etc. But they can’t do that to a butterfly or the life in nature… why? They don’t have the brain size to process it and store, the information used to program them. It can’t memorize everything so where does it get it’s input from??? (starting to get it yet?.. a butterfly it’s more abundant than you at this present moment) see when you’re connected to intuition, even if you forget what you’ve learned, it’s always available to you. You can take an Alzheimer’s patient, and connect them to love and intuition; they may have forgotten what they did last year, But they won’t forget that the stove is on, they won’t forget certain things they need to know, why? Is it coming from the brain? No.

If they couldn’t control or mind control a bird with the same type of things they use on humans then what are they depending upon? Very basically, what are they depending upon? The cerebral cortex - your computer. When you connect to intuition, If you allow love and intuition to command your mind, it doesn’t matter what they put into it. It knows.

Now some of you might be thinking, “oh well, why not work on the cerebral cortex to prevent any kind of mind control?” See, if you try to memorize how they control your mind, and all the different techniques, and try to strategize against it from within the mind that they’re controlling, forget about it. You’re cooked…

So I ask you, how does a butterfly memorize its vector of travel? all the things it needs to know
from South America to Canada? Where is it getting the information it needs?

Mind Control is structure. It originates from a mind, a result of creation. Therefore, trying to affect a mind, a result of creation.

If you connect to the creator, not religion if you connect to that which created you… Yeah, it controls your mind. Better than anything it created can. No problem. It’s not even a question, The mind is structure. It’s a binary apparatus, it’s a computer. Binary, it’s polarized, On, Off, Yes, No.

Love is the intention of ‘God’ (please drop your belief… as I’m not speaking of someone outside of you), there is only one God and you are part of that God. You are the garden in God’s mind. So, you, as being part of the garden.

Can you get cancer? Well, see, god doesn’t visualize you. It doesn’t make you a fixed image. Love is so much and has so much ability that it wants you to be self-aware. To observe it, enjoy it, assist it. Do you like to dream? Have you ever had a really good dream? Everybody in that dream was you. Everything in that dream was you. God’s a dreamer.

Except, when it creates self-aware components, somehow, what happened, is part of it got disconnected from it. As self-aware creation of God, which is a part of God that got disconnected from the creator, “God” is the wrong word here but again please try to not strangle this with your beliefs or disbelifs.

There’s cancerous energy (consciousness) that’s controlling everything right now. But it’s so obvious that you, of course, would get scared and then try to, control everything. And then you can become addicted, as addiction comes from disconnection from the creator. The ‘Illuminati’, and the energy they are serving is incredibly addicted to what’s it doing and it won’t stop… but it also can’t live without you so it’s going to keep recruiting more and more life so it can suck their energy… why you think some groups out there attune themselves to particular symbols… especially in the porn industry.

Love controls all structure. So if you have sex as a result of love you’re bathed in that love, and it’s reserved for you, that energy. If you don’t, if it becomes symbolism, pornography, masturbation, Detached one night stand sex…

You don’t have love there as a shield. Guess where you’re energy goes every time you jerk off to porn. And apply your energy to those symbols that you can’t see, guess where it goes during your one night stands. Yeah, it’s absorbed by the cancer energy. Just like cancer needs your life essence in your body to live, it can’t live outside of you, so it is this. That’s its main source of energy. Detached sex. No love.

This is why everything has become so perverted and detached, they’re eating the energy. every time you have an orgasm, especially to something perverted, they’re just rewiring your brain because you’re not connected to love and spirituality.

it just becomes a thought that triggers the orgasm, the symbol… They attach themselves energetically to that symbol and when you have an orgasm and emit that energy, it goes to that.

and now we talk about celibacy… everything in extreme, why? You’re either good or you are bad… that’s how they screw with you.

If you have sex while connected to love, you won’t need to worry about your life essence, you’ll be protected.

if you don’t connect to the creator you won’t be able to stop sex, it’s more addictive than crack. Sex, detached from love, is an addiction, look how much energy you put in to getting it. and then how fast, how long does that orgasm last. You go through a refractory period and you find yourself looking to do it again.

why do you think porn gets worse and worse and worse? just like people need more and more and more of a drug.

The life essence they absorb when you do that. It’s the whole point. How many detached orgasms
do you think occur every day on this planet? It is not about whether sex is good or bad…

That’s why they’re really hitting up children they’re hitting up both ends, getting them to detach, you know, detach, Hip-Hop plays a big role on that. gothic, emo, type of stuff plays a huge role on that, all created for kids thinking they’re rebelling…

They need that energy, that’s how they feed themselves. They have to attach it to violence to make it perverted that’s why you have cheerleaders at a football game. That’s why you have sex scenes in horror movies. They are trying to combine violence with sex because then you’ll be violent and to be violent means to not appreciate another creation which is a guarantee that you’re not connected to love. Therefore the energy is usable by “the cancer”. It’s not about whether you’re good or bad, it’s about you’re being used to your own demise.

Think of homeopathy. It’s alot like what vaccines are supposed to be. Right. They put an attenuated virus. In solution for example. Grow a flu virus inside of an egg. You’ll get a different temperature, so it gets used to that environment, that cellular Structure, and then you put that flu virus. In a human body and it’s. Been designed and redesigned for the egg yolk at a different temperature so the virus is there but it’s weak. Then you put that into the human body, and the body has a chance to build up immunity to it. Homeopathy is similar, but it works. With waveform resonance, you dilute something, so much so that it’s a scalar vibrational print of the symptoms that you have. If homeopathy would work. On the cellular level or even sub cellular
level in your body.

