What do you use when you feel your worst?

I just finished reading, but you’ve already had three likes when I only have started
We’ve got some lightspeed readers here :bulb::dash:

I also recommend angelic intercession and shatachandi. Even if you do not perceive angelics, their effects are felt and you can receive their grace.


Thanks donut. <3

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…fields wise for immediate help I would recommend:

2x Raise your Vibrational State or VoC / VoT + 2x Point of No Return + 3x Amygdala Healing + 3x Emotional Release + 2x Outlook Retrainer + 10x Positive Power Waves + 3x Excalibur

And of course as recommended above by @anon32464289:
Angelic Interecession is a general solution for pretty much everything…


Thank you JAAJ. :white_heart:

Violet had made a thread related to trauma. Now I share the link below:

She updates the list whenever a new field gets released. You can read the thread and decide what fields are good for your current condition.
Good luck


This. Cold showers is so extremely underrated in terms of well being. It’s no more than 30second-1 minute of enduring the coldness, after that your body gets used to it and it feels just like… water, and afterwards you feel like a king.


The aura cleaner is my suicidal thoughts/feelings stopper. I listened to my playlist for a couple of days or three without first using the aura cleaner and they were back. Along with really bad feelings.

I send my dragon golem to request help from the same beings the intercession audios respond to. I don’t know if it does that or he recreates the fields somehow (like I get them streamed directly), but I think it works, and beautifully. I think it actually targets all the beings at once.

I’ve also noticed that the fields have a more noticeable effect when you do need them…so that means, the fields will help you with your current state however they can (so let’s say you are listening to a physical one, but your mind or the field will try to channel its effects on making you feel better emotionally).

Last resort is my cat and my mother.

I think dwelling on past positive events also helps. It is tapping into positivity that is already there, is totally real for you, and from there you can look forward to a positive present and future.

Make sure you are rested and eat well. And try to have micro-sleeps/rests/breaks. A five mins nap (or shorter, if you actually fell asleep) slowly drains/integrates negativity and resets you. I mean, taking several of them is what does the trick.

I think it actually only represses the negativity back, but at least you can be normal for a while, and feel good. If you get overwhelmed and can’t process it, you need some contrast to be able to go back to processing.


The Exorcism Rite 2🙏🏽


Angelic Intercession or something för the heart chakra.


Interesting thread.

Dreams and aspirations keep you going → innate motivation

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