What fields help with body odor/bad breath?

Hi! This question is from my brother. Things to note:

He does do the obvious and basic hygiene of brushing his teeth/tongue two times a day + showering once a day, but recently he has upped it 3:2 even though it’s kinda wasting water and has done other things to keep it in control but to no avail (expanded below).

He regularly exercises + drinks lots of water, almost 3L, and overall eats cleanly with a few cheats here and there, like any normal person.

He has taken probiotics in the past like wild oregano supplements + HyperBiotics Pro Dental + therabreath mouthwash + other supplements for bad breath and even has a tongue scrapper. He had to stop the supplements because it was expensive during + after covid and he said he hasn’t really seen significant change.

I think he has this problem where he can’t seem to stay clean/fresh all day. He says his mouth starts to feel/smell bad after an hour or two and that he sweats a lot, or that his skin (on his hands) start to feel mildly sticky and dry…maybe it’s some dry skin condition on his body. He personally thinks his sweat smells bad (even after shaved armpit, etc) even after using deodorant+BHA liquid from Corsx on clean armpits, he also feels like has a lot of earwax and that it keeps clogging his right ear.

I have a feeling he might have mild eczema if I think back. My mom said that when was a baby, he had problems with his skin being dry, shedded skin at one point in childhood, small dry patches here and there (though overall normal body skin, though, his face skin is combination oily T-Zone, but I heard that oily skin is just overly dry skin forcing the body to produce more oils due to lack of moisture… does that also explain why he sweats a lot maybe? Which creates the dry stickiness). His earwax problem (which was also a frequent ear infection problem) was explained that it was probably due to dry skin in the ear canal flaring and flaking up… it has stopped now but he can’t use anything than water to wash his outside ears because it creates painful pimples on his outside ears (though he said he has only tried soap and is scared to try anything else). Has sebhorric dermatitis on his scalp.

Sorry this was super long, I just wanted to hone it on the fact that he was not dirty nor was his problems due to that fact. Even as kids, under our strictly clean mom, he had these problems.

I think he just wants to not do the extra steps and just stay clean/fresh the entire day like a normal person would after showering and brushing up once in the morning and evening.

I don’t know much but I suggested he listen to some stem field audios cause it seems like an internal matter, but I’m not sure which target. What are your opinions?

  • his nose canal is also dry! :sob:

First I think you guys have to figure out the underlying cause. You mentioned him having symptoms since he was a kid, have any food allergy/histamine intolerance tests been done since then? Definitely consult a doctor because-

It could also be a lot of other things, hormonal etc.

For now I’m tempted to say explore the intercession audios to help lead you to the discovery of why this is so. Then when you have that, this will be a lot more straightforward!


Thank you for your reply, we have been wanting to have that done for a while, but Covid happened and put all of us in a rough spot. As soon as that’s done, will let you know.

But I guess just for now, for the time being, via morphic fields, he just wants to explore what audios you guys think would work, minimally or marginally.

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I agree with finding out the cause when you can.

In the meantime, try bacteria destroyer + fungus fields + parasite destroyer.
They’re freely available.
Also, a general detox field.

I think there are some conditions that can cause bad breath like stomach issues and maybe also diabetes (I’m not sure).


From what you describe fungus destroyer might indeed help but also I noticed some details you posted regarding his daily habits that if modified could perhaps bring improvements. He drinks 3l water per day, and (for me) it seems a lot. Given that fact could be wise to supplement trace minerals especially zinc. Also there are studies that point to mouthwash elixirs to impair the production/and life of good bacteria in the mouth, leading to the bad kind to overgrow and that fact by its turn leads to bad odor.

It’s all little aids that might come handy besides finding a more profound route cause.

Wishing his fast improvement!


Strawberry and cream


Organ related audios; some detoxing



Thank you!

Well he is 195 cm guy that exercises a lot but I’ll tell him to maybe reduce it a bit. But thank you so much for tips! Will let him know.

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Thank you so much!

Switch to 50% RAW VEGAN and 50% VEGAN diet.
After a few weeks of proper detox, the bad body odor should be gone.
Intermitting fasting with still water will also help with the detox.

The reason why babys smell good and old people stink, is because of a life long diet full of over-acidification, mucus, toxins and low quality protein (coming from dairy products and processed meat).

Nothing will help if the diet overall is not switched completely!
Diet change is not negotiable if he wants to solve most of listed problems.

Dairy products are the absolute worst and make people stink due its mucus causing effect.
Also no processed sugar and no wheat products, as these create a lot of stinky mucus as well.

YouTube is full of videos on these topics for further information.


Oh yes, that’s the ultimate goal for my whole family in the near future hopefully, that’s why I’m trying my best with wealth fields so that we can afford that consistent lifestyle (from where we live). I guess he is just looking for a temporary-permanent quick fix in this moment in time because some people, like myself, can get away with eating whatever and not smelling as bad.

This will only work short-term, at best medium-term.
But long-term, almost all people over the age of 45 start to smell bad if they have eaten the typical omnivore diet that most people eat.

As explained, a healthy diet is non-negotiable.

The body’s good smell is simply a symptom / consequence of a healthy and clean body. That’s why vegans who eat properly, don’t need a deodorant.

I highly recommend that everyone educates themselves on clean and healthy eating. This solves so many issues and health problems.
Otherwise people will need to listen to fields 24/7 at some point in their lives and it will still continue to get worse.
Health is the number 1 priority and a proper diet is 90% of what makes up health.


Yeah I agree, but like I said, we are looking for that temporary short term help via morphic fields and other solutions. We can’t help that we can’t eat a raw vegan diet at this point in time because of the financial effects of covid + us being just college students. My brother doesn’t eat complete crap and eats vegetables whenever he can, he does make the effort to eat cleanly despite money being hard to come by and it being expensive in our country.

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Oh now I see. Sorry, I kinda missed that important point.

Not sure which fields would help here fast, maybe the various detox fields:

  • FULL BODY DETOX Cleanse Liver, Lungs, Lymph and Intestines
  • Adrenal Healing and Detoxification
  • Advanced Detox and Healing of Liver Gall Bladder and Pancreas

Also, intermittent fasting is for free and would provide heavy detox within the first 48 hours.


No thank you so much! Sorry if I wasn’t clear enough, I will let my brother know!


Perhaps endocrine system?


Sorry, not everyone that is old stinks!
My mother even when she was older (into her mid-80’s) always smelled good, IDK why. My father although he sweat a lot (like me) didnt have a bad odor, (also into his mid-80’s).

And there is actually a reason for
“Old people smell”
They secrete something, especially from the back of their neck. I cant remember the name of it, will have to look it up. Answer: 2-Nonenal

What Causes Older Individuals to Smell Differently?

According to a study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, an increase of 2-nonenal is directly associated with aging. 2-nonenal is a chemical compound that is produced when omega-7 unsaturated fatty acids on the skin are degraded through oxidation. Around age 40 in both men and women, the skin begins producing more fatty acids as its natural antioxidant defenses begin to deteriorate. Hormonal changes like menopause can contribute to this chemical process as well.

As the skin grows weaker, its natural oils oxidize more quickly, producing 2-nonenal. Because it isn’t water soluble, 2-nonenal can remain on the skin despite thorough washing. Therefore, the smell persists on the body and on fabrics, even in extremely clean environments.


That study did not include the critical factor of diet into consideration and was done with just 44 people, of which most likely not a single one of them was eating healthy or at least vegan… :face_with_monocle:

Here in Germany where I live, I would say that on average at maximum 1 out of a 100 people actually have a healthy diet.

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