See, the idea of homeopathy is like treats like homeo like treats like similar, treats similar. Perhaps, maybe the spirit will put you through many attacks. We’ll see. If you use homeopathy and you induce the micro-vibration, the micro print of whatever the Symptom would be, your body will respond. To deal with it. Perhaps a challenge to your spirit could make you reach deep down inside. And force you to access your own spirit because if the waveform print being imposed upon you is spiritual in its attack. Then the response will have to also be spiritual. ‘God’ uses homeopathy on a larger scale.

Why do you think they embrace numerology, structure, geometry, mathematics, numbers. quantitative elements… Trying to play God, by always balancing an equation to try to seek neutrality. It’s why they try to control good and bad they’re trying to balance a mathematical equation but math is not life and that’s what they embrace…

what’s happening right now is like that cartoon of bugs bunny, where maybe a leak will spring in something holding water, and he’ll put his finger up against it, and another one will spring, and he’ll try to cover that and then another one spring he puts his nose up against it and another one springs out… Every time they try to plug a leak another one is going to spring out. Trying to arrest the nature of life with math… that’s what’s happening,

The Creative Spirit knows what it is doing, every healed fear removes a block that keeps you from connecting to the spirit. When all the blocks are clear, we will rise. The Cancer has nothing to hold onto… then it will disconnect, and your connection to the creative spirit will be regained. The Ultimate knowledge and power is of the SPIRIT.

“To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life.”

The thing is, none of this could happen without LOVE

Life has become a tough battle only because people have turned away from the Creation Spirit and have lost the knowledge of its existence. However, Creation lets its love become apparent regardless of what one has done, through its creations. The person must only be willing to see and recognize this love, and he will begin to feel it.

The smallest plant, every so tiny animal was created in love by Creation, each creation existing according to the same spirit of love. All life is in the absolute perfection that which it should be through the love of Creation, and except for humans, every life form lives exactly by this Creation’s plan. Only humans have turned away from love and must now learn again what true love is. The infinite love of Creation connects all life, because in all life this love lies hidden.
All of nature is nothing but the love of Creation, which is expressed visibly. If he however, closes his senses, he may not feel it, and hence he declares that there is no love in this world. But Creation has formed and arranged everything so amazingly, that people can recognize the majestic love of Creation at every moment and in every place.

Of course one cannot easily go there, to contemplate nature and to feel (empfinden) the love of Creation and also one’s own love, especially not when for many years one has felt differently. The way to sense (erfühlen) the love of Creation is primarily through thinking, because thinking influences feeling (Fühlen). If for example, one stands before a tree, one should become fully aware that this tree is the product of Creative love, just as the forces of nature, which enable it to grow and to flourish. This action may seem to be somewhat ridiculous or maybe even embarrassing at the beginning, because it is most unusual and, besides, the appropriate feelings (Gefühle) are still missing.

The longer, the more these thoughts effect loving feelings (Gefühle) and spiritual-fine-sensitive feelings Empfindungen and these in turn will make the bond with all life a certainty, that a simple blade of grass, a bird, a shrub or some other living creature is driven by the same love, to fulfill its purpose in Creation’s plan, as humans should also do as the highest life form on the planet since a long time ago. The human carries a fragment of Creation within, and therefore, the love of Creation within him is that power which he is able to evoke in himself. The more respectfully the love of Creation in all life is perceived and is felt (empfunden), the stronger it also becomes in the person. Then suddenly love is no longer such an insincere and longingly hoped for experience, but the real spiritual-fine-sensitive feeling (Empfindung) of one’s own mental effort.

So fine, thus satisfying and energizing it permeates the whole person, and once extensively making progress, the person will take it on willingly to work on himself, namely to maintain this love, to extend and nurture it. For himself, but also for Creation. The love is not unfathomably deep, it is immense power which never slept, active since ancient times, and immeasurably abundant and logic-laden. Love flourishes splendidly in all beings, in animals and flowers in the fields, in humans, in words and also in singing, and forever it will permeate the world. Love will continuously be the purpose of existence and all-timely it is given in logic.


Daft punk …

It might not be the right time
I might not be the right one
But there’s something about us I want to say
'Cause there’s something between us anyway

I might not be the right one
It might not be the right time
But there’s something about us I’ve got to do
Some kind of secret I will share with you

I need you more than anything in my life
I want you more than anything in my life
I’ll miss you more than anyone in my life
I love you more than anyone in my life


I am no longer seeking.

I am manifesting.


In general I want to make the most out of my physical experience. I always envision myself living a quiet life somewhere in Japanese countryside, a partner and a kid, lots of friends. But I have no idea if that comes even close to what life has in store for me haha. Just my current idea of a nice life


I seek to love myself more and to become whole. Then, I’d like to extend this love towards other people, animals, places, events and everything else, learning more about reality and existence as I become more accepting of it. Oh, and having as much fun as possible while doing so too.

Thank you for creating this thread. I often ask myself if I’m doing enough daily, to reach my goals and all, and I feel that having made them clear and expressed them in words gives me solid ground to evaluate myself properly.

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