What do you use when you feel your worst?

What is this that keeps you going?


Love graviton
Angelic intercession 1.0 (music is just oo calming)


Cold showers and ice bath or extended breathing, 30-50 minutes hyperventilating


Internal Alchemical Crucible
White Light Waves
Divine Love from Energetic Alchemy
The Primordial Spark


Just filled the bath with cold water and ice and added epsom salt
And then I remembered


What did you remember?

Yeah, respect, jump in the cold, i hope you feel new born after that :slight_smile:

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Damn, good to know. I never poured salt in it but good to know. Yeah better dont jump in it :sweat_smile:


Yeah. And I’m kinda feeling cold already regardless to the bath. Guess I’ll go get that blood pumping. Some exercise or whatever. Need me some endorphins.

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I find people who kick puppies and eat their hearts. That always makes me feel better. Plus, iron. I wonder if the universe is going to give me a puppy now…


I ain’t got no puppy. Can I eat your heart instead?




Angelic Intercession is always what brings me back up.

They know exactly what to do, and I tend to get guidance all day on what to do, and not to after.

Then you can add:

Exercising as you pointed it out.

And finally, taking time to reflect/write, to identify the real sources of the overwhelm, so you evolve through it for next time.

Good luck man


I again forgot about journaling. Thanks for reminding me man.
And yes, angelic intercession. This is what I’m gonna listen. I’m very new to the entire realm of angels, and they keep slipping away from my attention so undeservedly.

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To be fair with you, I had HUGE resistances about it even months ago.

But at the end of the day, whatever your belief system, this is in my opinion the most easy & effective access to benevolent beings, who know what to do whatever your scenario.

And of course, gratitude & respect will boost it :slight_smile:


I know right. Haven’t I been contacted by one of them personally, I’d never be able to break through the prism of the Christian stereotypes of a white person with somehow feathered wings and a wingspan which is too small to take off the body off the ground lol.

Thank you :white_heart:


I would say, define “worst” first.
If you are above average in mood, or even above lets say, flustered, then that is enough. If your body is healthy enough to function, then that is enough. If you have desires and goals to pursue, then that is enough.

It is far easier to fall into a state of desperation, but it is much better to realse that you probably aren’t that worse off than you think you are. The mountain looks huge when you are standing right at the bottom, and it looks tiny from a far distance. It doesn’t exist once you look at yourself.

Don’t put excessive emphasis on being in high vibration or always positive, and then feeling guilty if you are not. Simply go within.


Even though I know things can always get infinitely worse and infinitely better, I can’t look past the distortions of my own mind. I can’t see clearly. I can’t see “enough”. I have hallucinations.
This picture here might interpret my feelings better.

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hmmmm it sounds pretty serious. But you can do it.
Use PoNR to enter the neutral state, and from there, redefine your story, your you who you currently are, and paint this canvas of yours in new colours and all the colours are those you want to be


I’m sorry but with all due respect you sound like a person who has never been in those shoes.
I use PoNR and have some supposingly amazing fields to help me, such as personal and emotional supporter, knight mindset, point of no return , the crucible of the past, the crucible of self love, the crucible of stored trauma, etc…
Yet here we are.

It’s like to tell a depressed person to stop being so sad. To get happy, redefine his story …

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