- What fat?

Sounds like a great idea. I’ll do that and add Belly burn as well.


My 4 week update (see previous 1 and 2 week updates above).

For week 3 and 4 I reduced my listening days and time a lot, simply due to the sinus detox symptoms.
I think week 4 I only listened to it two days. But the sinus went crazy so I stopped altogether.
Perhaps because I also played added back in 3x Plasma Flaunt/day, maybe different time of female cycle and hormones. Not sure. I have not had any “dropkicks” at all though :woman_shrugging:

My results have been great. I have not trained in the gym at all during this 4 week experiment period.
But I went today and the fat loss is obvious. My delts (shoulders) are very lean.
Also I was watching a video of me painting (I film for reels/marketing) and I noticed a big definition/groove where the Vastus lateralis (quad) meets the IT Band. So outer thigh/quad leanness.

(I am back using Muscle Roar now too.)

As mentioned above the “first” areas to cut fat have been my back, my arms, abdomen above belly button and abdomen below belly button; and then hips and thighs are a bit “slower” to cut. But as a woman that makes sense.

I still would like to cut a little more off (inner thighs, lower abdomen primarily). I will have a week off and use Muscle Roar and maybe Fat to Stem Cells. Then will try work out what play/loop time does not create the sinus detox, that I can use a little ongoing, if i need it.

As mentioned above, I have not used any other fat/weight/metabolism fields during this 4 weeks experiment.


For those who suffer from gyneco/adipo mastia, try combining gynecomastia 2.0 with this field it works faster that i could have imagined it truly is a masterpiece.


Hi HamidScooter!
KY Green Nice to see you again


i really want to try “what fat” audio but im worried ill get some saggy skin. So what audio should i use with this for that issue? I wanted to get lithe little bit of muscle like greek god to help close the gap in looser skin but not sure lmao


There’s a skin tightening field and someone gave a testimonial that fascia shake is also helpful. It wouldn’t hurt to supplement with a mini-trampoline too. :slight_smile:


I have had great results using the skin tightening field with this. Prob best not to loop what fat too much, slow and steady.


I been listening to what fat and I think its working. its Day 2 for me, Had a backdoor drop maybe idk. Too early to give full update, I smelled a slight burning smell maybe thats my fat burning? lol

I been listening to on loop for a few hours and no discomfort yet. Used 1x subconcious limits dissolver v 2.0 and 3x soul/core restoration first to help keep What fats field working stronger. Also, slight crunch on my bed to focus my energy in my Abs

edit: i think i need to listen only 3x morning a 3x night to not overdo it


I loop this at nights and Im so toned Im almost at my high school level.
If I keep doing what Im doing another month or two and I will probably look the best I ever had :stuck_out_tongue:


This field will bring us health and life quality, it’s magical :blush:
It’s true that i’ve looped this field like no other; in fact, except for this one, i don’t loop fields, but it got me back to my pre-covid weight and it will go on.
I loop the field for about 10 hours, during the day. Weight wise, i’ve lost 7 kg.

Thank you for creating this field Dreamweaver and Dr Manhattan


wow you really loop for 10 hours? thats nice but i always thought just few listens for physical fields is good enough?

I do.
As i’ve said, i don’t do it for any other field. For all the others i use the usual recommended listening (2-3 times a day).
I guess i got carried away by this one :sweat_smile:


I feel it. I personally have been neglecting some other fields and even going out because of how much my old weight dragged me down. This field works so effectively that I just want to loop it forever if I could just to wipe out all the fat that caused me so much pain in life. It’s an unhealthy way to think, I know but thankfully I don’t feel like I have much longer to worry because it’s all disappearing quickly.


So this is my 3rd or 4th update.
This field really is amazing! Whatever @Dr_Manhattan and @Captain_Nemo did here is truly exceptional :star_struck: :raised_hands: :clap:

It has stripped off fat from all the right areas and areas that would have taken months and months of HIIT to “peel” off.

I have reduced this to loop for 30-60 mins. Not every day, a few days a week.
The sinus detox has reduced by 95% when I play it. I also added in Alchemical Jing Charged Blood to Patreon Lymphatic field.

Grazie :rose: :pray:


Will this also make gaining fat harder like the fat burning genetic advantage audio? Like a permanent solution.

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Not exactly sure but here’s an anecdote;

With the amount of fat burning and how often I hit the gym, I’m carb loading just because otherwise my muscles will look small and depleted. Usually carbs will not only bloat me but make me gain weight but now it just helps with lifting and building more muscle. Some days I don’t run this field and I still feel it working for a few days.

That being said, it’s highly possible that it’s permanent since fat cells dying off make you less prone to storing it in the future at a low enough body fat amount. Perhaps not so if you are in single digit numbers, but at a regular composition of 10-15% definitely.


1st real update.

I been using this audio for solid 18 days. I never weigh myself but i already know im much more limber and getting up from indian style pose on the ground its like im an acrobat now. lol Clothes are more loose too.
I not feel negatively effected except for going to bathroom more than usually sometimes.


is bowel emptying until it hurts common with this field?
or did I eat something bad

Is anyone using this field in conjunction to the Tesofensine album & Adipose Annihilation album??


It’s pretty easy on the energetic system, right?

I’ve only had it a couple days but so far I feel almost nothing when playing it when norally im very sensitive to fields.

I assume this is a good thing for a field like this bc you can get results quicker