What is the fate of those who listen to pirated fields?

I don’t know what happens to those who listen to pirated fields.
Most likely the fields just do not work for them and that’s it.

But with regards to those who steal and distribute pirated fields, my personal understanding about their “fate” is this:

Just like with all criminals, who are all low self-esteem manipulators and thieves, they stay in LOW VIBRATION and even lower their vibration further the more low vibe stuff they do.


The result is basically the opposite of Ascension, meaning DESCENSION.

Descension means they will get all the opposite effects of what ascension (raising vibration) brings.
Check out this list and invert the benefits into their opposites.
Then you will see what lowering of one’s vibration causes:

Also, if they remain long enough in that low vibe state, life after death might end up as a hellish experience for them.
A long term hellish experience :expressionless:.
I am not joking about this.
Enough recorded reports from astral life regressions and from astral travel reports out there. People can visit these hellish lower astral planes by themselves if they do astral projection but I would highly advise to not do so.

So all of this has nothing to do with “karma” actually, just that those folks are digging their own long-term pit by not realizing what they are doing to themselves.
In that state of low vibration they will literally experience ALL the negative consequences of having a low vibration and there is not much they are able to do about it because at that low level there is almost no free will!

Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate.
“Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.”
– Dante