What is going on with my life? Huge Sudden back pain, can't move properly

Please send me healing and help me with this issue.
I could barely stand up on my butt, the pain was excruciating…

Above my ass, in the left part.

The nerves, some hips or back trouble?

I’m listening to hip flexors field and I can move better, but Idk if I can stand up… :cry:

What are your recommendations?

What fields, etc.?

Also, I will only go to the hospital if it’s absolutely necessary…
I just went there recently.

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I’ve had some killer back pain from labouring jobs.

It’s always been temporary, usually it’s just a pinched nerve or something. In my experience, it feels way worse than it is.

Go to a physiotherapist or a massage therapist. They’ll work the kinks out then rest for a day or two.

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Thank You.

Can anyone please check my internal organs, my spine, my nerves and overall health (if you can view/analyze these things)?

So what I’m asking for is a check up, if anyone who can do this does want to do it.

I Managed to stand up and walk slowly, but I need to watch my every move. :cry:
It was a very painful process…
Also, theres pain in my abdominal area and the bladder area, but only a little.
It might radiate from my hips/backs or the other way, may be an organ (?) which is in some trouble (?),…
That’s why I asked for a checkup, again, if anyone wants to do it.

If anyone has sent me any healing, prayers, etc., I Thank You with All My Heart. :pray:

Apparently my Karma and My personal Astrological chart are kinda testing/hitting me, for a while now…

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I feel ya man. I have a lot of pain in my hands and struggle with depression and constant paranoia; every day is just a never-ending battle. Luckily though, I have a stack that prevents it’s severity or from getting out of control.

If you have the premium subscription on Patreon, there’s the GHK-Cu Peptide, which is meant for skin but also can be used for bones too (your back).

There is also Brain and Spine Antioxidant Complex (Inflammation Help) field but this is more around the spine. You can give it a try I suppose…

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Seems like a stomach issue. I had this pain back in 2017. Couldn’t move too. Have you been try to change your dietary?

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I’m sending you healing energies, I hope you recover quickly :pray:


Thank You Very Much for Your Replies, Healing and Suggestions. :pray::heart:

I’m gonna use it on a daily basis from now on.
As for the Premium one, no I don’t have it (I don’t have any current Patreon subscription, for a few months now; until I get rid of debt, it seems that my bank account is friezed and I can no longer even use my mom’s credit card, it always gets rejected when it comes to all websites available (from where I could buy fields)…

Yeah, I’ve tried to change it, also had some nausea, stomach trouble and other related issues (Intestinal, Hemorrhoids) like 2-3 days ago.
I’m already using Intestinal and stomach fields, also all sorts of healing fields, including The Advanced Healer.

Thank You So Much. :pray:
I Really Appreciate The Healing You Sent.
For now, this morning I could barely get up from bed, the pain was very bad, but with fields and the healing you sent, it got better.
At least I can walk, but this whole thing is quite bad.

Edit: the (main) issues are the back/hips and also moving/(certain) movements and walking (walking got easier)…
I’ll probably need to see a doctor or go to the emergency later or I’ll try to stay home today, if I can.

You still eat meat? My case was on vegan diet. And it fucked my stomach so badly

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I Reintroduced some meat in my diet (I was a vegetarian for years), mostly fish.
However, I only did it due to my recent health issues, so hopefully I’ll get back to being vegetarian (i found it more compatible with my life vision).

Yeah, unfortunately vegan can be kinda harsh…

All the fields I could think of have already been suggested so I’ll just add (as someone hauling heavy things for a living) that don’t stop moving. If the pain allows you to walk or even do a very tiny gentle stretch - do it. Don’t allow yourself to be completely still for long periods of time. In my experience that makes it worse.

I’ll call the angels via the intercession field and keep my thumbs up for you :heart:


Thank You So Much. :pray::heart:

Yep, that’s how it works (after a few hours of sleep it was difficult to even get up from bed), but the issue is that I also have an infection, Idk what type, maybe viral, and I have headaches, fatigue, occasional nausea etc., so I gotta stay in bed too.

