- What fat?

Thanks for your review. You are right about the varied experiences for this one. I wasn’t bloated but felt extremely dry lips, skin and little inflammation. I’m speculating this happens for Kapha body types.
But users have reported positive results once the body adjusted to the field. But its good to start slow 2-3x daily.

It isn’t disrespectful at all to share about other creators, in fact Sapien Medicine provided a platform for many other field creators, subliminal creators and infinite things. Thanks to Sammy and Dream in this regard.

You are free to share your thoughts or experiences about other creators exclusively in this thread,

Looking forward to more of your reviews…

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Thank you so much for your reply! I Will comment the name of the hydration field creator in the thread you suggested :blush:

Its interesting to read your thoughts on body types. I know very little about the Vata, Pitta and Kapha types. However, I’m pretty familiar with the western Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph, and I’m definitely a Mesomorph, which I guess could be translated into the Pitta type.

I have no idea what is holding me back from having faster results - could be psychological, could be chemical or something else entirely. Right now I’m testing the effects of Energy body/Aura repair - seems to be making quite a bit of difference, but the jury is still out.


I would much rather use fat to stem cells, at least the fat would be used for something constructive :)

You can also share the details of the Hydration Field via the Private Message (PM) Feature…because the Other Creator thread is just too big and your message post can easily get lost there among hundreds of other posts.

It’s been 6 days, and there aren’t any visible results yet… I might have even gained ~1kg… Could it be water retention?

I had really big hopes… Fields usually work instantly on me. The old free “Extreme Fat Burn” video was giving me visible results the next day…


If you have read all of the input from others you will notice that everyone seems to react differently based on who knows what. Just continue to use it and keep notes. Six days is not a long time, and yes the 1kg gain could be water.


Use Lymphatic Effusion +

Gotta clear out the junk.


It’s been 9 days, not much visual changes as of now, scale says I lost 0.5 kg but what I noticed is my skin is thinner now.

what they said. but also if you want, go back to the other audio and see if it does what you said.
if it does work more profoundly to you (the first one), then it means this one is also working on you but perhaps in a more behind the scenes way; that’s fine.
it might also be (imo) is because this is much less energy exhausting; this works very smoothly.

Like if you/ or anyone has used the Tesofensine album or Adipose album, I find this one (What Fat) much less exhausting energetically.
with the furnace I felt like I was in the Sahara desert (doesnt minimize its quality, it’s just there’s only so many ice chips I can have in a day).
as an analogy… hmm I’d like to think this reminds me of the Microkinesi-Therapist, but this time on fat and even more less exhausting.

also this audio is easy on the ears, it reminds me of something Imagine Dragons would play lmao

*one more thing: if you are up to it, listen to malleable ego as your pre-track to this, it aids- as said by reputable members on here- it’s done wonders for enhancing the physical morphic field stacks.

malleable ego since it wont show on gumroad:

The Malleable Ego


Thanks ladies and gentlemen.

I think Lymphatic Effusion + is actually helping. I still don’t have a weight difference, but my need to hit the bathroom has increased.

I’ll have to loop Wealth Generation++ to get The Malleable Ego one… : )


I’m inspired to do the lymphatic now, ty! And yes, looping wealth ++ for malleable ego. I feel inspired by that as well. You’re just a fountain of Inspiration today lol


Im using the lymphatic one with this also.


Within hours of using lymphatic + I had more relief than over the counter meds I had been using. Thank goodness.

Highly recommend for people who are not having the drop kick issue.


I’m confused, does this kill the fat cell even if it is empty? That would explain my skin getting thinner

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do you mean if we use lymphatic + it may speed up the process of the ‘what fat’ audio?


No, I mean if it makes you constipated :sob:


I have fun subjective results and a story :grin:
So every couple weeks for as long as I can remember I’ve asked my husband “do I look thinner” and he’ll eye me up and down and inevitably say “mmm. I can’t tell”
The dude absolutely will not lie and say I look thinner to appease me.
I asked him today (he doesn’t know about this field) and he actually said YES :raised_hands:

And for objective results… I’m down about 2 pounds in 1 week with no diet changes, eating whatever I want, listening about 5x a day

I definitely recommend keeping track of weight— it’s helping keep me motivated because i can see objective results


Congratulations on your results.

Keep in mind that while it’s a powerful creation, some of the free audios with different modes of actions can be used in tandem to speed up results.

I’m talking about to enhanced fat metabolism, weight loss combo and for men the Manly Man field :slight_smile:

They… compound



It has been very important for me to keep track of my weight and see tangible results. I’ve kept a log for the last 2 months. I weighed myself today

I’ve lost 7.3 pounds!! :partying_face: :partying_face:


Awesome, Starlight!
Gratz purple