What does friendship mean?

I have come across the realization that friendship has fundamentally different meanings depending on the culture. What are your experiences? Do you think actual friendship is common and valued in your culture? Do you think your culture lacks friendship? Why do you think that is?
Do you wish it was different?


friendships are for me personally very important
everyone need some good friendships just to talk about some specific themes you cant talk about with other people or go for a nice trip in the nature with some friends
its also interesting watching how you friends grow as human beings over the time

Im am from russia but live in germany and in both countrys friendships have a high value I guess


Does this contradict the following?

In my opinion, there isn’t much “actual” in this realm we live in. Most things are relative.

Friendship in my definition; accepted correlation of 2 or more beings in anyway they choose. it doesn’t have to mean anything more than that although there are degrees of it.

Problems arise when the participants have different measures or expectations of the degree they correlate.


you worded this perfectly as i am in agreement. i tried to reply to OP with something similar, but i scrapped my response and i’m glad someone ‘took the words write out of my mind’.




here’s the answer. All other answer are false :stuck_out_tongue:


Not even benefits? ;)


I don’t see nothin wrong ;)

Hey you’re helping and relieving each other. What could be more friendly than that?

Friendship = Unconditional Love(real)

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And you give them pleasure unconditionally as well ;)

HAHAH glad you got the reference!

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Interesting answers so far. It kind of proves my idea in a way.
The reason why I started this topic is because I experienced that other people have different ideas of what friendship means than me. This might sound obvious and naiive but I always thought everyone agreed that friends aren’t just friends because they benefit from each other but because … there is no cause. You don’t have to be or do or have something to be friends. So in a way you could say it would be the same meaning family holds.


Why do these things have to be exclusive? Why can’t you do those things and be a friend as well? SHouldn’t you be good friends with your wife?

Honestly I’ve never been able to separate the two. Like in a strong platonic friendship with the same sex, I care the same amount as I would with a romantic partner minus the sex. And with female friends, I do have chemistry.



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I don’t think so. If you think about it, many families today aren’t really families. Children and parents are separated and put their own benefits above the unity of the family.
It’s just an observation.
There was a time when humans lived in tribes, so in a sense there was no friendship back then because everyone was part of the tribe.
Of course you would not have the same intimacy with a friend as you would have with a husband or wife or your own child, but I really believe we (most of the time) don’t really know what friendship is anymore.


Does that mean society only holds meaning when it excludes certain people?


I really don’t believe this is how it works.

And because people believe that, there is so much solitude and loneliness.
I came to the conclusions I am discussing here because I experienced how different it can be.
I experienced societies where everyone knew they were part of the same whole and it felt like a very large family. And it felt good, I must say.

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I don’t know about Carl Schmidt, but it sounds a lot like Gustave LeBone, so maybe they had similar points.
If this is true I think we are twisting the original discussion.
I am not talking about society’s morals and creeds etc. I am talking about something that is universal to all meaningful human relationships

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I think the reason why so many relationships between humans are meaningless today is because they base on the thought of getting the most out of each other, instead of giving. Or just being.

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