What do you think about karma?

Do you believe in it?


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The laws of attraction is definitely real, at least for me. I realized that when I do good with good intentions, good things happen almost immediately twofold. But when I was doing bad, I was paranoid, and plagued with nothing but negative emotions that was poison to my whole being.


i’ve learned that Karma is subconscious construct but i still doubt it, need more research and experience on it.

sometimes i would do bad things and not having any karma in it

and sometimes i would something bad when i start having mind games about me getting punished by god about it. well the punishement happens in different form that rely to bad thing i did. or maybe just my concious mind make that connection .


Nope, just another lie to keep the cattle in check.


Karma: Karma means action, work or deed; it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual.

The karma meaning in Sanskrit is to perform a deed or action. It includes actions that we do, not only through our body, but also through speech and mind.

This deeper understanding of karma rests upon our essential identity as souls – spiritual beings who are animated by a vital and divine force. As souls we are spiritually held accountable for what we create, promote, and allow in our lives. We are constantly in the process of accruing and/or balancing out karmic debts of responsibility for our creations. Karma is not physical, it is spiritual, and we carry karma forward through time within a given lifetime or, as some believe, from one lifetime until the next. Once accrued, the balancing action of karma plays out on the stage of our everyday lives through our bodies, thoughts, feelings, relationships, circumstances, and experiences. The name of the game of life is to pay off our karmic debts rather than accruing new ones so we can come to know ourselves and others as divine beings and enter into the consciousness of God.

Just as gravity is a law of the physical world, so is karma a law of the spiritual world. We are held responsible for our actions and, more precisely, for the intention of our actions. This responsibility exists within the context of an individual soul’s relationship with God. When one deliberately disobeys the will of God, karma is accrued. It is the intent of one’s actions that generates karma. All major religions have some version of the seven deadly sins to caution followers in avoiding yielding to desires, illusions, and choices that take us away from the will of God.

Spiritually, as well as physically, the type and quality of seeds one plants will determine the quality of the crop to be harvested. As souls, what we do comes back to us according to God’s design. If we have imbalances in our consciousness (known as karmic debts), we either find ourselves presented with the same lesson again and again within one lifetime until we gain the wisdom and value of the lesson being presented, or we re-embody, carrying the karma over from one lifetime till the next. Spirit is forever patient with our process of learning.

Karma is not about retribution, vengeance, punishment or reward, but a reaping of the harvest we ourselves have planted. Through our thoughts and behaviors, we sow seeds that are later harvested.

When a bird is alive, it eats ants. When the bird is dead, ants eat the bird. One tree makes a million match sticks. Only one match stick needed to burn a million trees. Time and Circumstances can change at any moment. Do not devalue or hurt anyone in life. You may be powerful today, but remember: Time is more powerful than you. So be good and do good. - Buddha


I like the phrase “paranoid and plagued”. that is very impressive.

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Lol…Thanks but how? Anyways, it’s true…=]

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It sounds like a painting in words.


Is it okay to heal someone without taking his or her permission? Sometime we use healing energy on others without being asked. Does it interfere with their free will? What about sending servitor to protect someone without their permission?

It’s better we ask though. Because even when we think that we do the right thing. Some people will disagree and find it the opposite. If they accept your offer to heal then you can do it. If they don’t. It is from their highest good to learn what they dealt with. Even when it looks like the person is suffering. It’s still a lesson for them to experience it.

If they still denying your help. All you can do is to share love. Unconditional love. Or simply just a prayer (:

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I agree with you but sometime it becomes little bit challenging to ask for permission just to confront with questions like “When have you become a healer??” Lol

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You can say ( I do the best I can to help with the situation. This is my offer to you)

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