However, I will try to move, walk more often.
Rest isn’t that good for this problem…

Update: I did some research and found out that the causes for the lower back pain (my left part) can be diverse, from colon injury, to kidneys and pancreas issues, among other possible causes.

Currently I’m listening to all sorts of fields.

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Intestinal disorders can cause lower back pain. This connection between the intestines and the lower back can be explained in several ways:

  1. Inflammation and bloating: Intestinal disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or intestinal infections, can cause bloating and inflammation in the abdominal area. This excessive pressure on internal organs can affect the muscles and nerves in the lower back, leading to lumbar pain.

  2. Muscle tension: Abdominal pain associated with intestinal disorders can cause tension in the abdominal muscles and those in the lower back. This muscle tension, due to posture or compensatory movements to relieve pain, can result in lower back pain.

  3. Visceral-somatic link: Digestive organs are innervated by nerves that pass through the spine. Dysfunction or irritation of these organs can lead to referred pain, where the brain interprets pain from the organs as being located in the lower back.

  4. Constipation: Constipation, a common intestinal disorder, can cause an accumulation of feces and gas in the colon, leading to pain and cramps in the abdomen. This pressure can also cause pain in the lower back.

  5. Structural issues: More severe conditions, such as an abdominal hernia or inflammation of the intestine (as in Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis), can exert direct pressure on the spine and cause lower back pain.

In summary, intestinal disorders can indeed cause lower back pain due to the complex relationship between internal organs, nerves, and the muscles in the lower back. If you experience lower back pain associated with intestinal disorders, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What has been your diet for the past few days?

Perhaps doing intermittent fasting would allow you to reduce the pain and speed up the healing process.

If it is related to the sciatic nerve, be careful not to sit too much or handle heavy loads.

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Intuitively speaking I get the feeling you should be using the Urinary Tract field and the gallbladder one, hope it gets better.

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Tuna fish salad, some yogurt, fruits, kefir, coffee, these I can remember atm.

Thank You for the tip.
I can’t sit too much since it would get worse. :sweat_smile:

Fortunately I feel much better, thanks to the many fields which I have listened to, from

to Intestinal fiekds, Hemorrhoids, wounds, spinal and hips, stem cells, Jing, viruses and Microorganisms fields (for my current infection, not even the doctors from the hospital could pinpoint what exactly raised my temperature a few days ago; I also use meds, besides fields), etc.

The pain is vastly reduced, my mobility is way better, but I feel that I will need to continue with those many and diverse fields for a while.

Your Intuition seems to be spot on, at least on some of the issues.

Thank You Very Much :pray: and Thank You Everyone :heart: for Your Care, Healing, Good thoughts, Replies, etc.

It seems that somehow I will get better, and much faster than I anticipated initially, yet I will always have to exercise more, be more active and continue with a larger array of fields.


Not Medical Advice.

Sounds like the sciatic nerve. YouTube has an almost infinite number stretch videos. As for fields, Hip Flexors, acu-automation, the various tap fields, and so forth.

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Thank You Very Much for The Reply and The suggestions. :pray::heart:
It’s Quite Possible that it’s the sciatic nerve.

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Thank You Very Much. :pray::heart:

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I’ve had the same exact problem this week, lower back left side. It locked up around Tuesday I think. It’s an old injury that gets aggravated sometimes, but I’ve done a lot of work over the years to strengthen and reinforce everything in the area. Glutes/abs/hip flexors/hamstrings/lats are all just downstream.

Someone said don’t stop moving, I agree. Easy walking, rocking on all fours with nodding, hanging from a bar or tree limb, and the one that works for me every time is floor sleeping. I’ve slept on the hard floor with just a yoga mat every night since and it’s made a huge difference in a short amount of time. Flat on my back, helps that whole area release and be stable in a neutral position.

It’s always slow going, and nothing really works until the whole thing calms down. I would recommend fields focused on grounding, inflammation reduction and nerve healing. Don’t forget a dose of that good plasma beach, too.

Hope you start feeling better soon.