- What fat?

Result: woke up with a lean face this morning :smiley:

Once I reach low enough body fat, I get real handsome. Exciting.

However, I noticed that I tap out at around 5-6 hours. After that I just feel gutted like a fish, the drop kicks (plural) get annoying also my temperature rises.


iā€™m really enjoying this fieldā€¦ this is a bit bizarre to explain but, here goesā€¦ while my more surface ā€˜plumpā€™ is slowly but surely altering, i feel much slimmer internallyā€¦ much more spacious and supple within the areas of internals and visceraā€¦ like everything internal has more room to move and grooveā€¦ and my body LOVES it!.. itā€™s an interesting shrink from the inside out, and this surprised meā€¦ looking forward to the continuation!..
also, i did loop it at nite and had the most incredible sleep and woke up feeling so very amazingā€¦ a fulfilling extended sleep is most foreign to me and i thought it must be some quasi result - a complete fluke, surelyā€¦ so i looped it again at nite, daring this effect to be soā€¦ again, the most surprising and gorgeous sleep!.. therefore, iā€™m all about this field!.. thank you!


Welcome @cholle :slight_smile:


Hi, @cholle - Glad you are enjoying the new field!


Could not wait anymore, purchased, look forward to exciting results!


iā€™d like to clarify what i wrote above = my more surface ā€˜plumpā€™ is not slowly but surely altering but SURELY alteringā€¦ this field has only very recently been purchased but already my clothes are fitting much more looselyā€¦ my op intended to emphasize the experience of the internal slimming - the ā€˜inside outā€™ effect - as it is most noteable and significant and interestingā€¦ also quite atypicalā€¦ in my female experience, the body is reluctant to release its inner ā€˜cacheā€™ā€¦ VERY impressive field!..


Woman here. Some reluctant baby fat to lose. I bought it yesterday and Iā€™m already very happy with the results. I breathe better (probably due to internal slimming), feel lighter, and definitely thinner. Also, the field is really pleasant, not exhauting like most of the weight loss fields. It doesnā€™t fasten the metabolism, making you impossibly hungry. I was at first considering whether to buy it or not, and I have no regret, itā€™s absolutely worth it.


For now, Iā€™ve only spent two days with this new field. On the first day, I didnā€™t have much time to test it, and I did a couple of half-hour sessions. The second day went better, where I listened to it for a couple of hours straight.

I havenā€™t noticed anything particular on a purely physical level, but I feel a burning sensation and warmth. I noticed it mainly in the thigh and buttock area. The calf and shoulder areas almost feel like theyā€™ve undergone a light workout, and even as Iā€™m writing now, I can feel them slightly sore.

Iā€™ve seen that some people have already done a couple of overnight loops, and I definitely want to try it tonight to see what comes out of it.


Anyone noticing hunger reduction?

Last two days, I have to literally force myself to eat to get enough proteinā€¦ Feel energetic all day (I am not using Brain Diet)ā€¦


yes, hunger reductionā€¦ also, enhanced awareness of patternsā€¦ i have an intense evaluation & inspection coming upā€¦ stress snacking immediately flagged itself and there was an almost automatic correction of that coping behaviorā€¦ quite fascinating bonus!


@Nicephore_Niepce That is great to hear about you feeling the results after one day! Thanks for sharing your feedback.

How many times have you listened?


I went from tight in one size of pants to wiggle room in one size smaller.

Iā€™m using older clothes again :slight_smile:

Itā€™s been 3 days.

Many years ago, with excruciating diet and exercise, I had a 6 pack. Going back there effortlessly.


Showoff :stuck_out_tongue: :grin:


It was hell, lifting weight, hours of cardios only drinking protein shakers and eating cauliflowers. I was dizzy all day and going for weeks and months to get there.

Iā€™m enjoying my revenge


Yikes, sounds awful. Enjoy your revenge body! :sunglasses:


I do the cauliflowers, protein part too. To keep my blood sugar levels in check. If your next field helps to use fat as fuel it will help with insulin resistance, diabetes. Like you are in ketosis.


Thereā€™s already couple of fields for that purpose.

Diabetes & pancreas fields, yes. But nothing to put you in ketosis, I think


Enhanced Fat Metabolism is the one.



You will like the next weight loss field :wink: :shushing_face: