What Is Freedom To You?

A literal Infinity Gauntlet (comic version not weak Movie one)


Freedom, to me, is being able to do anything you want, whenever you want, however you want whilst understanding that your actions will always have consequences. This could closely tie in with morals and your own moral codes. (I chose good morals :cowboy_hat_face:)


Freedom to me is when I remember how powerful I actually am, and I live in that power in all areas of my existence here


Freedom is being God.


Freedom is something like enlightened solipsism. Solipsism is generally recognized as bad. So that’s a hard one for me to unpack. Most dicks are solipsistic. Most kind people are not. If you can somehow be both kind and solipsistic, and yet still open to new legitimate information, then that’s freedom. That’s being who you want to be. It’s breaking an F’d up feedback loop that needs to be broken. A feedback loop called socialization but which is really just fear-based enforced conformity to the illegitimate opinions of others that falsely depreciate your value to falsely increase their own.

Was that all a mess? Then just ignore it.

Freedom is the the Torsion Field audio.


No, it wasn’t, but you’re definitely playing with some really big ideas. I like it, keep at it.


I don’t think we can have total freedom in this 3D reality in the same way we experience it other dimensions. The maintenance and survival needs of the physical body alone will limit this. In many ways earth is a dimension of extreme limitation. Why do we choose this experience? I am not exactly sure. There are many different reasons for every individual. This is an important topic which isn’t discussed and addressed often enough. In my observation the two biggest obstacles that prevent more people from awakening are health and freedom. Physical health is addressed often, but not the freedom aspect. When someone has good physical health and freedom. Meaning the free time and resources to focus on their spiritual development, they progress very quickly. Most people are trapped trying to maintain their physical survival and health. They don’t have any time or energy left to focus on expanding their consciousness. Many would argue this is done deliberately to prevent people from awakening. One of my goals has been to learn how to free myself and then teach others how to do the same.


Freedom is opposite of Civilization for me.
I’m not saying Civilization is a bad thing, as its benefits far outweight its cons, but the more Civilized We are, The less freedom we have.
Basically You cant do anything if the government says its not ok. Yet the same govt provide us with safety etc.
To sum this up, I would say that Freedom is the price mankind has paid for Civilization.


Both can coexist. Humanity and Government’s need to transcend their fear based thinking for that to occur. That is why the work we do as individuals to expand our awareness and raise our consciousness is so important.


It’s universal laws that’s only right, not man-made laws. If nobody is harmed (or property) or enslaved then I don’t see why they should be a law against it. You’d be surprised how controlled things are these days, it’s like you need permission for nearly everything.


Universal law includes natural law, which includes Power, coercion and collective organization making the power of the state over the citizen right and real.

Lol, it’s just subjective as much as the notion of “right” is. One can argue that universal law amounts to practical Individualism. Doesn’t always maximize satisfaction either. Who knows anything ? Who knows for sure what the universal laws are. Simple mortal law is definite enough to allow easy organization :man_shrugging:

Can’t we have both ?

Being naked on your own in nature is freedom sure, unless you count being limited by your ability to produce and decide everything on your own. Flying, driving, that’s a form of freedom.
Maybe it’s not about right and wrong as much as a transition with a learning curve while we ascend to better. Right now humans need boundaries, that’s just the level of consciousness we operate in and sometime I’m sure you’ve benefited by boundaries whether in your childhood or else.

Some rules only makes sense on a large scale. Sure it’s not much if one person do it, but what if everyone started to do everything they wanted right now. What if millions of people in a mega city started marching backward ? That would lead to a lot of problem. What about standing up right around the corner for 8h, if millions of people do it, that would become a problem. Should we say x number of people can’t do this. No, it’s too complicated, sometimes rules are not so bad, a lot of them makes sense when you think not just of yourself.

Plus, most down sides of civilization are due to being poor or can be managed, avoided. Finding solution is possible. 99% of limitations in civilization are due to production and availability. Downgrading to wood and stone won’t fix it. Let’s go forward folks.


Freedom to me is not giving a F :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I’m talking about ‘Natural Law’ which should be the only law. If a person forces/cohearces you to do something at your own will then that’s slavery. As long as you’re not harming someone or their property then you should be allow to do and say what the hell you like and that’s true freedom. The problem is that we have a legal system and not a justice system.

People suffer because of man-made systems, ideologies and dogmas.


Hmm… why isn’t it natural law again ?
Natural law stops at force and coercion ? Why ?

Calling having to do your homework slavery is a bit much.
Isn’t there suffering even without law ?

This forum has law/rules. Some have been added. It’s part of living in a community.

What law are you referring to either way ? Please be specific

Is violence naturally illegal ? Is there a universal tribunal ?
What if it was good in the bigger scheme of things and you didn’t know ?
We don’t know. It’s subjective. It doesn’t mean that it’s meaningless, it doesn’t mean that we are powerless.

We should stand up for what we believe and if enough people agree it will be so :man_shrugging:

What is hurting you ? How ? How much of that depends if your subjective interpretation, can it be a short term pain leading to better ? Maybe nothingness/ death was the way to go. Maybe you should experience something.

Can wearing the wrong type of clothes be offensive and hurt someone’s feeling ? How about a way of walking ? Where is the limit on hurting ? Is it stabbing ? Is it destabilizing and creating chaos in an organization ? Loss of profits, reputation ?

Does unintentional damage or neglect counts in hurting ? Does the meaning of hurt change depending on perception to some degree ? Is it different from people to people ?

If you know a universal law beyond causation, please share.
What are the rules we should follow ? Teach me the universal law.

PS: lol, I agree that we should be allowed as much as possible. My point is that universal law is BS like the rest. No one knows it. The minute we accept it, some a-hole will highjack the system and legitimize his BS with it.
It’s just people experiencing life and making stuff up, that universal law will be a human law.


Freed myself and just enjoying life. Walking down the street without fear :sweat_smile::joy:. Cycling and listening to music. Traveling too.


Oh I would not be suprised I believe :stuck_out_tongue:
Yes people suffer because of man made systems but people also thrive beacuse of them.
So for me its suffering and frustrating sometimes to function in society but I still consider it it worth it.
I mean majority of people on this forum have easy access to food, roof over their head and so on and thats something we have thanks to living in a man made structure.
If man made strutctures would not exist then what would We do with Your freedom?
It would be hunting animals for food and walking wherever we want, maybe also sleeping as much as we want but that would be about it.
I mean if You summarize the totaliity of things that Civilization or man made sturctures have given us is rather mind blowing and while I dont consider myself free because Im part of society/civilization I also consider for an survival and evolutionary standpoints it was still worth it for Humanity to sacrifice freedom of its members for what we have today.
@Dr_Manhattan Yeah I agree 100% I mean often when people think & talk about nature it seems that they take only butterflies, trees and flowers within it, forgetting that the nature itself is quite unforgiving and ruthless.
If anything I would argue that the Natural Law (if understood as a Law of Nature) is pro violence and pro abuse because when Civilization is not here to stop opressor from opressing others then what in Earth potentialy could stop him?
Nature is as pro violence and pro coercion as it gets.


freedom is a world with out money and proper social systems


I was out with some friend’s recently and listening to them I realized the root of what they were all seeking was more freedom.

One wanted more time to spend with their family, another wanted to be able to work on his art more, another desired to devote more time to spiritual practices. The core of all of it was more freedom. It would be wonderful if there was a field that helped us feel the feelings of freedom. That would help more people manifest it into their experience.


In the sci-fi series The Orville, they don’t have money because they have technology that allows them to create anything inanimate for building, creating, and consumption.

while walking my dog i had a daydream about being a child again. life felt more free because i had no responsibilities to think about and i had everything i needed.

morphic fields that i think could help here are:

  • The Fool from Arcana Archetypes 2
  • Death from Arcana Archetypes 3
  • Childlike Wonder
  • Youth Recapture
  • Regain Your Innocence

Most advanced civilizations don’t use money. We have had free energy technology for decades, but it is suppressed from the general population. A larger percentage of humanity needs to evolve their consciousness out of fear based thinking before it will change.